Xue an held his two daughters in his arms.

"Dad, why did you come in?" Think about it and ask.

"Yes! Did you bring me something delicious, dad Niannian also asked.

Xue an ha ha a smile, "Niannian, no wonder your sister said you know to eat! It's a standard food

"Why, Dad, did you hear what you just said?" Niannian asked in surprise.

Xue an nodded, then looked at her eldest daughter, thought, and sighed, "think, I have to say, what you just said surprised me!"

"Do you think I'm right, dad?" Think about it and say it excitedly.

"It's true, but it's not right either!"

"Yes, it's because good and evil are really built up by human beings. Before that, heaven and Earth naturally worked like this, and it's OK without any intervention. That's what you want to say, isn't it?"

Think about it and nod, "yes! Dad, isn't that the right idea? "

"Of course! But the question is, what is the reason why people are human, even called the chief of the larks, rather than being confused with other animals and animals? Do you know why

Thinking about it, I lowered my head and thought for a moment, "is it because people practice faster than other ethnic groups?"

Xue an shook his head, "on the speed of cultivation, the powerful inheritance in the demon clan can kill the Terran in seconds!"

"Well Is it because people have their own cultural heritage? "

Xue an shook his head again. "Not to mention anything else, it is the divine world where we are now. The civilization of those Protoss is often hundreds of thousands of years old, much older than the human race."

"What is that for?" Think about it and ask curiously.

Xue an smiles and pats her small head, "it's because of the concept of good and evil you just said!"

Speaking of this, Xue an raised his head and said, "maybe before the Terrans, the distinction between good and evil already existed. Can we really promote the concept of good and evil and become the mainstream among the heavens, or is it because of the appearance of the Terrans?"

With that, Xue an looked down and thought, "think, in your opinion, how to distinguish good from evil?"

Think about frowning, thinking for a long time, and finally shook his head dejectedly, "I don't know!"

Xue an ha ha a smile, "you do not know is normal, because this question, many people who have lived for a long time also have no answer!"

Then Xue an looked at an Yan, "Yan'er, what do you say?"

Yan'er thought for a long time, and finally hesitated to say, "help others?"

Xue an nodded, "I think so! But the wicked will do the same, even better

"Well What is the real answer? "

Xue an shook his head. "To tell the truth, I don't know!"

"Well?" An Yan slightly a Leng.

Thinking about it, I'm a bit dazed.

Because in their eyes, Xue an is omniscient!

"In fact, there is no absolute good or evil at all. As you think about it, the good you think is the absolute evil when it comes to the wolf! But I have only one simple criterion! " Then he settled in.

"Do not do to others what you do not want!"

"Do not do to others what you do not want..." An Yan and think about are whispering.

Xue an then said: "think about it, in fact, these things and even the truth you just said are just a few empty talks to you, because you have not experienced them, you will not really understand them!"

"So what I hope you should do is not use these empty talks to decide your future life at this time, because what you need now should be a relaxed childhood!"

Hearing Xue an's words, the melancholy mood that originally suppressed in thinking about the eyebrows gradually dissipated, and the once mature eyes also became pure again.

"Mm-hmm, thank you, Dad. I get it!"

Xue an said with a smile: "what do you understand?"

"The truth that I haven't experienced is just empty talk, so I want to grow up quickly and understand all this as soon as possible!" Think about it.

Xue an chuckled and patted her head, "silly girl, when you really grow up, you will regret this sentence!"

"I want to grow up as soon as possible," she said

"Well? Why are you? "

"Because when I grow up, I can eat ice cream without fear! It's fun to think about it! " Niannian said with a drool.

Xue an laughs, "silly read, always eat ice cream what good, today father will take you out to eat a big meal!"


Xue an nodded. "Of course it's true!"

"Well, well, we're going to have a big meal!" Two little girls are excited about how high a jump.

Xue an Chong an Yan squeezed her eyes, then lowered her voice and said, "how about it? It's better for me to be a father! "An Yan cry and smile, white Xue an one eye, and then asked: "husband, where are you going to eat a big meal?"

"To the port outside, of course."

"But isn't the situation outside very tense now?" An Yan asked with some worry.

Xue an a smile, "don't worry, there is your husband in, the sky falls down, I will also let it obediently go back!"

The whole city of curse was built on the sea. It was originally a port everywhere, but because of its special location, it gradually formed a port after a long time.

And eventually developed into a very large port market.

Because the city of Damnation is well-developed in trade, hundreds of giant ships travel every day, so it also feeds countless sailors and people living on boats.

So the seaport market is very prosperous.

Huge ships from all over the world brought countless new things, from the most expensive Outland Tianbao to the extremely cheap coarse LingMi.

When Xue an leads the family to walk on the street, think of Nian Nian also can't help but be shocked by the prosperous scene in front of her.

But children always like to be lively, so soon they both get excited.

"Dad, I want to eat this!" Niannian said, pointing to a very strange snack.


"Dad, I want to play with this!" Think about pointing to something very novel.

"No problem!"

To the request of two daughters, Xue an can be said to be responsive, no matter what he said, he nodded with a smile.

Only when the two daughters clamored to buy a poisonous snake that looked very fierce, and Xue an also wanted to nod his head and promise, an Yan could not help but stop.

"Almost! It's only a few steps away. I've bought so many. Will I have to buy this street later? "

Think about reading, shut your mouth, dare not speak.

But after a while, Xue an lowered his head and asked with a smile, "are you hungry? Dad will take you to the seafood here, OK

Two little girls in front of a light, said in unison: "good!"

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