This is a boundless Black Sea, the surging tide is constantly surging, and from time to time there are huge waves up to thousands of feet high.

And the sky is covered by eternal clouds, and the only light between heaven and earth is the huge thunder that crosses the whole sky from time to time.

The roar of thunder mixed with the roar of the tide made the heaven and earth as terrible as hell.

But in this extremely harsh environment, there is a huge ship on the sea is slowly passing by.

This huge ship is about ten miles in size. It's like a moving island.

The whole body of the huge ship was black, and even the deck had a cold metallic luster.

And on the bare hull, there are many layers of Dharma array.

Whenever there is a big wave, these arrays will show the way of brilliance, protecting the whole hull.

Even so, compared with the vast and dark sea, the huge ship is still very small.


Above the bow of the great ship, the atmosphere was oppressive.

Meng Lei, an experienced old captain, looked very dignified. "Miss, you'd better go back to the cabin."

Standing in front of the bow, she was wearing a long purple dress with a clear and beautiful face, but she shook her head pale when she saw that she was no more than eighteen or nine years old.

"Uncle Meng, I can't go! This cargo is too important to Zhuo's family. There can't be any loss! "

"But you are too dangerous here Meng Lei is anxious.

The girl didn't respond. She just looked up at the dark sky and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Meng, such a weather Have you seen it? "

Meng Lei hesitated for a moment and finally sighed, "Miss, I can't deceive you! To tell you the truth, I have traveled through this sea of punishment for hundreds of years, but I have never seen such bad weather! "

The girl's teeth clenched her lips, and her face became very ugly. "Can our boat cross this sea of divine punishment?"

Meng Lei some dejected shook his head, "I don't know! This sea of punishment, which I have dealt with for half my life, has become more and more difficult for me to see through! Although the environment was bad, it was not as violent as it is now. And this kind of scene has become more and more frequent in recent years! "

The girl was about to speak when she saw a thunderbolt splitting the sea in the far sky.


After a big bang.

There was a roar from the sky, which made the whole sea tremble.

It's as if under the sea there's a giant beast roaring in pain and fighting the thunder.

All the people on this huge ship were turned pale by this situation.

As an experienced old captain, Meng Lei was shocked all over his body, and then said in a trembling voice: "it's God's punishment! There are monsters under the sea who are being punished by God

The voice was full of fear.

It's no wonder he's afraid.

Because whenever there is a divine punishment of thunder down, it means that the beast under the sea has been punished. In this way, the giant beast will be crazy for it.

In this case, for passing ships, it means disaster.

So he yelled, "push on, get out of here!"

At an order, the ship is full of motion.

The strong sailors began to adjust the sails of psychic power crazily, and pushed the power core of the ship to the maximum.

The huge ship began to speed up gradually, and then sped off into the distance.

But before the ship left the sea, another thunderbolt came down.

At the same time, in this ocean, there is a huge squid dehydration, and then directly meet the thunder light.


After a loud noise, thunder splashed everywhere, and the huge squid roared with pain, waved its tentacles all over the sky, and then fell down heavily.

The splashing waves made the whole ship tremble.

Meng Lei was pale to the extreme. He looked at the water and said, "it's over! It's all over! "

The girl exclaimed, "Uncle Meng, what's the matter?"

Meng Lei seems to have lost his soul in general, stupidly said: "we can't run away!"

As he said that, he suddenly remembered something and yelled: "Miss, go back to the cabin and leave here with the teleport sign!"

The girl was stunned.

She did not understand why Uncle Meng was so moved.

What's more, the teleportation symbol that can be transmitted in this place of God's punishment is so precious that even the Zhuo family can't afford such a cost, so they will never use it unless they have to.

But in this stupefied effort, I saw a huge tentacle with a hundred miles out of the water suddenly, and then the twisted knot fell towards the huge ship.


After a bright light flashed, the tentacle was flicked away.

However, at the same time, the array carved on the hull also burst one by one.Under the sea came a roar of a giant beast, and then saw several huge tentacles out of the water at the same time, toward the huge ship will be hit.

Seeing this, all the sailors and captains on the huge ship were frightened and despairing.

Because compared with this giant beast, this huge ship is just like a toy.

The defensive array has just burst, and the whole ship will be destroyed by this tentacle.

Meng Lei suddenly gritted his teeth, and then rushed forward to protect the girl under his body, and at the same time, his body showed the brilliance of Taoism.

"Uncle Meng!" The girl gave a cry of surprise.

"Miss, don't move, or you will be doomed!" Meng Lei said solemnly.

But it was just then.

There was a sudden twist in the void, and then a starboat burst out.

The spectacle surprised the people on the ship.

Uncle Meng was even more surprised.

Then I heard a voice of interest from the star boat.

"Interesting! Is there such a pure beast here? "

Say, see star boat before showing a little light.

This light appears so small in this world, but as bright as a star diamond.

Then the light expanded rapidly, and a sword was formed in an instant, which was cut down with an unstoppable momentum.

After a muffled sound, several tentacles out of the water were cut off.

The giant squid let out a howl of pain, and then several tentacles went straight to the star boat in the sky.

But at this time, the star boat appeared before a light figure of youth.

When this figure appears between heaven and earth, the giant squid seems to have seen something extremely terrible. It instantly takes back its tentacles, and then goes straight into the sea and runs away in a hurry.

For a moment.

All the clouds are closed and the fog is dispersed.

All the people on the giant ship were staring at the figure in the void.

Then the young man looked down at the huge ship, and his mouth showed a faint smile.

"Interesting. Is this ship yours?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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