"My Lord, are you really not going with me?" Zhuge asked with regret.

Xue an patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "you'd better practice my mind skill here! When I come back, I hope to see that you can surpass Zhuge Laoer! "

“……。” Zhuge banzang, of course, did not dare to answer this question, so he shut his mouth.

Then Xue an looks at Gong Changyue with a smile, pulls it over, and whispers in his ear.

"Boy, if you really like it, you can go after it boldly. With your present status, no one dares to stop you! Do you understand? "

Gong Changyue is stunned, and then subconsciously looks at Zhuge Xuanqing in the distance.

It happened that Zhuge Xuanqing also looked at here at the moment. Both sides looked at each other. Then Zhuge Xuanqing's face turned red and quickly moved away from his eyes.

Xue an laughs and pats Gong Changyue on the shoulder.

"Boy, take good care of it."

With that, Xue an boarded the starboat and disappeared in the Starry Sea.

It's not too big.

But this is not very large compared to other large star regions. In fact, even at the speed of starboat crossing, it will take several months to cross the whole star region.

According to the star map presented by Zhuge family, Xue an flies to the space-time void in the middle of the star field.

Huhu and Yan Yingzhong didn't let Han Ying and others out of the building.

As soon as Hu Ying came out, she began to complain.

"Brother Xue, why did you keep us there for so long? What a bore

Although an Yan did not say, but also look at Xue an with questioning eyes.

Xue an laughs, "that day, behind the stars are the gods. Although these gods are not ancient gods, their strength is good. If you are outside, it is easy to lead to danger."

"Cut, I'm not afraid!" Hu Ying looks scornful.

Xue an hit her on the head. "Are you afraid I'll take you back to Qingqiu?"

Hu Ying immediately withered, "brother Xue, you are my brother! I'll do whatever you want, as long as you don't send me back to Qingqiu! "

"Why are you so afraid to go home?"

"Of course, I'm afraid. You don't know how boring it is in Qingqiu. It's a fox when you open your eyes all day, and a fox when you close your eyes all day long. You're bored to death!"

"Aren't you a fox, too?" Zhang Xiaoyu inserted a sentence.

The voice has just dropped.

Hu Ying's face suddenly cooled down and took a palm.

Zhang Xiaoyu lies on the ground directly, and her tentacles are squashed by the huge pressure. She can't help but Scream: "I'm wrong, auntie, I'm wrong, I don't dare any more!"

After being abused daily, Zhang Xiaoyu finally became honest.

Xue an stood in front of the porthole, looking out at the stars flying past, did not know what was thinking.

An Yan walked to him and said in a soft voice, "my husband What are you looking at? "

"Nothing, I was just thinking What will the divine world, which has renounced itself from the heavens, look like now

At this point, Xue an's eyes flashed a complex light.

There is also a better known name for the space-time void, called wormhole.

This is a natural passage of time and space connecting the heavens.

As a matter of fact, if it was not for the fact that the divine world was self appointed, Xue an could have followed the path of rescuing Huo Geng from the original claw detection to the divine world with his present strength.

No way, now Xue an has to follow the guide of the star map, step by step from the wormhole into the divine world.

Ten days later.

The unchanging starry sky has changed. The originally sparse stars begin to become dense, and the starlight even lights up the whole porthole. At first glance, the sky seems to be a flawless silver mirror, which is dazzling.

But under this kind of beautiful scenery, hidden is the turbulent danger.

Because the stars are very dense, the starboat across the sea will also be affected by the four sides of gravity.

This kind of power may not be noticeable in the open starry sky, but when it comes here, it suddenly becomes powerful.

Walking among them, the weak will be directly torn by this huge force.

This is certainly not difficult for Xue an, but to be on the safe side, Xue an still let an Yan and Hu Ying enter the Fubao building, and then directly control the whole star boat with the divine mind, and cross the sea of death covered with reefs in a strong posture.


After another three days of travel, the originally dense starry sky is suddenly open, but in the center of the star field, there is a dark sphere tearing the sky with incomparably strong gravity.

This is where the passage of time and space is, but it can be seen that it has been abandoned for a long time.

Because if it was a normal wormhole, it would never be like this. It would have been suppressed by the strong.

At the moment, this terrible gravity seems to feel someone coming, the power is as turbulent as the waves, and even bend and stretch the light.But for Xue an, such wonders are just idle.

Because Xue an has seen those black bodies that often span more than a dozen star regions, and can even trap the powerful ones in them.

By contrast, this black body is just like a baby, just want to laugh.

Xue an stomped his feet suddenly. His mind was like the sea, and he wrapped the whole starboat. In order to be safe, Xue an gave the star boat more than a dozen Dharma Seals in an instant. Then he suddenly accelerated and went straight to the wormhole.

A huge force is like a bloodthirsty beast, roaring to tear the small star boat apart. When they touch the star boat, they are like the waves meeting the impregnable rocks, and they break apart instantly.

In this way, the starboat flies through the sea of gravity at an astonishing speed, and at a certain moment, it disappears into the void and enters the passage.

This kind of time and space passage, which is out of repair for a long time, is full of all kinds of dangers. Maybe an insignificant turbulent flow of time and space can make a real immortal strong person fall.

However, Xue an strides across it like a leisurely walk, and in a few breathing time, he walks most of the passage.

But just as he was about to walk out of the passage, the seal like six pointed stars appeared in front of him.

Seems to feel the arrival of the star boat, the six pointed star showed a double headed God, and then ferociously roared.

"The road is blocked. Get out of here!"

The sound pulls the void, so that the pressure in front of the star boat suddenly increases, forcing the speed of the star boat to slow down.

If it is other people, it is estimated that they have already been flustered.

Xue an was standing in front of the porthole with a negative hand and a cold smile, "it seems that there is a ghost in my heart! Otherwise, how could it be so strict that even the wormhole should be sealed with the seal of God

With that, Xue an continued to urge the star boat to fly forward.

Seeing that the little star boat dared to ignore his own warning, the God could not help but roar, waving the huge hammer in his hand to fall.

But at this time, Xue an raised his hand and saw a sword in front of the star boat.

The sword is very small in the vast void, but it cuts through the void with an unstoppable momentum.


The movement of the statue stagnated, and then a crack gradually appeared from the middle of his forehead, and finally exploded.

And Xue an is at the moment manipulating the star boat, directly through the layers of seals, into the divine world!

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