It was kanghuazang, the elder martial brother of Tianfu Pavilion.

Although he was not very old, he was already a strong man at the level of God.

This time, he came to the curse city to capture the God pattern that was about to be born. He came to lead the team.

"Elder martial brother, who is the murderer?" Asked the big man.

Kang Huazang's eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking about something, until after a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of smoke.

Smoke in the air, but not scattered, and gradually transformed into images.

It's just before Xu Bao's death.

When Xue an's face gradually emerges in the picture, people in the room can't help but stir.

"Is this the murderer of Xu Bao?"

"It looks so fresh! It doesn't look like a person from this heaven! "

"It's just a palm will be born to break Xu Bao, this man's strength can not be underestimated!"

In these comments, Kang Huazang looked at xue'an's image and whispered softly.

"What a beautiful boy! It must feel good to hold it in my arms! "

With that, Kang Huazang giggled nervously.

But at this time, I saw the picture of Xue an suddenly raised his head, coldly glanced at all the people in the room, and then stopped his eyes on Kang Hua's hiding place and gave a slight smile.


The picture of smoke collapses in an instant, and Kang Huazang is like being struck by lightning, and his face turns pale and retreats several steps.

"Big brother!"

Everyone in the room was surprised.

Kang Hua Zang waved his hand, indicating that he was OK. Then he looked thoughtfully at the smoke that had returned to nothing, and his eyes grew cold.

"I really look down on you! But no matter who you are, if you offend our Tianfu Pavilion, you must pay a price! "

At the same time.

In the two story building in the harbor.

Xue an is sitting in his room, talking to an Yan.


He jerked up his eyes and looked into the distance.

"Husband, what's the matter?" An Yan was stunned.

Xue an shook his head, "it's OK, but someone is tracing back time with secret arts and exploring my trace!"

"Back in time?" An Yan was stunned by this seemingly mysterious noun.

Xue an a smile, "a small trick, not worth mentioning!"

"Will that be ok?" An Yan asked a little worried.

Xue an leaned on the chair, fingered Anyan's hair, and said, "in front of your husband, of course, nothing will happen! In fact, I don't want to spend time with them here if it's not for the coming of the God pattern and the so-called fallen ancient god! "

Anyan nodded.

Although she often gets angry with Xue an because of some trivial matters, she always obeys Xue Anyan's advice in business.

"By the way, how are the two little girls doing their homework?" Xue an suddenly thought of it and couldn't help asking.

Don't ask to return then, a ask this, an Yan's gas does not hit a place.

"What's more, you two daughters are so irritating

"Oh? Why is it irritating? " Xue an was stunned.

"I asked them to endorse, but they told me a lot of truth. At the beginning, they just thought about it. Now they have learned to be stubborn! This one has no authority at all for being a mother An Yan called to hit the sky Qu.

Xue an smiles, "Oh? Stubborn

"Yes! I'll call them out now and let you ask them! "

"No, I'll go into Fubao building and have a look."

When Xue an also walked into Fubao building, Hu Ying and Zhang Xiaoyu were still fighting in front of the computer.

"Sleeping trough, there are zombies here. Come on! Come here quickly Hu Ying is engrossed in staring at the screen, shouting from time to time.

Zhang Xiaoyu, on the other hand, gives full play to her ethnic talent. She has seven or eight tentacles and controls three computers at the same time.

After hearing the cry of fox Ying, Zhang Xiaoyu was excited all over, "where, where?"

"This way, this way, behind that car! I've got a lot more coming. Come here! God, I'm surrounded Hu Ying is so excited that she can't get into the computer directly.

"Hold on, fox. I'll come to rescue you right away." With that, Zhang Xiaoyu's tentacles were waving at a very fast speed, and the keyboard clattered.

Soon, Zhang Xiaoyu manipulates the characters to get to the place where Hu Ying is trapped, and then there is a dazzling extreme operation.

With every shot, a zombie will be shot in the head, which will kill all the zombies besieging Hu Ying in an instant.

Hu Ying held out his thumb to Zhang Xiaoyu, "Niu *!"

Zhang Xiaoyu was happy, and his tentacles formed a proud heart in the air."That's right. I'm an octopus game player!"

"I envy you for having so many hands. I don't know when I can get more hands!" Hu Ying said with envy.

At this time, Xue an came in with a smile, "don't envy her, in fact, you can do it!"

"Brother Xue!"

"My Lord!"

They stood up in a hurry.

Xue an nodded with a smile, and then said with a smile to Huying, "I heard you killed eight computers in a week?"

Hu Ying's face was slightly red, "Oh, brother Xue, I'm afraid of playing games!"

"Afraid? What are you afraid of? "

"Afraid of ghosts, zombies and so on Yes The more Huying said, the lower the voice, because she felt a little embarrassed.

Xue an was even more crying and laughing and said: "the blood of the heavenly fox, the noble blood of all the heaven, is actually afraid of ghosts and Zombies? If your brother knows about it, you'll have to fight with me! "

"Hee hee, just fight. My brother can't beat you anyway! I remember he lost to brother Xue before. How many times did you come? Ten thousand... "

"Thirteen four hundred and twenty-one times! It should have been 13420 times! But once again on the earth, without accident, he lost again Xue an said lightly.

"Yes, yes, yes! That's the number! I have to find a small book to write down, so that when he farts in front of me, I will forget how much it is

Looking at the fox Ying who runs wild all the way on Keng GE's road, Xue an can't help feeling some sympathy for Fox night.

"By the way, brother Xue, you just said that I don't need to envy Teppanyaki. Can I really?"

Zhang Xiaoyu is full of black lines on one side, "I don't call it Teppanyaki!"

"Good Teppanyaki, I remember Teppanyaki!"

Octopus:.... "

Xue an nodded. "Yes!"

"Let's start now! I also want to have more hands out! " Hu Ying was very excited.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "You are a fox, not an octopus. How can you grow so many hands?"

"Well?" Hu Ying was stunned, "but..."

Xue an light way: "although you can't grow so many hands, but you have the tail that others can't grow!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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