After a laugh, Xue an asked, "Hu Ying, do you still want to miss them?"

"Hu Ying has recently become a fan of a game and is enjoying playing in Fubao's small building! If you think about reading, I stipulate that they should read at least one hour a day. At that time, I will have to make random checks. If you fail, you are not allowed to eat snacks in one day

"One hour, is it too hard?" Xue an is a little bit distressed about her daughter.

"Can an hour be hard work?" An Yan glared round eyes, "think about Niannian, but now they are seven years old! This age on the earth has long been kindergarten! I'm just asking them to read more books now, or can I let them play all day long? "

Next, an Yan was a good scolding, nothing more than Xue an some too spoiled two little girls, used to them two simply lawless.

Xue an's ears were almost cocooned recently, but she didn't dare to listen. She had to keep smiling and nodding frequently. From time to time, she had to agree.

"Yes! My wife is right! I know it's wrong! "

Under the three magic weapons of the married man, an Yan's accusation still lasted for five minutes before it came to an end.

Then an Yan some angry fork waist, "angry dead me, really more said more angry!"

Xue an said with a smile: "well, well, I also know that you want to think about it, but they are different from ordinary children. They have almost unlimited time to study in the future, so I just want to make their childhood happy."

"Bah! Even if there is infinite time, we can't waste it. Didn't we all come here like this when we were young? If you really let it go and you don't have the perseverance to do anything in the future, it will be bad? "

An Yan's words let Xue an's expression become solemn.

He didn't really think about it.

And think about it carefully, what Anyan said is really reasonable.

If childhood is really just endless play, it is not necessarily a good thing!

Relaxation has a degree, just can cultivate a person's character.

"Yan'er, I know, I will pay attention to it later!" Xue an said sincerely.

Anyan turned her anger into joy, and then suddenly remembered something. She couldn't help but ask, "husband, I saw all of them in Fubao's small building. How pitiful this Zhuo girl is! Do you want to help her even if her family bullies her like this

With that, Anyan's eyes are red.

Xue an knows that an Yan is in touch with the scenery. Seeing his shadow in Zhuo Yangyang's body, Xue an can't help but embrace it in his arms with great pain.

"Well, well, of course I'll help her, or what am I going to do with her?"

"How are you going to help? Will you beat all the villains who bullied her? " An Yan asked.

Xue an shook his head, then stroked Anyan's long hair and said, "Yan'er, although most of the world's affairs can be solved by fists, there are still many people and things that can't be solved, such as this..."

"If I take the lead for this Zhuo girl, although I can help her out for a while, she will not be able to get out of this shadow all my life!"

Anyan nodded, because she understood this truth better than anyone else.

The original settlement, is not this?

It took me a long time to get out of the shadow!

What's more, the situation Zhuo Yangyang is facing is even more dangerous than he was.

"What are you going to do, husband?"

Xue an smiles. "Of course it's about Cold mix

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Looking down, he found that an Yan was angry that he didn't speak well and bit him on his shoulder.

Xue an Tong grinned, "Yan'er, pain! Let go

"Hum! Now you know what I'm good at! How dare you talk to me in the future An Yan a face complacent say.

Xue an rubbed his shoulder and said with a smile, "I dare not! But you have to let me bite back! "

Said, Xue an also bit in an Yan's mouth.

"Well..." An Yan stares round eyes instantly.


Five minutes later.

An Yan red face looking at Xue an, "bah, big hooligan!"

Xue an grinned and licked his lips, just like a successful wolf.

"Seriously, how are you going to help this Zhuo girl?" An Yan asked again.

Xue an laughs. "Actually, I don't really want to do it now. Let's take a step and have a look. But it's better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. She should understand this truth."

An Yan nodded.

Xue an at this time and a face evil smile together, "Yan'er, you..."

Before she finished speaking, Anyan jumped up from the ground as if she had been electrified. Then she said in a flustered voice: "Oh, it's time for an hour. I have to go to check and think about my homework!"Say, also do not wait for Xue an to react to come over, an Yan already flew into Fu Bao small building.

Xue an stood in the same place, some silly eyes looked at an Yan who ran away, and then shook his head in tears and laughter, "Yan'er, what are you doing so fast? Are you afraid I'll eat you?"

"Hum! You're right An Yan's voice came from the small building, and then she said with great pride.

"Stupid husband, come on, you can't catch me now! Ha ha ha

Xue an shook his head and sighed, "Oh, how difficult it is! It seems that I can only find those maids to serve me! "

"Dare you The voice just fell, an Yan then angry shout.

"If you don't try, how do you know if I dare?" Said Xue an, blinking.

"Well, if you dare, believe me to cut it for you?" An Yan's voice suddenly became cold.

Xue an raised his head naturally, looked out of the window, and sighed, "today's moon is so good!"

But outside the window, it is a sunny day.

Looking at xue'an in seconds, an Yan nods with satisfaction, turns around and walks to the second floor of the small building, ready to check his homework.

However, when she passed the first floor, she stopped by to see Hu Ying and Zhang Xiaoyu who were playing games in the corner room.

At the moment of opening the door, I heard the sound of crying and howling.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm scared to death! I'm so afraid Zhang Xiaoyu's pale face yelled, but that's it. She still stares at the terrible pictures on the computer screen.

One side of the computer on the fox Ying some disdain of the pie, "iron plate burning, can you lower the voice, you see you play a game, shout this cadence ah!"

"I don't call it Teppanyaki!" Although the octopus was scared by the horror game, he still did not forget to refute.

"Come on, little octopus, a monster like you is a disgrace to the demon clan. That is to say, making a sizzler is the most suitable for you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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