Huying is so excited that she will jump up and directly control the three sub bodies to start operating the computer.

Then she found that the three sub bodies used like arms and fingers, and there was no obstacle in playing the game.

So she said to Zhang Xiaoyu with pride on her face: "see, I also have three helpers here. I'll play games later, and I'll cover you!"

Then she seemed to think of something, turned and said to Xue an with a firm face.

"Brother Xue, if you have more tails, will you be more separated?"

Xue an nodded, "of course! As a matter of fact, your three tails are just the most basic. Every time you add a tail, your avatar will increase exponentially. When you reach your brother's realm, you will be able to incarnate into hundreds of millions and walk in the sky

"Millions of incarnations..." Hu Ying whispered a few times, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "what if it was nine tails?"

"Nine tails To tell you the truth, I'm not sure, because I haven't seen it, but when the legend arrives, it will be infinite! " Xue an said lightly.

Hu Ying lowered her head thoughtfully.

Xue an then led an Yan to leave, but at this time.

Hu Ying suddenly raised her head and seriously said to Xue an, "brother Xue, I will surely wake up to nine tails, surpass my brother and become the only one in the sky fox!"

Xue an stopped, looked back at Hu Ying, then nodded with a smile, "OK, I'm waiting for that day!"

Maybe the two people at the moment don't know what this promise means!

Although the Fubao building was only forged by a real immortal, due to the coincidence of chance, a section of the law of heaven was incorporated into the forging process, which made this building have various miracles.

For example, this square inch cave is one of them.

It can accommodate a cave in a square inch, and Xue an, as the master, can control everything in this cave.

Nevertheless, Xue an slowly picked up the steps and came to the second floor.

After that, you can hear two little girls turning the corner.

"At the beginning of human beings, the nature is good, the nature is similar, and the habits are far away..." The voice is simple and simple. You can hear that it is reciting.

Xue an smile, and then look back at an Yan, that means that people do not back very good.

An Yan gently shook his head, and then dragged Xue an to the outside of the room.

The door was open, and you could see the scene inside.

See two little girls are sitting behind the desk, a person holding a large book in reading.

Looking at it, reciting began to shake his head to recite.

But at this time, think about suddenly put down the book in his hand, waved his hand, interrupted the reading words, "don't read it!"

"Well? Sister, what's the matter Niannian also put down the book and asked in a daze.

"I don't think that's right!"

"What's wrong? Did I recite it wrong? " Read to doubt a way.

"It's not that you recite it wrong, but that I think this sentence itself is wrong!" Think about it.

"But my mother told us to recite the book!"

"What mom said may not be all right! For example, I don't think the first sentence is right. What is the original goodness of human nature? When the baby is just born, he doesn't know anything. He only lives by instinct. As for those good and evil ideas, they are imposed on him! Besides, what is good and evil? Do you know? "

Niannian shook her head, "I don't know, and sister, I don't understand all of these things you said!"

"You! It's just stupid! Let me give you an example! For example, when you are walking in the forest, you suddenly encounter a wolf who wants to eat a deer. What would you do? "

"Why am I going for a walk in the mountains? I don't like to move any more. Isn't it good for me to have some snacks at that time? " The attention of the recitation is completely deviated.

Think of being angry, small face, take out the dignity of a sister, "no, I said you go for a walk, you have to go!"

"Well! What's the problem? "

"What would you do if you met a wolf and wanted to eat a deer?"

"Well I'll ask the wolf if I can have a bite too! " Read read very seriously said.

Think about it: "I'm going to..."

Then he couldn't help patting his head with the book in his hand, "eat and eat, you know to eat!"

"But I do think so." Read read very seriously said.

"I'll give you another chance. Please give me an honest answer, if you still want to have ice cream tonight!" Think about it and say it with a straight face.

Hearing the ice cream, Niannian sat up straight, then said seriously, "I will help the fawn beat the wolf away, because the fairy tale says that the wolf is a bad man!"

"That's right!" Think about standing up and walking up and down the room with your little hands on your back like a little adult."In our opinion, it's wrong for wolves to eat deer. Wolves are bad guys and deer are victims! But if we change the angle, in the wolf's view, it may not live without eating deer, and in its home, there may be a few wolves waiting to feed, so in order to survive, it has nothing to do with good or evil, just to survive! "

Read to listen to a face muddled than, but think of ice cream, she still sat there to listen.

"In the eyes of deer, of course, it doesn't want to be eaten, so in order not to be eaten, they will work hard to train and run. Finally, the strong ones survive, while the old, the weak and the disabled are eaten by wolves. Although it sounds cruel, the whole group survives!"

"But now you pass through the mountains and meet the wolf eating the deer. You beat the wolf away and think that you have saved the deer. You are very happy! But you don't know, the wolf died because he couldn't eat. The wolf in the nest died with him, and the deer who should have died because he was lucky, and the whole herd of deer that was implicated in the back also suffered from the disaster! "

"And the root of all this is the view of good and evil that people impose on all these things! Isn't that ridiculous, you say

Hearing and thinking of such an organized and clear statement, Xue an can't help but be a little stunned.

At this time, an Yan gently patted his shoulder and sighed: "husband, do you hear me? The little girl's mouth is just too able to say, sometimes what I said makes me unable to refute! Now it's up to you to discipline me

Xue an laughed, and then slowly walked out of the shadow, appeared in front of the door, and gently called out: "think about it!"

The two little girls looked back, and then they were surprised to shout, "Dad!"

With that, two little girls rushed over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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