With the words, the plate that was about to fall down and the oil all over the sky suddenly turned upside down, and the whole cover of his head was on the head of the young master.

Because of the momentum, the plate cracked with a click, and the oil ran down his head.

Because the stewed prawns have just come out of the pot and the temperature is very high, you can hear the barbecue sound everywhere the oil goes, and then you can see the skin foaming at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The pain made the young master scream.

"Ah My mother, someone bullied me

Mrs. Jin, who had been standing in the distance to watch the drama, was stunned when she saw her son was beaten. Then she was furious and rushed over.

"Chun'er, how are you?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, it hurts so much! Mother, it's all this guy who did me harm Jin chuntong screams and points to Xue an.

As soon as Mrs. Jin sees that her son has become this kind of appearance, although this kind of injury is nothing to the practitioner, how can Mrs. Jin, who has always been arrogant, tolerate her son's loss?

So she raised her head and roared at xue'an, "Why are you bullying my son?"

"Bullying your son?" Xue an was dumbfounded and then said faintly, "everyone can look at it. I haven't moved from the beginning to the end. How can you bully your son?"

"You're talking nonsense. How could that plate be all over my son's head all of a sudden?" Mrs. Kim said angrily.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a sudden gust of wind." Xue an said with leisure.

"You..." Mrs. king is going mad.

The reason why she just waited for a while to let her son go was that she had never met Xue an, and she was worried that she would be a strong foreign power. After all, many strong people came to the curse city recently because of the appearance of Shenwen.

So she secretly ordered her servants to investigate, and the result showed that no one had seen Xue an. She was not a child of a powerful family or a strong man.

So she was relieved to order her son to go.

I didn't expect to suffer such a huge loss!

You know Mrs. Kim's consistent principle is that you can bully others, but others can never bully yourself.

"It's your son. He's carrying a plate of prawns and he's going to pin it all on my daughter. How do you plan to account for this?" Xue an said lightly.

Mrs. Jin said angrily, "my son just wants to make friends with your daughter. What happened just now was not intentional! And my son is just a child. Can't you tolerate it? "

Xue an listened to the smile on his face more prosperous, but the eye light is gradually cold down.

"Or a child? Hehe, if it was my daughter who had just been detained, would you have to say so? "

"So what? My son didn't mean it anyway! What's more, you're such an adult, why do you have to have trouble with my son? " Mrs. Kim said with a defiant face.

Just at this time, the sound of noise came from the door.

There was a sneer at the corner of Mrs. Kim's mouth.

The reason why she didn't do it directly but used words to delay time was that she was waiting for the Jin family to come.

She is a very cautious person. Although she has not found out the origin of Xue an, what if she is some powerful person in the hidden world!

So for the sake of safety, she just ordered someone to go back to the king's house.

As long as their own people arrive, none of them can run.

At this time, Xue an nodded and said faintly, "you are right. I really shouldn't have been with your son!"

Mrs. Jin sneered at what she was about to say when Xue an, who was originally sitting in the chair, suddenly appeared in front of this lady, and then she raised her hand and slapped her face twice.

With two crackles, Mrs. Kim was directly fanned out until she broke two tables.

These two Ba fans are much more fierce than when their mother and son just fan Wang Ke.

At least the sound made the beams tremble, and the face of Mrs. Kim began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a twinkling of an eye, the swelling only left a small slit in the eye.

The whole audience was shocked.

People did not expect that this seemingly gentle young man would be so decisive and straightforward.

At this time, Xue an smiles at Wang Ke, who is trembling in the distance.

"She slapped you two times. I'll get it back for you! Are you satisfied? "


All eyes on Wang Ke.

Wang Ke was pale and trembling. He was almost scared to cry and couldn't speak at all.

Xue an sighed, "it seems that I'm not satisfied with it."

Just at this time, Mrs. Jin, who was fanned to the ground, finally woke up from the state of ignorance, and then roared bitterly: "do you dare to hit me?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an stood there slapping.Bang!

Although the distance is far away, but this slap or direct fan, this golden lady flies from the ground, and then falls heavily.

After landing, she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with tooth fragments.

"It's you! Actually, I don't like to beat women, but why do you always put your face together and let me do it? " Xue an sighed.

This Mrs. Jin is shaking like chaff. If her eyes can kill people, she really wants to cut Xue an into pieces.

At this time, the sound of footsteps outside, from far to near, was about to enter the door.

At the same time, an old but dignified voice came in, "who is it? How dare you bully my Jin family? "

Jin Chun, the young master of gold, was in high spirits and cried: "father, I am here! Someone beat me and my mother

After saying that, he said to Xue an bitterly, "you're finished. My father has arrived. I'll catch you all and burn these two little bitches to death with hot oil."

Such cruel words let an Yan, who always has a good temper, get angry, "husband..."

Before she finished, Xue an appeared in front of Jin Chun, and then he floated like an invisible rope in the void.

Then he looked at xue'an in horror. "What do you want to do? My father is the king of the family

But before he finished, Xue an shook his head and said with cold words: "no use!"

"No matter who your father is, today, all die!"

After that, a pure white flame rises up in the air and pours directly at Jin Chun in the air.

At the same time, outside the door came an anxious cry: "keep people under your command!"

But Xue an didn't pay any attention to it.

The pure white flame directly envelops Jinchun completely, and then begins to roast crazily.

The pain of burning his body by the fire is so great that with only one breath, Jin Chun collapses and howls.

And chun'er, the middle-aged man, was so angry that he couldn't believe it

But at this time, Jin Chun's body gradually disintegrated in the flame, and finally turned into nothingness.

If the middle-aged man was struck by lightning, he stood on the spot.

But Xue an slowly turned to look at the middle-aged man, the corner of his mouth showed a cold smile, "this picture, is not very beautiful?"

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