"One!" Xue an whispered.

There was a dead silence.

Xu Bao is looking at Xue an with consternation on his face. He can't believe that he dare to speak like this.

It wasn't until a moment later that he grinned.

"Well, it seems that I'm lucky tonight to catch one more prey! Because of your words, I will torture you to death bit by bit! First of all... "

In saying these words, Xu Bao's face is full of palpitating cruelty.

However, Xue an was not moved at all, but called out lightly: "two!"

"Boy, I will peel off your skin a little bit. Believe me, my skill is very good. At that time, you will not die, but become a mass of bloody things. Then I will soak your wound with salt water a little bit..."

Xu Bao's face is more and more crazy, and what he said makes people feel numb.

Just then, Xue an sighed softly, "time is up!"

Xu Bao grinned grimly, "mystify, kneel down for me!"

As he said this, Xu Bao's fingers suddenly changed into various seals, and then he saw a rune pattern emerge out of thin air, and with an unstoppable momentum, he directly bombarded Xue an sitting there.

"With the hands of the heaven talisman pattern! This is the most famous unique skill of Tianfu Pavilion There was a cry of surprise.

Xue an didn't even move in the face of this fierce blow. He even picked up his glass and took a sip.

Seeing this, many people can't help but shake their heads secretly, thinking that the boy is too big.

Especially other people who are now facing the descendants of Tianfu Pavilion will definitely suffer from such attitude.

At this time, the rune had already blasted to the front.

Xu Bao's face gradually showed the color of satisfaction, but before his pride fully bloomed, a startling scene appeared.

You can see that the rune suddenly stops in the air, and then there are cracks on it, and finally it breaks.

"What's going on?" Xu Bao was also a little surprised.

Xue an raised his head and gave him a smile. "Before I start, I have to tell you my name is xue'an. In fact, you don't have to remember it, because it's meaningless!"

Xu Bao was stunned and didn't understand what Xue an said.

Then he saw that xue'an, who was sitting there, did not know when he had already appeared in front of him, and then pressed down.


After a dull sound.

Xu Bao held the sky in both hands and tried his best to resist Xue an's slap. Then he said in a grim voice, "it's a bit of a skill, but do you think that's enough? I am... "

Before the words fell, he heard a burst of bone fracture. Then Xue an's palm was pressed down by an irresistible force. Xu Bao's hands and even his whole body's bones were crushed by the powerful force of peiran Mo Zhineng.

This kind of sharp pain makes Xu violent howl bitterly.

At the same time, Xu Bao's body flashed, and the jade ornaments or amulets he was wearing burst out and turned into Taoist talismans, trying to resist Xue an's palm.

Xue an sneered, "with these, also want to block me?"

With these words, the patterns were broken one by one.

No matter what, Xue an's palm is like a king in the world, no one can easily grab its edge.


Xu Bao's bones were broken, paralyzed on the ground, and then looked at Xue an with astonished eyes.

"Who are you?" Xu Bao roared bitterly.

Xue an light way: "just told you, my name is Xue an!"

With that, Xue an raised his hand again.

"What do you want? No I am a descendant of Tianfu Pavilion. If you dare to kill me, Tianfu Pavilion will never let me go


After a dull sound, Xu Bao's scream stopped suddenly.

Because his head, as well as his whole body, was shocked by xue'an's palm, and even the spirit was directly destroyed, and he could not die any more.

"I don't care who you are. It's noisy!" Xue an takes back his hand and says lightly.

There was a dead silence.

People are all gaping at the ground that has no human body.

It was not until after a long time that someone said, "he He killed master Xu? "

The faces of countless people turned pale.

This is because Xu Bao is not only a master of Fuwen, but also a descendant of Tianfu Pavilion, the overlord of this region.

However, Tianfu pavilion's always domineering style is that a small matter often causes big trouble. What's more, Xue an killed Xu Bao in public this time.

This is just a naked provocation to Tianfu Pavilion!

The idea was in everyone's mind, and people looked at Xue an as if they were looking at a dead man.

Xue an didn't take this seriously. It was like a fly that had just been shot to death. He laughed at Zhuo Yang Yang, who was shocked by the same face."Well, the man who caught you is dead! Now It's time to settle your family business! "

"At home?" Zhuo Yang Yang asked with a confused face.

Xue an nodded and then raised his hand to the old lady Zhuo who was sitting on the high platform in the distance.

"Is this old witch killing or not? I'll hear from you now

This speech let the whole audience be quiet at first, then there were bursts of roar.

"Be bold! How dare you talk to the old lady like that

"It's so presumptuous

Mrs. Zhuo's face was also very ugly.

Xu Bao is a VIP she specially invited. Unexpectedly, she was slapped to death by the young man.

Although it is said that the murderer is not from the Zhuo family, it is not easy to explain to Tianfu Pavilion at that time.

When she heard Xue an's words, she was even more angry and laughed, "OK! What a Zhuo Yangyang! No wonder they dare to be so bold. It turns out that a strong man has been invited from outside to be a supporter! What hard wings! But at this chore house, I still has the final say. Take it for me

With the words, see hundreds of guards into the banquet hall, forming a siege of xue'an, and then one after another, intend to take xue'an down.

The crowd retreated to the distance to watch.

Each of these guards of Zhuo's family is very good. When they started together, their momentum was even more shocking.

At least Zhuoya cried out excitedly, "catch this guy!"

But just then, Xue an suddenly glanced at her.

It was this look that made Zhuoya swallow all the words behind her and felt her hair stand up.

Because the look in Xue an's eyes is so terrible.

No ferocity, no blood.

Some are just enough to freeze the bone marrow of a person with indifference.

Zhuoya felt as if she was facing a nine day God, and could hardly speak.

At the same time.

The guards who rushed up didn't even have a face to face, so they flew backward at a faster speed than before.

Bang bang bang.

After a continuous muffled sound, all the guards fell to the ground and could not get up.

Xue an, who was standing with a negative hand, laughed at Mrs. Zhuo and said faintly, "is there anything else? If you have, let's go together. I'm The whole court is covered in the competition "

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