Wang Ke is a waiter in xuanhai tower. To be frank, he is a waiter.

Although it's a job of serving people, Wang Ke cherishes this job very much.

Because in this cursed city, the only way out for ordinary people like Wang Ke who have no training and no background is to be a sailor.

However, the vast sea of giant animals often means high mortality.

After a narrow escape, Wang Ke did not dare to go to sea again, and finally found such a job.

Although some hard work, but Wang Ke is very contented.

Because xuanhai tower is also one of the top restaurants in the seaport market. It is not only rich in monthly activities, but also can get some rewards from time to time. In sum, it is much better than being a sailor.

Wang Ke was sent to meet the guests at the door of the restaurant today.

Wang Ke is very happy, because if he meets a generous guest, he can get a reward.

There were so many guests today that Wang Ke felt his face was almost rotten with laughter.

After a while, he was leaning against the doorframe to catch his breath when he saw a family coming up the street.

Wang Ke is about to say hello, but when he looks at it carefully, he is stunned.

Because the appearance of the coming family is simply too high.

walked as like as two peas as like as two peas in a jade carving, dressed in identical clothes and combed with the same bun, which looked as good as the one coming down in the painting.

And then followed by a man and a woman.

The man has a long body, a handsome face and a natural noble spirit.

And when Wang Ke saw the woman on one side, he was stunned.

As a waiter in xuanhai tower, Wang Ke has seen the world.

But when he saw this woman, Wang Ke suddenly understood, what is really unique.

Such a high-quality family together, naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

And just when Wang Ke was still a little silly.

Xue an stopped, looked up at the restaurant, and with a faint smile, "this is what they said!"

Wang Ke woke up at this time and rushed to meet him. "Are some guests here for dinner?"

Xue an nodded, "is there a private room?"

Wang Ke apologized with a smile, "I'm really sorry, there is no elegant room today, but there is still room in the lobby!"

Xue an turns her head and looks at Xiang Anyan.

Anyan was not used to being watched by so many people, so she secretly made a decision, shielded part of her beauty, and then whispered, "go in and taste it!"

There are seven or eight seats in the lobby.

But when the xue'an family arrived, the noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

What do you want, sir Wang Ke said gallantly.

Although he didn't recognize Xue an's identity, he knew that he was not an ordinary person when he looked at his words and deeds, so he always treated him carefully.

Xue an light way: "what you are good at is on what!"

"OK!" Wang Ke goes down to say hello.

After a moment, the food was served like water.

It has to be said that the food of xuanhai tower is really good.

At least two little girls will eat very happy.

In particular, when I read this snack, I seem to dislike chopsticks for being too slow, so I went straight to my hand and began to nibble with a prawn in my arms.

Such a naive attitude naturally attracted some people's friendly smile.

Think about it, but feel a bit humiliating, can't help kicking to read for a while below.

Read to swallow the things in the mouth, some blankly asked: "sister, what do you kick me for?"

Think of some helpless, "stupid read, you can eat when the lady point!"

"Lady?" Niannian shook her head, "I don't want to be a lady, or I can't even eat well!"

Say to read to lower the head and began to concentrate on dealing with the hands of prawns.

Xue an has been smiling at this scene, is about to say something.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside the door, and then there was a loud slap in the face.

A female voice is extremely arrogant to say: "you count what thing, also dare to greet me?"

The sound made people in the hall look sideways.

Xue an could not help frowning and turned to look.

At the gate of xuanhai tower, a luxurious carriage stopped by the side of the road, and two people, big and small, came down from above.

The older one is a woman with rich clothes and heavy makeup, while the younger one is a little boy.

Wang Ke, who had just called on the xue'an family, was lowering his head at the moment.

On his face, there was a palm print.

It was this swaggering woman who hit it.

Although his face swelled with the speed visible to the naked eye, Wang Ke didn't even dare to move. He just said in a trembling voice, "Mrs. Jin, I'm really sorry. I was reckless!"This scene also made many diners in the lobby angry.

And an Yan is a frown, and then whispered: "husband, do you want to screen this scene?"

Xue an gently shook his head and said with a smile: "this kind of thing they will come into contact with sooner or later. Now take a look at it, there is no loss!"

An Yan was eager to speak, and finally sighed a little.

"Hum!" At this time, the woman snorted coldly in her nostrils, and then ordered her to say, "arrange a box for me!"

Wang Ke shivered all over, then said with a bitter smile: "Mrs. Jin, I'm really sorry, there is no elegant room today!"

"What do you say?" Mrs. king raised her voice.

Wang Ke swallowed his mouth and said in an astringent voice, "today All the boxes have been reserved for today

Pa Pa!

There were two loud slaps in the face.

A lot of people didn't even see how the golden lady was able to do it, and Wang Ke's face had been turned into a pig's head.

But even if he was beaten like this, Wang Ke still didn't dare to move. Instead, he nodded and bowed, and said vaguely: "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Kim, you've been wronged."

"Wronged? Hehe, with your little xuanhai Lou, do you believe that a word from me can make you disappear Mrs. Kim said very arrogantly.

"Yes, yes! Of course we know! " Wang Ke bent down and said yes.

At this time, the little boy who was following Mrs. Kim suddenly said, "do you know you don't kneel down?"

Wang Ke's eyes were filled with grief and despair.

Because he knew that he could not provoke this Mrs. Jin, not only himself, but also the whole xuanhai tower.

In fact, as soon as the carriage stopped at the door, he was already afraid.

Because every time the golden lady comes, the waiter who serves her will suffer a disaster.

It was the same last time, and it was also the reception that Wang Ke was responsible for. As a result, he was beaten for three days and didn't get out of bed.

I didn't expect to be able to avoid this disaster this time.

Although Wang Ke is not willing, but finally slowly kneels down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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