Suddenly, the boy was slapped in the face again.

Although he was still young, Wang Ke's mouth was bleeding with a few slaps because of his good blood talent and deep cultivation.

Then the young master said coldly: "next time you dare to do this, be careful of your dog life!"

This time the whole audience for a quiet, many people look at this naive boy's face of indifference, heart can not help but some shudder.

But Mrs. Kim was not ashamed but proud, and even giggled.

"Good! Is this the young master of our Jin family! Mother has always said to you that you can't have a good face for these cheap things, or they will kick their nose and face! "

"Well, mother! I see! " The young master can't help but be satisfied with his mother's affirmation.

And this scene also let a lot of people's eyes show anger, but no one dares to speak.

Because the Jin family is one of the most powerful families in the whole cursed city. Let alone slap Wang Ke, even if he killed Wang Ke directly, no one dared to take care of it.

"What are you doing? Go and arrange a private room for us Mrs. Kim chided.

Wang Ke, full of despair and humiliation, was about to get up.

Just at this time, witnessed the whole process of reading, put down the prawn in his hand, and asked seriously on his small face: "Dad, why does this bad aunt bully this big brother?"

Xue an smile, but did not directly answer read the words, but looked to one side to think.

"Think about it. What do you mean?"

Think about it, tilt your head, think about it, and then say, "Dad, is it because they think they are superior?"

Xue an nodded, and then said faintly: "think about it, there are always some people in the world who think they are superior to others!"

The voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience.

The golden lady turned around and said angrily, "who is saying Well? "

Then she froze.

Because she found that a young man in white was sitting not far away, with a pale face.

And beside this young man is a gorgeous woman.

Besides, there are two little girls carved in pink and jade.

This combination made Mrs. Kim swallow all the words behind her.

Because she instinctively felt that the identity of this teenager should be unusual, especially the natural temperament, obviously not ordinary people.

However, she did not speak, but the young master of gold was very bright.

Although he is only seven or eight years old, he is the same height as a child of 11 or 12 years old because of his childhood practice. Moreover, he has developed his extremely arrogant and arrogant character because of his high self-cultivation.

When he saw that he was sitting there thinking and reciting, his eyes lit up with a flame, then he licked his lips, and suddenly said, "mother, I don't want to eat in the elegant room. Let's eat in this hall too!"

Mrs. Jin was stunned, but she knew that her son was more than a mother. She soon understood her son's intention and nodded with a smile.


She said, she glared at Wang Ke again, "what are you doing? Don't hurry to clean up the table for us

Wang Kewei has gone.

However, there is only one table left in the lobby, and it is next to xue'an's table.

Naturally, Wang Ke also heard Xue an's words just now, and knew that he was making a start for himself, so he wiped the table and lowered his voice and said, "this adult, if you don't have anything to do, you'd better leave here quickly."

"Oh? Leave? Why should I leave? " Xue an asked with a smile.

Wang Ke grinned bitterly, "don't you see my face? We ordinary people can't afford this mother and son! Her son, in particular, is a demon! If you have such two little girls around you, what if he... "

That's quite clear.

Xue an smell speech but just a smile, "thank you for reminding me, but I have a habit, no matter how big things, also have to finish the meal first!"

"But..." Wang Ke is worried.

Xue an gently waved his hand and interrupted him. Suddenly he asked, "what are you going to be busy with in a while?"

Wang Ke a Leng, and then wry smile shook his head, "what can be busy? Didn't you see that when the mother and son came, all the waiters were hiding? Even our shopkeeper's dodged! Because no one knows when he will be slapped in the face

"So now I'm the only one here. I have to stay and serve them!"

Speaking of this, Wang Ke's eyes are full of fear.

Xue an laughed, "that's just right. If you don't have anything to do, you can watch it here."

"Lively?" Wang Ke also wants to ask.

At this time, Mrs. Kim came over with her son impatiently.

"Have you been cleaning the table for a long time? Go away and wait"Yes, yes, yes!" Wang Ke hurriedly answers a way, and then looks at Xue an with a worried face, and finally retreats to the distance.

At this time, the other diners in the lobby have seen that the situation is wrong, and they have got up and quietly left.

In an instant.

There are only Xue an and Mrs. Jin in the lobby.

The atmosphere began to get weird.

Xue an has been eating slowly, an Yan also did not say a word, but to two little girls peel shrimp shell.

And Mrs. Kim, the mother and son, from time to time, seem to be waiting for something.


Outside the door, a domestic slave came in in in a hurry, and then reached Mrs. Kim's ear and said a few words.

Mrs. Kim's eyes lit up and then winked at her son.

This young master of gold has a smile, and then he carries a plate of prawns and carelessly goes over.

"Sister, do you like shrimp?" This young master Jin asked first.

Because nianniannian has the most shrimp shells and the best food.

Nianniannianwen took a look at the young master Jin, then turned his head and continued to compete with prawns.

This is equivalent to leaving the young master in the air.

Since childhood, he has been treated as a treasure no matter where he goes. His face is gloomy.

But he managed to bear it, and then he looked at it and thought, "what's your name, little sister? How about getting to know each other? "

I didn't even look up, just glanced at him, and then said in a cold voice, "no

This sentence directly blocked the words behind the young master Jin.

He looked at the little sisters, and his expression was changeable. Suddenly, he took a look of schadenfreude in his eyes, and then pretended to throw the plate carelessly.

Full plate of prawns will be head to face toward the recitation of eating big head to fly past.

As well as the time when the oil will fall on the plate.

Xue an sighed, "the bear child without tutor is really Damn it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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