Xue an?

Zhuo Yangyang was stunned.

I haven't heard of a descendant of master rune or a rune family whose surname is Xue?

Is it some kind of ancient inheritance that can't be found in the hidden world?

Read this, Zhuo Yang Yang's expression can not help but respect a few points.

"My Lord, do you go to the city of curse because of the divine pattern that is about to be born?"

"Divine pattern?" Xue an raised her eyes and looked at Zhuo Yang Yang, "what divine lines?"

"Well? Don't you know? " Zhuo Yangyang was a little surprised.

"What do you know?" Xue an drank a mouthful of wine, and then wiped his mouth with a white napkin.

"Recently, there is a story that has spread wildly to the whole heaven. It is said that the ancient gods have fallen in the city of curse and the sea of God's punishment ten thousand years ago. After thousands of years of time, there will be divine patterns containing the essence and blood of ancient gods reappear in the world. Because of this, the strong people in all parts of the heaven have rushed to the city of curse."

"The land of the fall of ancient gods?" Xue an was slightly stunned at the smell of speech, then turned to look out of the window at the boundless Black Sea, flashed a tiny invisible light in his eyes, and then gave a faint smile.

"I really don't know, but since I have caught up with it, let's get together with the excitement."

Because the ship is very large, so the living conditions are very good.

In order to entertain Xue an, the captain Meng Lei vacated his cabin and sent Xue an into the cabin himself, and then withdrew.

When he went outside, Zhuo Yangyang was standing on the deck waiting for him.

"Are you all set up?" Zhuo Yang Yang asked.

Meng Lei nodded. "Don't worry, miss. I've already arranged it properly. The Lord Xue has already had a rest."

Zhuo Yang Yang just nodded, then turned to look at the dark route ahead, silent.

Seeing this, Meng Lei stopped and finally sighed, "Miss, what are you looking at?"

Zhuo Yangyang shook his head, his eyes showed a confused color, "nothing, just feel that his fate is also shrouded in the dark sea, ups and downs, no fixed number!"

Meng Lei was silent, until after a long time, he said in a low voice: "Miss, this time the merchants, under your leadership, have made great profits. Is this not enough?"

Zhuo Yangyang shook his head. "I don't know. I'm still afraid of...!"

Speaking of this, Zhuo Yang Yang's eyes flashed a touch of fear.

Meng Lei's face showed anger and said in a low voice: "these people have done too much. Although you are not the Zhuo family's own, you will not be forced to go on the desperate road like this!"

Zhuo Yangyang laughed miserably, "but sometimes Bloodline and status represent everything! No matter how hard I try, in their eyes, I'm just a chess piece that can be sacrificed at any time in exchange for benefits! "

What Meng Lei wants to say can only turn into a long sigh, because he knows that Zhuo Yangyang is telling the truth.

"What do you think of Mr. Xue?" Meng Lei suddenly asked again.

Zhuo Yang Yang shook his head, "can't see through! What about you, uncle Meng? "

"I can't see through it, but I'm sure of one thing!" Meng Lei said in a deep voice.


"I have sailed on this sea for hundreds of years, and I have seen countless people, including those who are cruel and incomparable, those with noble status, and even those who are strong at the level of God! But no matter who they face, I can be calm with them! Only when facing this Lord Xue... "

Speaking of this, Meng Lei's face flashed a touch of fear. "I felt cold in my heart, especially when his eyes looked at me, as if he had dissected my body and spirit directly! This kind of person, if possible, how far I can hide

Zhuo Yangyang listens quietly, which is a good habit she has developed in her business for more than ten years, that is to learn to listen.

In particular, we should listen carefully to the words of those who have experienced the changes of the world and are extremely experienced in handling affairs.

"Uncle Meng means..." Zhuo Yang Yang asked softly.

Meng Lei took a deep breath. "Miss, since the other party is aggressive, you might as well give it a go. And I think that this Mr. Xue may be the key to solve the dilemma you are facing!"

Zhuo Yangyang's expression is changeable, and his eyes are directed to the cabin in the distance.

Zhuo Yangyang whispered softly: "I know, I'll think about it."

Meng Lei nodded and left quietly.

Around the quiet can only hear the sea is split by a huge ship sound, Zhuo Yang stood silent for a long time, purple dress in the dark like a blooming flower, stubborn open.

The rest of the journey was very safe.

Not to mention the semi God level of the sea monster, is the pseudo God level sea monster did not appear half.

It was as if Xue an's appearance that day scared away all the monsters in the whole ocean.

In this calm situation, the ship sailed through the wind and waves for three days, and finally left the sea of divine punishment, which was shrouded in the clouds of the year.There is still a vast ocean in front of us, but the environment here is obviously much better, and there are ships passing by from time to time on the route.

And these ships will take the initiative to avoid when passing by this huge ship, showing great respect.

In this way, driving forward for half a day, it seems that all of a sudden, a huge city suddenly appeared.

At first glance, the city seems to be built on an island.

But when you take a closer look, you can see that the city is moving slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xue an stood on the bow and watched with interest.

Zhuo Yangyang walked slowly to his side and said in a soft voice, "my Lord, that is the curse city in front of me!"

"Is this curse city built on the sea?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

Zhuo Yangyang nodded, then sighed: "I was shocked for a long time when I saw this city for the first time. Such a huge city is built on the back armor of a long dead ocean giant. It can be seen how huge this giant beast should be It should be a miracle

Xue an smell speech but just smile, did not speak.

When the huge ship slowly into the harbor, the prosperous port is boiling.

All kinds of cargo carried on the ship began to be carried down orderly.

And Zhuo Yang Yang led Xue an to the city.

"Miss Zhuo!"

"Miss Yangyang!"

Along the way, the sailors are very respectful to Zhuo Yangyang to say hello, you can see that their respect comes from the heart.

Zhuo Yangyang has been nodding with a smile.

"Miss Zhuo's business has benefited a lot this time. There should be a good reward!" A sailor whispered.

"Well, I can't say that. Miss Zhuo has been in the wind and rain these years and has made great contributions to the Zhuo family. But who in the Zhuo family loves Miss Zhuo?" Someone sneered.

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