Dai Yuexing's face turned pale in an instant, "adults..."

Xue an waved her hand and said with a smile, "from the beginning, you've been ready for both hands."

"Like the water curtain you recorded! If I lose, none of this has happened. Am I right? "

Dai Yuexing lowered her head, her eyes were full of fear and fright, and her whole body began to tremble.

The old villain, who had been sitting on the ground, stood up excitedly and said, "Lord Xue, what you said is absolutely right. This woman is extremely vicious. Don't be blinded by her performance."

Xue an nodded with a smile, "that's good. Come here!"

The ancient evil heart a joy, also thought his performance moved Xue an, hastily flatter smile to come forward.

But just came near, Xue an raised his hand is a slap in the face.


After a crisp sound, Koo rolled and flew out. After landing, the other half of his face also quickly swelled up.

See the swelling is very uniform ancient evil, a blank look at Xue an, seems not to understand why he will be beaten.

Xue an clapped his hands slowly and said coldly, "you're not even hairy!"


This lets Gong Xueman of one side cannot help laughing out a voice, the result is her brother Gong Changyue mercilessly stare at.

Gong Xueman quickly covers his mouth, but he still can't help looking at Xue an secretly.

At the moment, Mr. Xue felt that she was acting like a child!

Especially that sentence, you are not long hair, really let people can't help laughing.

Just then.

A dozen streamers suddenly appeared in the sky and flew to the field in an instant.

After landing, Zhuge banzang and Zhuge Xuanqing were all surprised. They rushed forward and bowed to the dignified middle-aged man at the front of the team.


There was a violent commotion, and many people took a breath.

"Is this the master of Zhuge family, who has been famous for a hundred years and even known as a little chess master?"

People are wondering.

This Zhuge principle breathed a sigh of relief after seeing his son who had been missing for more than ten years.

"Banzang! Are you all right? "

"Go back to father, the child is OK!"

At the same time.

Those elders who came with Zhuge yuan were furious.

"What about the old bastard of Tianzhao chess master?"

"Yes, what about the old man? How dare you use this despicable means to deal with my grandson? I must play with him today

Any one of these old people who come out is a strong chess player at the ancestral level. In terms of seniority, they are all the grandfathers of Zhuge banzang.

At ordinary times, these people are eating and dying in the Senate. Frankly speaking, they seem to be mascots.

But the current two days, Zhuge Xuanqing sent back the message to Zhuge home, the whole Zhuge family are boiling!

Everyone was furious, because Tianzhao chess master's behavior has seriously lost the bottom line, and even openly became the enemy of Zhuge family.

After hearing the words, the old men who were half buried in the earth were even more angry. The three corpse gods jumped and the five spirits were so bold and arrogant that they wanted to play with the chess master Tianzhao.

Therefore, the Zhuge family's lineup can be described as super luxury.

The people of Zhuge family also know that Tianzhao chess master is not easy to be provoked, so they usually can bear it.

But I can't bear it. In the words of an ancestor of Zhuge family, the other side has already shied on his head. How can he bear it?

So they're here for a big fight.

But I didn't expect that after waiting here, his son Zhuge banzang was standing there. Although his clothes were a little ragged, he was in good condition.

This can not help but let Zhuge yuan a little surprised.

At this time, Zhuge Xuanqing giggled, "you don't have to look for it. The master of chess has already died that day! The one who used despicable means to imprison my brother was a chess slave named Huo Geng

With that, Zhuge Xuanqing told the story roughly once.

All the people of Zhuge family, including Zhuge yuan, gradually widened their eyes.

Because they didn't expect that there was such a complicated reason.

Finally, Zhuge Xuanqing solemnly introduced: "ancestors, father! This Mr. Xue is the one who saved my brother! "

Zhuge yuan looked at xue'an, his expression gradually became solemn.

Because he was shocked to find that he could not see through the young man at all.

Then he bowed his hand respectfully and said, "Mr. Xue, you are the benefactor of Zhuge family if you save banzang! My Zhuge family will try to repay you

Xue an looked at Zhuge yuan with a smile and said, "Oh, how are you going to repay me?"Zhuge was hesitant.

At the same time, the ancestors of Zhuge family behind him said in great surprise.

"This doll is not simple!"

"Yes! I have just looked at this man with the skill of face-to-face, but I have got nothing! "

"Yes, I have just divined three divinations, but the results of divination are different, and An old man with white eyebrows said in dismay.

"And what?"

"And when I think about divination again, I find that it can't be divination in any case. It's as if I'm afraid of this person even though I'm still in the dark."

These words let these ancestors all take a deep breath, and then look at each other, see the shock in each other's eyes.

If you can really let heaven and earth are afraid of the number, then how amazing the identity of this young man?

Xue an naturally heard these words. He glanced at the old men with white hair and a faint smile.

"What did you just call me?"

"Doll! What's wrong with age? " Said an old man.

It was the diviner who spoke.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Of course, there is nothing wrong with it." Then he looked at the money in the hand of the old man and gave a faint smile.

"It seems that your Zhuge family has the potential to be a prodigy. You have inherited all the skills of Zhuge Laoer!"

This changed the atmosphere in the field, and the expressions of Zhuge yuan and these ancestors became ugly.

Especially this divination ancestor, a face angry said: "doll, you'd better pay attention to your words!"

Xue an laughed, and then sighed, "it's a pity that you can only use six money. It's far from nine yuan."

The divination ancestor's eyes widened instantly, "you How do you know that? "

Zhuge family's money divination is the most famous except chess.

But most people don't understand the key points.

But the young man opened his mouth and said the concept of the number of one yuan.

"Me? Not only do I know this, but I also know that Zhuge Laoer, who created fortune telling, can even take nine yuan with him. When he reaches that level, he can even spy on the fate of the Immortal Emperor! " Xue an stood with his hands down and said calmly.

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