Xue an and Zhuo Yangyang lived in the small building of Meng Lei.

Because there are so many things happening today, Zhuo Yangyang, who was deeply stimulated, went back to his room to have a rest early.

Xue an is sitting in the living room, slowly cooking tea.

When the fragrance of tea diffused, Meng Lei, who went out to inquire about the wind, pushed the door and came in.

At the moment, he looks a little tired.

Xue an head also did not lift, light way: "sit down to drink tea?"

Meng Lei is slightly stunned, then smiles and sits opposite Xue an.

Meng Lei frowned slightly after drinking a mouthful of freshly cooked tea.

"This tea..."

Xue an smiles, "I added some ginger! Isn't it hard to drink? "

"It's not hard to drink, but it tastes strange." Meng Lei said and took another sip of tea.

Then there was a long silence.

After a long time, Meng Lei hesitated and said, "Lord Xue, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

"Come on, I'm listening."

"In fact If you are in Zhuo's house today, you should directly kill the old witch! "

"Oh?" Xue an raised her eyes and looked at the Meng captain, "why do you say that?"

Meng Lei sighed, "in front of you, I also said it directly! Under the control of the old witch, the Zhuo family has completely changed. When the old man was still alive a hundred years ago, the Zhuo family was not the ghost like it is now! "

"So you hate her?" Xue an said lightly.

"Hate? of course! In fact, who in Zhuo's family doesn't hate her? " Meng Lei said this to pause, took a look at Xue an's look, saw nothing unusual, then continued to say.

"So if you killed the old witch directly at that time, the situation might be much better than it is now!"

"Because under her control, Zhuo's family has long been popular, and everyone has their own thoughts. As long as she dies, people will start to attack each other for their own interests. Even if they want to revenge, they will just want to look good on face! It won't be as passive as it is now. "

Xue an listened quietly, twisting a pure silver tea stick, gently stirring the tea in the cup.

Meng Lei seems to have opened the conversation box, and then said: "now this old witch woman orders someone to deliver letters to Tianfu Pavilion, and at the same time starts to contact the city Lord. It is obviously to revenge you crazily!"

"That's why I said it's better to kill them at first! At least it won't be the same as it is now

Hearing this, Xue an suddenly chuckled, "that's reasonable!"

Meng Lei lowered his head and said, "my Lord, I just want to say this in my heart. Don't be angry!"

"Angry?" She shook her head, then got up and walked slowly to the living room window.

It was dark outside.

Xue an light way: "in fact, what you said, I thought of it at that time!"

"Then you..." Meng Lei was stunned.

Xue an carried his hands on his back and said faintly, "but what do you think Zhuo Yangyang would think if I killed the old witch directly at that time?"

Meng Lei's pupil contracts instantaneously.

"To be sure, Zhuo Yangyang must have hated the Zhuo family, but this kind of hatred is different from others! Because she has lived in this shadow from childhood to adulthood. If she wants to really come out, she has to kill her enemies by herself instead of watching them killed by others! "

"Otherwise, she will never come out in the future!"

Speaking of this, Xue an turned to look at Meng Lei, "what I said, do you understand?"

After thinking for a moment, Meng Lei nodded heavily, "got it! And finally you throw money, the result is also released her, it seems that this is the will of God! Maybe the old witch really shouldn't be killed! I was reckless

With that, he got up and left.

Watching his figure disappear into the darkness.

Xue an stood in the distance, a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and then the money appeared in his hand.

With a long finger, the money was flipped in xue'an's hand like a living thing. The speed was so fast that it even showed illusions.

Then Xue an Cai said faintly: "the will of heaven Ha ha, I am the will of God

With that, Xue an threw it casually, and the money fell on the table. After rotating for a moment, it finally stopped.

But the picture above is fuzzy, like the cloud pattern, also like the font.

Zhuo's actions are much faster than many people think.

Before the night had passed, Xu Bao's body had been sent to Tianfu pavilion's residence in the city of curse.

In general, there are only a few low-level disciples stationed here. However, due to the coming of Shenwen recently, several of the top disciples of Tianfu pavilion have already rushed here.

Xu Bao is one of them.However, it never occurred to me that this disciple, who was deeply loved by the master of Tianfu Pavilion, just went out for a dinner party. When he came back, he turned into a pool of fuzzy flesh and blood.

The light in the room is white and the face is pale.

The atmosphere was oppressive.

The faces of the disciples of Tianfu Pavilion were extremely ugly.

After a long time, one of the biggest men suddenly patted the table, and his eyes were full of angry roars: "it's against the heaven to dare to kill my younger martial brother! I must tear him to pieces

Then he would go out.

"Hold on!" Suddenly a lazy voice came in from outside.

Said, from the outside into a thin to even some slender man, and the man dressed up very seductively.

Seeing the man coming in, people in the room got up one after another.

"See you, elder martial brother Kang!"

"See you, elder martial brother!"

This big man is also a Leng, and then some angry said: "elder martial brother, what do you stop me for? Is it wrong for me to avenge younger martial brother Xu? "

The man chuckled and said, "of course, it's not wrong. But do you forget that my elder martial brother Xu's cultivation is much better than you. Even he has become this kind of appearance. Are you going to die?"

The big man was choked for a while, but he finally lowered his head.

At this time, the man slowly walked to Xu Bao's body.

In the face of this bloody picture that ordinary people dare not look directly at, the man is excited, and even some greedy licked his lips.

"What a beautiful picture The man whispered in a whisper, and then he bent down like a hound to sniff Xu Bao's body. He even dipped a little blood in his hand and put it into his mouth.

All of them turned pale.

But the man is like tasting what the supreme delicious food is like, full face intoxicated exclamation way: "really is the powerful strength! With one hand, he smashed younger martial brother Xu into flesh and mud

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