The atmosphere in the banquet hall was extremely oppressive.

Many people don't even dare to look up at the high platform.

Because they know that any action now may be hated by the old lady Zhuo.

Just after the silence that was enough to crush people, Mrs. Zhuo, who was in a trance, finally regained her consciousness and then let out a shrill scream.

"Find out for me where this cheap maid and this guy have gone. I will let them be broken to pieces and never be born!"

Soon someone quietly left.

Then the old lady Zhuo screamed and yelled, "no one of you is allowed to disclose today's affairs, or I will let you die with you!"

The bitterness contained in that voice made everyone feel cold.

Soon, unrelated people will all mind different left.

When the banquet hall is left behind Zhuo's family.

Mrs. Zhuo broke out again.

She smashed the porcelain crazily, and all the servants were scared to kneel on the ground and did not dare to look up.

In a vent after a pass, someone gingerly handed over the wound medicine.

After Mrs. Zhuo ate it, the wound on her face began to subside and heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She soon recovered.

Then she returned to normal and sat back to her original position with an indifferent expression.

Zhuoya and other Zhuo families all bow their heads.

After a moment.

Mrs. Zhuo burst out a sneer.

The voice was small at first, then gradually became loud. Finally, Mrs. Zhuo looked up and laughed.

The remaining people looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

What's going on?

Is it possible that the old lady Zhuo was stimulated too much and her spirit was a little out of order?

At this moment.

The laughter stopped suddenly, and then Mrs. Zhuo said in a cold voice, "although you are very good, you are still too young to believe in God's will in the end and let me go! Then I will let you understand what will happen if you offend me and Tianfu Pavilion! "

With that, she said in a deep voice: "come on, send Xu Bao's body to Tianfu Pavilion intact, and tell them that the person who killed Xu Bao is likely to come for grabbing the divine pattern that is about to be born!"

"Yes Soon someone came forward to shovel up Xu Bao's body on the ground and carried it out on a stretcher.

"Zhuo Shi!" Mrs. Zhuo called again.

Mrs. Zhuo quickly stepped forward, "old lady!"

"You take my note to see the queen in the city Lord's house, tell her what happened today, and say that this young man has an unknown origin and should come from other regions of heaven!"

"Is that it? Do you want to... " Asked Mrs. Zhuo.

"It's not necessary for a strong man like her majesty to understand what it means to have a strong man in Outland at this sensitive time." Mrs. Zhuo sneered.


After all the people left, Mrs. Zhuo murmured bitterly: "Zhuo Yang Yang, and you! You wait, I will make you live and die

At the same time.

Xue an LED Zhuo Yangyang back to the courtyard where he lived.

Of course, it's hard to live here now.

Zhuo Yang Yang went back to the room and simply picked up some things. Then he packed it into a small bag and carried it behind him.

After so many years of hard work, what we can finally take away is only such a small burden!

Finally, Zhuo Yangyang stood in front of the door, looked back at the courtyard where he had lived for many years, and then slowly squatted down and burst into tears.

Xue an also did not dissuade, just stood not far away to watch quietly.

Just at this time, Zhuo housekeeper rushed over. When he saw Zhuo Yangyang with a small burden on his back, he was stunned and then began to laugh bitterly.


Zhuo Yangyang raised his head and took a look at Zhuo housekeeper and said in tears: "Zhuo Uncle Zhuo! I I'm leaving! "

Zhuo housekeeper was silent for a long time, then nodded, "it's OK to go away!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Xue an with a complicated look.

As the chief manager of Zhuo's house, he knew what happened in the banquet hall.

Although he knew that this dinner party would not have a good result, housekeeper Zhuo did not expect Xue an's means to be so cruel.

He not only slapped Xu Bao of Tianfu pavilion to death, but also slapped Mrs. Zhuo a dozen times in the face.

At that time, housekeeper Zhuo was scared.

Because Xue an's behavior, it is like to poke a big hole in the sky.

And he also understood that Xue an and Zhuo Yangyang couldn't stay in Zhuo's house.

That's why he found an opportunity to rush here.

After a moment of silence, housekeeper Zhuo bowed to xue'an and said, "thank you, my Lord."Xue an laughed, "you're welcome. It's just a piece of work! After all, you said, long night, wild animals! So I just killed the beast

Housekeeper Zhuo gave a wry smile, and then said with a solemn look: "my Lord, Miss Yangyang, now that Mrs. Zhuo has ordered someone to return Xu Bao's body to Tianfu Pavilion, this matter will not end so simply, and the city of curse will not be so safe!"

"So I think the best place for you now is the port and wharf!"

Xue an did not comment on this.

Then Zhuo stopped crying and said Meng Shumo? "

Zhuo housekeeper nodded, "it's not just him! Yangyang, you have been operating in the port for more than ten years. You have both prestige and contacts. There is your base camp! Remember, be careful

Said, Zhuo housekeeper looked at Xue an deeply, arched his hand and said: "please!"

Xue an nods.

Zhuo housekeeper left, and now Zhuo's family is in a state of panic, and he can't leave for too long.

Xue an leads Zhuo Yangyang straight out of Zhuo's house, attracting countless people's attention along the way.

Xue an was not aware of this, and even walked forward happily.

However, Zhuo Yangyang has mixed feelings in her heart. She doesn't know what it is like.

Just as housekeeper Zhuo said, as soon as he got out of Zhuo's residence, the situation around him began to tense up.

Xue an leads Zhuo Yangyang to the port directly.

Just a few steps into here, Meng Lei is with people to rush out in a hurry, after the two sides touch each other.

When Meng Lei saw Zhuo Yang Yang safe and sound, he took a breath.

"Come with me!"

Said, Meng Lei then led Xue an two people into the harbor that is like a tangled alley.

Finally, he stopped in front of a very humble two story building.

When Meng Lei led the two people into here, there were more than a dozen sailors familiar with Zhuo Yangyang.

"Uncle Meng, this Zhuo Yangyang was a little surprised.

Meng Lei sighed, "I heard about what happened to Zhuo's family. I knew it was not good at that time, so I ordered people to clean up here, and then took people to prepare to rescue you. As a result, I didn't expect that the adults had brought you out safely!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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