All the people on the boat were staring at the young man standing in the air.

Including the captain Meng Lei, at the moment also fell into a state of consternation and fear.

You know, that ocean beast is at least a semi God level strong one!

This young man looks so scared that he can't escape?

What kind of strength does he have to be?

Is it a strong man of partial God level?

Meng Lei is in doubt.

One side of the girl step forward, very respectful bow salute, "respect the strong, thank you for your help! This ship belongs to our Zhuo family

Naturally, it was Xue an.

After breaking the seal in the passage of time and space, he drove a starfish crossing boat to break through the space barrier, and then came to this place.

I didn't expect to meet the scene just now, so Xue an drove away the sea beast.

"Zhuo family?"

The girl nodded, "yes, I am the daughter of Zhuo family, Zhuo Yangyang!"

After that, she secretly took a look at xue'an, and found that xue'an was calm and had no unusual performance. Then she summoned up her courage and asked, "your Lord, come to the sea of punishment, but do you want to go to the city of curse?"

"Curse city?" Xue Anluo pondered, then nodded with a smile.


Zhuo Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said happily, "our ship is also going to the curse city! If adults don't mind, can we go together? "

After that, Zhuo Yangyang looked at Xue an with a look of hope.

She saw all the strength that Xue an showed just now.

If you can go with such a strong person, the journey will be much safer.

Xue an Lue thought for a while, then nodded, "good!"

With a wave of his hand, Xue an collected the star boat and landed on the deck of the ship.

At this time, Meng Lei, the captain, also recovered his consciousness. As soon as he saw Xue an fall, he rushed forward to see him.

"Yes, my Lord!"

As for the other sailors, they looked at xue'an in awe and did not dare to come.

Xue an nodded and looked at the huge ship with great interest.

Only by personal contact can we feel the exaggerated heavy industrial machinery style of this giant ship.

Xue an was very curious about the iron and steel board that was thick enough for one person, the various facilities that were rough but full of strange beauty, and the array of Dharma inscribed on the upper layer of the ship.

Seeing Xue an seems to be interested in this ship, Zhuo Yangyang can't help but say with pride: "my Lord, this ship is the largest and most powerful transport ship in Zhuo's family! Only such a boat can cross the sea of punishment

Meng Lei also said with pride: "miss is right. I dare not say goodbye to me. But if we talk about this ship, it is definitely the best on this route!"

At this time, Xue an went to the edge of the deck and looked down at the broken array.

Seeing this, Meng Lei said dejectedly: "it's a pity that this time we met a huge ocean beast, which led to the destruction of these arrays. When we get to the city of curse, this ship will become a pile of scrap iron, and we can't sail far away any more!"

For this kind of ocean going ship, the defensive array is very important. Without these, the ship can only cruise in the coastal waters at most, but can't sail far away. For such a huge ship, it means scrapping.

Zhuo Yang Yang's expression is also a little dim.

This time she gambled everything to keep the cargo on the ship.

Although now it seems that the goods are OK, but if the ship is scrapped, I don't know what kind of treatment it will face when I return home!

Just then, Xue an shook his head, "stupid! Waste


Zhuo Yangyang is stunned, and doesn't understand what Xue an is talking about.

Then she saw a scene that made her dumbfounded.

Xue an raised his hand, gently pressed it on the hull, and then drank softly.

"Open up!"


With a slight roar, we can see that the original burst array of Dharma is full of brilliance,

Zhuo Yangyang and Meng Lei can not help but round their eyes.

He Is he in the seal cutting array?

This idea makes Zhuo Yang Yang shake all over his body, and his eyes are full of horror.

To know that it is extremely expensive to seal and carve the array for a huge ship. Even a wealthy family can't afford it.

And once the array is damaged, it will be completely abandoned.

I've never heard that anyone can repair the broken array.

But the young man in front of him seems to be doing something that no one can believe.

At this moment.

You can see that the brilliance extends countless subtle light vines, and then covers the original array, and almost perfectly integrates together.The hulls of the huge ship gave off very slight clucking sounds.

Almost in the twinkling of an eye, the countless Brilliance will be connected together from the beginning to the end, and then show a bright light.

"All right Xue an raised his hand and said lightly.

Zhuo Yangyang and Meng Lei looked in amazement, and then almost at the same time rushed to the edge of the deck. When they looked down, they all froze.

It can be seen that the original incomplete hull array has been completely new, and it is more than twice as dense as before.

Those subtle arrays full of unusual beauty are all over the ship, giving people a strong visual impact.

You can see the strength of this array just by looking at it.

Two people gaped at, can't believe their own eyes.

You should know that even a master of Fuwen needs extremely complicated preparation and a long time to carve so many powerful array.

But in the hands of this young man, it is as easy as drinking a cup of tea.

"My Lord, this battle."

If Zhuo Yangyang's attitude towards Xue an was just a simple respect for a strong man, now Zhuo Yang's eyes are full of blazing heat.

She knows better than anyone what it means to be a teenager who can seal and cut the array between her fingers.

Xue an smiles, "do you have anything to eat? I'm a little hungry! "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhuo Yang Yang nodded in a hurry, and then led Xue an to the cabin.

At this time, the captain Meng Lei also woke up from the shock, and immediately ordered in a loud voice: "quick! Go and take out the bottle of wine that I treasure in the cabin, and also send the freshest fish caught today

The dining room is very spacious, even some luxury, sitting in it does not feel like sailing on the sea.

Zhuo Yangyang personally accompanies all kinds of delicacies on the whole table.

"Your name is unknown, my Lord!" Zhuo Yang Yang asked softly.

"Xue'an, a piece of fresh fish, is my name , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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