If Xue an just let these people feel astonished, then when Xue an said these words, these ancestors all burst into color.

At this time, Zhuge took a deep breath and whispered a few words in his father's ear to some of his ancestors.

The onlookers didn't hear what they said.

But when Zhuge banzang finished, he looked at Zhuge yuan and several ancestors of the Zhuge family. The discontent had been swept away, replaced by the unprecedented awe and awe.

"Master, please forgive me for not being able to recognize you Zhuge Yuan said respectfully.

However, those ancestors, who did not care about their dignity, went to Xue an one after another.

"Forgive me, master!"

"Please forgive me

This scene shocked countless people, because they could not understand the identity of the young man who killed Huo Geng and suppressed the whole audience. He could make the arrogant Zhuge family so respectful.

And Dai Yuexing on one side, is full of fright to look at, in the heart agitation incomparable.

She has tried her best to elevate Xue an's strength and identity, but she didn't expect to underestimate this teenager.

"Master, what are you going to do with the next thing?" Zhuge yuan asked respectfully.

Now, if Zhao Qisheng falls down today, and the strength of Tianzhao star field is greatly damaged, there must be a solution to this matter.

If according to the previous plan, Zhuge yuan would not hesitate to take over the Tianzhao star region, but now Xue an is here, he naturally has to ask Xue an's opinion.

Xue an smiles, "over the past hundred years, Tianzhao Xingyu has done countless wrong things under the guidance of Huo Geng. Now the dust returns to the dust, which is the time for liquidation! As for the rest, I don't care about it! "

Zhuge origin nods, "understand!"

But Xue an's words made a great stir in the scene.

Those in the mind of the ghost of Tianzhao chess players pale, and many of the nature is not bad, or has not done anything wrong chess players are a long breath.

Anyway, just have a clear statement.

But Dai Yuexing, who was full of hope to take this opportunity to keep the family's glory, turned pale, because she knew that Xue an's simple words would make all her wishful thinking fail.

At the same time, Xue an left in Zhuge family.

From the beginning to the end, Xue an did not take the eye to see Dai Yuexing and the ancient evil.

It's like they're air.

Dai Yuexing looks at Xue Anyuan's back, shivering all over, and his fingers and joints become pale because of excessive force.

Laughably, I thought that these calculations could play a role, but I didn't think that all the painstaking efforts were not comparable to the casual words of others.

In the face of absolute power, all rhetoric and intrigue are useless! Dai Yuexing thought of it in her heart.

As for Gu evil and Yuan Zhentian, although they are not as long-term as Dai Yuexing thinks, they also smell out that the atmosphere is not right.

Xue an's final words of liquidation made them both feel frightened, and the look of people around them made them even more frightened.

So they looked for a chance and left in dismay.

At this point, the matter here has come to an end.

The people of Zhuge family followed Xue an back to the inn where he lived.

Wait for the door.

Including the ancestors of Zhuge family, all of them knelt down in unison.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Xue an did not dodge, but quite frankly accepted their worship, and then said faintly, "all get up!"

Hearing his words, these people dare to stand up.

Then Zhuge yuan asked respectfully, "my Lord, how did you come here?"

Xue an said faintly: "Oh, I passed by the nearby star field, and happened to meet Gong's brother and sister, so I came to join in the fun."

Zhuge yuan noticed the Gong brothers and sisters standing not far away, and nodded to them.

"I didn't expect that the descendants of Gong's family are here too!"

At the moment, Gong Changyue has already fallen into a state of petrifaction, because he never expected that Mr. Xue's background was so big that Zhuge's family would hold Junior ceremony.

What is his identity?

Gong Changyue is thinking about it. Gong Xueman pushes him for a moment. Gong Changyue wakes up and says in a hurry: "younger Gong Changyue, I've met master Zhuge!"

That naive appearance, let Zhuge Xuanqing hate a bite of teeth, can't help but turn his head, too lazy to look again.

"What are you doing here?" Zhuge yuan asked, "if you need to use our place, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Yes! My Lord, do as you please! I will go through fire and water The ancestors of Zhuge family clapped their chests one after another.Especially that divination ancestor, excited eyes are red.

You know, what he worshiped most in his life was his ancestor Zhuge Zang, but since his ancestor Zhuge Zang disappeared in the sky 300 years ago, there has been no news.

I didn't expect to see my ancestor's best friend today, and he was also a strong man with amazing accomplishments.

How could he not be excited.

Xue an sniffed and laughed, "it's not a big deal. I'm going to take this route to the divine world."

"The divine world?" Zhuge yuan couldn't help exclaiming.

And the rest of the people, their faces all became dignified.

"My Lord, what are you going to do in the divine world?"

"Ask for some debt!" Xue an said lightly.

These words let the people of Zhuge family look at each other, and they all see the horror in each other's eyes.

That's the divine world!

Although there are numerous practitioners in the sky, the strong ones emerge one after another!

But in ancient times, the heaven was the land of gods.

Although the gods have fallen behind, we can see how powerful the protoss is.

Nowadays, the divine world is isolated from the heavens and rarely appears in ordinary times. Therefore, many people don't feel much about the Protoss.

As an ancient family with a long history, the people of Zhuge family naturally understand how dangerous the divine world is.

But they didn't dare to say anything more. They just said after a moment's silence.

"My Lord, it is true that the celestial sphere can lead to the divine world, but the divine world is called the small heavens, and the space is extremely vast. Among them, it is said that there are ancient gods sleeping. If you go, you should be careful!"

Xue an smiles and nods, "I understand!"

In the next few days, people from Zhuge's family arrived one after another, and what happened in Tianzhao Xingyu had already spread.

As Xue an said, the dust returns to the dust, and the vengeance is avenged, and the unjust is vindicated.

The whole celestial sphere became completely disorganized.

And the Zhuge family also took advantage of this opportunity to successfully occupy the Tianzhao star region.

When all the dust has settled.

The pattern of Tianzhao star region has been completely changed. The Dai family is only left in the previous three families, and the Gu family and yuan family have disappeared.

All the new forces have come to the fore.

But the most powerful one is Zhuge family.

And the Gong family of Tianmu star also took advantage of this opportunity to turn the tables successfully and become a world-class powerful family.

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