Zhuo Yangyang turned to Xue an with an apologetic smile, "Mr. Xue, I'll go first. Uncle Zhuo will arrange your residence!"

Xue an has been standing on the side all the time, even after hearing Zhuo Yang's words, he just nodded his head.

Zhuo Yangyang left in a hurry.

The old housekeeper looked at Xue an, who was standing in the courtyard with a calm expression, and his heart could not help but be astonished.

As the housekeeper of Zhuo's family, he has been in contact with many big people.

Even the city Lord of the curse City, that city Lord level curse queen, he has seen one side from afar.

But no matter what kind of big man, his momentum is traceable.

But when facing this young man, manager Zhuo found that he seemed to be facing a deep and bottomless sea, which made people feel palpable.

This kind of feeling, let this Zhuo housekeeper also dare not see more, so bowed his head to respectfully say: "this adult, please follow me!"

Said, he personally in front of the road, led Xue an to the side of a house.

The house is not only more luxurious than Zhuo Yangyang's, but also equipped with four beautiful maids.

"What can I do for you, my lord?"

Xue an smiles, but doesn't speak.

The Chamberlain Zhuo bowed out, until he left xue'an's sight, and then he felt that his back was wet with cold sweat.

That kind of calm and noble temperament, deep and deep momentum, all make this Zhuo housekeeper is shocked.

The boy What's the origin?

After thinking for a moment, this Zhuo housekeeper turned around, his face covered with frost, "come on!"

Almost no more than a few breaths, a few servants appeared in front of him, "what's the housekeeper's order?"

"Order to take back the accomplishments of mother Feng, who is in charge of the house, and then immediately drive her out of the house and issue an announcement that she will never be employed!"

"Yes These servants should a, then quietly back down.

A moment later, not far away came a woman's heartrending cry for mercy.

"Don't Chief executive, I know I'm wrong! Don't drive me out, ah, ah, ah... "

The scream stopped suddenly, and then a family, Ding Ru, dragged the bloody mother Feng to the door.

Where he passed, a deep blood mark was left on the floor.

All the slave maids along the road stood on both sides of the road, pale and frightened.

The housekeeper Zhuo looked at the slaves and maids with dignity, and then said in a deep voice: "I don't care which young lady or young master are behind you, but the master is the master, and the servant is the slave. If anyone intends to use the means in his hand to give the master a look and show off, this is the end!"

"Yes Many ordinary people are also quite a lot to Zhuo Yang Yang. The maids and maids who are waiting for a long time are shocked all over the body and then bow their heads in panic.

Then this Zhuo housekeeper turned to look at the courtyard, nodded gently, and then strode away.

At the same time, Xue an in the room also appeared a faint smile.

"A wise man

At this time, the four maids came into the room with teapots, tea cups and snacks.

"May I have tea, my lord?"

"Put it there!"

Four maid smell speech obediently put the things in the hands on the table, but did not leave.

Xue an also did not raise the head of the wave, "go down! You don't have to wait on you here! "

The four maids were stunned, and then the leading maid said in a panic, "my Lord, but what is our sister doing that is not thoughtful?"

Xue an was slightly stunned, then shook his head and chuckled, "of course not. I just want to be quiet. I'll call you when I use you."

The four maids did not dare to leave. They looked at each other. Then the leader went to Xue an with his head down and said in a low voice, "my Lord, if you don't mind, we can serve you now."

At this time, Xue an just drank a mouthful of tea, and smelled his words and puffed out all the tea in his mouth.

The four maids fell down on their knees in a panic, "my Lord, I'm sorry."

Xue an saw this and shook his head, "OK, all right, it's none of your business."

But the four maids were all pale and trembling, and did not dare to get up.

However, Xue an had to face up and say in a deep voice, "I asked you to get up, didn't you hear me?"

The four maids just stood up trembling.

Then Xue an waved his hand. "I really don't need you to serve me. Go down and have a rest! I'll call you if you need it! You don't have to worry about punishment for this! "

Hearing this, the four maids understood Xue an's meaning. They looked at each other and whispered."Let's step back!"


With that, the four maids bowed out of the room.

When they got outside, the four people were disappointed.

"This adult is so handsome and extraordinary that I thought the four sisters could take the opportunity to get rid of the bitter sea! As a result, they didn't like us at all One of the maids sighed.

"But steward Zhuo clearly ordered us to take good care of this adult, so that we were kicked out, really OK?"

"What can I do? They all said we would not be used! "

The four maids walked away as they talked in a low voice.

Xue an naturally heard these conversations and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Then he opened the Fubao building.

An Yan came out of it, and then said with a strange tone: "adult, do you want us to serve you?"

Xue an couldn't laugh and cry, "Yan'er, don't make trouble!"

"Who's making trouble! Tut Tut, four beautiful maids, who knows if someone will be moved An Yan pouted his mouth and said.

Xue an did not speak, but looked up and down at an Yan.

"What are you looking at?" An Yan asked.

"I thought you were not fat. How could this vinegar amount grow?"

"Bah! Glib, you said, if I was not here, would you have accepted it An Yan light spat to say.

Xue an nodded, "it's really possible!"

"You villain..." An Yan was so angry that she rushed forward and beat Xue an twice. As a result, she was happy first.

Because an Yan is really worried in Fubao's small building, before entering the divine world, Xue an connects his own wisp of divinity with an Yan.

She could see what she saw and heard along the way.

This is also the reason why Xue an always smiles bitterly when facing four maids.

Because he knew that Anyan was watching in Fubao building.

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