"Yes! Sometimes we all complain for Miss Zhuo! "

"I'm more concerned about who the man is after Miss Zhuo!"

"I've noticed it for a long time. It seems that she looks good. When she stands with Miss Zhuo, she is very well matched, but I don't know how strong she is? But if you look at that delicate look, you can't beat me! " A strong sailor murmured.

"Well, I know you like Miss Zhuo, but you still don't worry about it! If Zhuo is blind, she won't take a fancy to you! "

"Yes! I think they're a good match! Miss Zhuo has been working hard all these years. It's good to have a pain for her! "

They all nodded and said yes, but then someone sighed.

"If it can, it will be a good thing! But I'm afraid the Zhuo family won't agree! "

All the people were silent.

"Yes, the Zhuo family obviously won't let Miss Zhuo such a perfect chess piece. She'll have to squeeze all her value out before she stops!" Someone sighed.

"These villains, Miss Zhuo, are also Zhuo's family. Why do they bully people so much?" A sailor said angrily.

"Why, just because miss Zhuo's mother It's a maid

This made the whole audience silent, and then many people shook their heads, full of sympathy.

Although the voices of these discussions were very small, Xue an heard them all. Based on what she had seen and heard on the ship in recent days, Xue an's mouth could not help but show a faint smile.

This girl, this city, and even the sea, are interesting!

Zhuo Yang Yang was busy handing over the cargo on the ship until more than half an hour later, the matter came to an end.

She nodded to Xue an apologetically. "Mr. Xue, I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting! Let's go to town now

Xue an nodded nonchalantly, "OK!"

But at this time, I saw a chariot driven by Tengyun beast galloped over.

It's so fast that pedestrians and sailors on the road can't avoid it.

In an instant.

The chariot stopped in front of Zhuo Yangyang, and then saw the curtain of the car lifted, revealing a heavily made-up cheek behind.

"Oh, isn't this a talented woman of our Zhuo family! Yes? Is this trade finally over? " The woman pretended to exaggerate.

To see this woman, Zhuo Yang Yang's face was slightly white, but still very respectful to give a gift, "see sister!"

"Come on! Don't give me that. You want to recognize my sister, but I'm not going to recognize you The woman turned her mouth.

People around him could not help but show a look of anger.

But Zhuo Yang Yang buries his head even lower, "yes, Miss Zhuoya!"

"That's about it!" Zhuoya nodded arrogantly, then suddenly saw Xue an standing behind Zhuo Yangyang. She was stunned.

"Who is this?"

Zhuo Yangyang said in a hurry: "Miss Zhuoya, I haven't had time to introduce to you. I met this adult in the sea of divine punishment. If it hadn't been for him, I would not have been able to return to my ship!"

Zhuoya looked at Xue an suspiciously. The more he saw the coldness in his eyes, he finally sneered and said, "Zhuo Yangyang, do you mean that he saved you in the sea of God's punishment?"

Zhuo Yang Yang nodded, "yes!"

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. What is the sea of punishment? If there is danger in it, can such a poor boy solve it? It's ridiculous, Zhuo Yangyang. I think he's your little lover! "

This is extremely vicious.

Zhuo Yang Yang's face turned pale in an instant, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking. But she still said calmly: "Miss Zhuoya, what I said is true..."

"Enough! Don't forget how your mother was pregnant with you and how she died! The maidservant's daughter is the maidservant's daughter. As expected, she can't change the meanness engraved in her bones all her life! "

Zhuo Yang Yang's face color Shua became pale, a pair of big eyes also covered with a layer of water mist.

"What? Do you feel aggrieved by what I said? " What else does Zhuoya want to say with a sneer.

Meng Lei quickly walked over and knew what had happened when he saw the situation. He could not help but suppress his anger and bow to Zhuoya.

"Second miss, what Miss Zhuo has just said is the truth. We met a powerful semi divine sea animal in the sea of divine punishment. If Mr. Xue didn't show up in time, we would not have come back!"

Although she was very arrogant in the face of Zhuo Yangyang, Meng Lei, as the top captain of the Zhuo family, did not dare to be too presumptuous, but she could not help saying, "Captain Meng, you should be responsible for what you say, and you are also a semi divine sea animal Hehe, if it's true, isn't it that the poor boy must be at least a demigod? "

Zhuoya sneered.

But at this time, I heard the shouts of the water hands around."You are right! I can testify! "

"Yes, I can testify!"

These voices were roaring together, and at the same time, many sailors began to blame mulberry trees with bad looks.

"You..." Zhuoya had no idea that this would happen.

In fact, she came to the port today because she heard that Zhuo Yangyang was back, so she planned to come over and make fun of it.

I didn't expect it to offend the public.

Naturally, this situation can not break out, but she will be full of anger on Zhuo Yang Yang, "what a cheap maid, you wait for me! Go back and let you see it again! "

Said, Zhuoya then prepares to put down the curtain to leave here.

But at this time, Xue an, who had been silent, suddenly laughed.

"Is your name Zhuoya?"

Zhuoya a Leng, and then disgusted to see Xue an, Ao slow way: "yes!"

Xue an nodded. "Good! Just now, if I heard you right, did you say twice that I was poor? "

This makes Zhuo Yang Yang gradually stare round eyes.

Zhuoya nodded with disdain. "So what?"

Xue an smiles, then turns to look at Zhuo Yang Yang, "on the relationship, what should you call her?"

"It's called Sister Zhuo Yang Yang said with a blank face.

Xue an nodded, "well, I'll teach you a lesson today for your disobedient sister!"


Zhuoya almost jumped up from the chariot, and no one dared to talk to him like this.

Can not wait for her attack, Xue an did not know when has appeared in front of the chariot, raise his hand is a crisp to the extreme of the slap.


Zhuoya smashed the carriage and was fanned out.

After the free fall, look at her carefully maintained face has been swollen.

And this slap in the face, also let all the onlookers were shocked.

Xue an clapped her hands and said, "I don't usually beat women, but you're not."

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