The stillness of the banquet hall.

The old lady Zhuo was trembling with anger, and her large, glossy face was extremely gloomy.

"Good! Good! Zhuo Yangyang, my good boy! Is this your good friend

Before the words fell, Xue an's figure suddenly appeared in front of the old lady Zhuo. Without waiting for her to react, she grabbed her neck and lifted it into the air.

"You What are you up to? I am the master of Zhuo's family. If you dare to touch my hair, the queen will not let you go! " Even at this time, the old lady Zhuo, who was used to being well respected, still roared fiercely.

"The queen?" Xue an sneered and raised his hand to slap his face.

The crisp slap in the face spread all over the banquet hall, and Zhuoya covered her face subconsciously, and then looked at Xue an on the platform in the distance with fear.

Others may not know, but she knows better than anyone how painful Xue an's slap in the face.

After being fanned by Xue an, Mrs. Zhuo's already plump face swelled rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the old lady Zhuo's face was swollen like a pig's head.

People can't help but take a breath of cold air.

You should know that the old lady Zhuo has been in charge of Zhuo's family for hundreds of years, and her reputation has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In addition, the old lady Zhuo was violent, mean and ungrateful, with a very small mind and a strong sense of revenge.

Many people are afraid of it.

Can be such a let people avoid the existence of fear, but today by this young man even slapped several times in the face.

This is more frightening than the killing of Xu Bao.

Sure enough.

The old lady Zhuo, who had been completely bewildered, gradually regained her consciousness, and then tried to open her swollen eyes, staring at xue'an with a bitter look.

Like that, I can't wait to eat Xue an raw.

"What? Do you look unconvinced? Do you want two more slaps? " With that, Xue an raised his hand again.

Mrs. Zhuo trembled all over her body, and a look of fear finally appeared in her eyes.

After all, her life and death are still controlled by this teenager, and she has to choose to bow down.

Looking at this old witch woman finally unwilling to bow her head, Xue an smiles, and then turns her head to Zhuo Yangyang, who is isolated by everyone in the banquet hall.

"Say, do you want her to live or die?"


All people's eyes are focused on Zhuo Yang Yang.

The girl was trembling and pale, and her eyes were full of hesitation and struggle.

She certainly hated Mrs. Zhuo, because she had destroyed everything she had.

She also hated the Zhuo family, because it was like a cage, which humiliated her from childhood.

But when faced with the choice of life and death, she began to hesitate.

After all, he is no longer hate, but also surnamed Zhuo!

If you really kill them, you will die in this heaven.

Because no aristocratic family will tolerate a person who betrays his own family.

Therefore, her inner struggle endlessly, the expression on her face is more changeable.

Xue an looked at it with a smile, but the hand that held Mrs. Zhuo's neck began to tighten gradually.

The feeling of suffocating slowly made Mrs. Zhuo feel afraid at last.

"Yangyang Don't kill me! Anyway, I'm your grandmother too The old lady Zhuo struggled and cried.

Zhuo Yang Yang shivered all over, a pair of wonderful eyes filled with anger and sadness.

But at this time, I heard a crackle.

Xue an slapped the old lady Zhuo in the face again.

This time, Mrs. Zhuo's hair was scattered, and even her nose began to bleed.

It looks like It's just as embarrassing as it can be.


"What are you? Did I let you talk?" Xue an said lightly.

Then he nodded to Zhuo Yang Yang under the stage, "I know you can't make up your mind, right! If the old witch is to live or die, it's up to the will of God

Will of God?

They all looked at each other and did not understand what Xue an said.

At this time, Xue an turned his hand, and a coin appeared in the palm of his hand.

"See, I'll throw this copper coin later. If the word is on it, it means you should die. I will kill you without hesitation."

"If the cloud pattern is on it, I'll let you go for a while! Do you understand? "

The old lady Zhuo, who was running a nosebleed, was flustered in her eyes, "but I..."

"Well?" Xue an gave her a cold look.

Mrs. Zhuo immediately swallowed the words behind her.Xue an threw money into the air and held it in his hand.

The audience was in awe.

Xue an didn't rush to open it to see the result. Instead, she gave Zhuo Yangyang a smile. "Yang Yang girl, do you think it's on the top or on the painting?"

Zhuo Yang Yang looked at Xue an's hand with complicated expression. After a long time, she just breathed out a breath, "painting!"

She lowered her head.

Xue an smile, and then spread out the palm of his hand, the money is plainly on the cloud.

There was a slight commotion.

The old lady Zhuo also showed a happy look in her eyes.

But before she showed it, Xue an raised her hand and slapped her face again.

After a long time, the old lady was so angry that she slapped her face

"There is no reason, it is just that you don't like it!" With that, Xue an loosened his hand.


Mrs. Zhuo was paralyzed and could not stand up.

Xue an stood in front of her with a negative hand and said, "this time, God let me let you go, so I'll spare you this time! But next time, I hope you'll have the same luck

After that, Xue an walked down the platform and looked around.

As far as I can see. All the people bowed their heads.

In particular, Zhuoya and her mother, Mrs. Zhuo, are eager to plunge their heads into the soil.

The whole body was trembling with fear.

Xue an saw the situation but just a smile, and then went to Zhuo Yang Yang near, "go!"

Zhuo Yangyang stood still. Instead, she looked at Xue an in a daze. After a while, tears came from her eyes. Then she took a deep breath and looked up at Mrs. Zhuo on the high platform.

"Mrs. Zhuo, since then, I Zhuo Yangyang, I'll make a clean break with you and never owe you any more!"

She pulled off her hairpin and threw it on the ground.

There was an uproar.

Zhuo Yang Yang said with tears and a smile: "adults, let's go!"

Xue an laughed, "OK! Go

After that, Xue an LED Zhuo Yang to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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