"Chun'er!" Mrs. Kim, who was sitting on the ground, reacted first and let out a shrill scream.

Then he knelt down beside the middle-aged man and cried out: "master, you have seen it. You have to avenge chun'er!"

The middle-aged man called the master by Mrs. Jin is Jin Xiong, the master of the Jin family.

Jin Xiong's face was very gloomy, but he didn't start. Instead, he was staring at Xue an, and then he took a deep breath and said slowly.

"My friend, although my son Jinchun is wrong, he is still a child after all, but you just let him die and never surpass his life. It would be too cruel to do so!"

To everyone's surprise, Jin Xiong was extremely polite. Although he was also questioning, he was obviously not aggressive. He even sounded like he was discussing something.

This has surprised many people.

At least this Mrs. Kim was stunned.

Xue an smelt speech but laughed, and then played with the taste: "cruel? Hehe, why don't you say what your son said? It's kind of me to let him die so soon. Otherwise I'll let him die after a long suffering

Xue an's words made Jin Xiong's face even more ugly, but before he made a statement, Mrs. Jin couldn't help jumping up.

"Master, how arrogant you are to listen to him! Chun'er's spirits and spirits are all gone now. I've been beaten to look like this by him. You must make decisions for Chuner and me Mrs. Kim said with a venomous look on her face.

The arrogance of his attitude is obviously that he feels that Jin Xiong has come and he has a strong hand.

But at this moment, an unexpected thing happened.

Seeing Jin Xiong's face changed, and then as if he had made some determination, he directly slapped Mrs. Jin, who had just stood up, to the ground again.

"Asshole, men talk. When is it your turn for women to cut in?"

This time, this Mrs. Kim is completely silly. She looks at her husband with a confused face. She even doubts whether she is out of the house today and doesn't read the almanac. Otherwise, she is always slapped.

At this time, Jin Xiong's expression actually became polite and even gave Xue an a fist.

"My friend, I'm really sorry. My wife is young and immature. Don't be wise with her!"

Including the shopkeeper Wang Ke, all the people present thought that they had heard wrong.

Xue an killed his son in front of Jin Xiong, but it was Jin Xiong who apologized to Xue an.

And this still happened in the gold family, which has always been known as arrogant and overbearing.

This is incredible.

Xue an is not moved at all, but coldly looks at Jin Xiong.

The smile on Jin Xiong's face gradually solidified, but he still kept the posture of clasping hands.

After half a cup of tea, Xue an lowered his eyes and said, "now Don't you think I'm cruel? "

Jin Xiong sighed, "my friend, I was impulsive just now, but when I think about it carefully now, what you said is not unreasonable. After all, it is my son Jinchun who is not in the first place. You can not kill him too much! What's more, I'm a father, and I'm not to blame! "

This kind of righteous and awe inspiring words made many people suspicious of life, especially Mrs. Jin, who was simply stupid.

Xue an suddenly chuckled, and then looked at Jin Xiong with great interest. He said faintly, "you are a wonderful person who knows how to advance and retreat."

Jin Xiong nodded and bowed with a smile, "you are joking! If it's convenient for you, you can also come to my Jin's house. It's my apology to you! "

Xue an turns a deaf ear to Jin Xiong's invitation. Instead, he looks around and smiles at the two girls.

"Think about it, eat it?"

Two little girls nodded together, "full of food!"

"When we are full, let's go." With that, Xue an got up and led the family to leave.

From the beginning to the end, Xue an regarded Jin Xiong as air.

This attitude makes Jin Xiong's eyes flash cold, but the smile on his face is more prosperous.

At this time, Xue an passed by Wang Ke, the shopkeeper, stopped suddenly and threw a crystal stone.

Wang Ke caught it in a hurry, and then said in a panic: "big My Lord

"This is the money for the meal. Don't change it!" Xue an said with a smile.

Wang Ke gradually widened his eyes, because he never dreamed that a strong man like Xue an would pay for meals.

At this time, Xue an seemed to think of something. He turned to Jin Xiong and said, "by the way, this matter has nothing to do with the bartender. I don't want to hear bad news about him in the back, otherwise..."

"I will be angry with your family of gold!"

Jin Xiong shivered all over his body, and there was a look of anger in his eyes, but he still nodded and said, "yes!"

Xue an then laughed and added, "and I hope you can take care of this stupid woman, because next time, I may not be in a good mood this time!"After that, Xue an led his family to leave xuanhai tower.

Jin Xiong stands in place, his face is changeable, sometimes angry, sometimes resentful.

At this time, Mrs. Jin stood up trembling from the ground, and looked at Xue Anyuan's back with bitterness. Then she asked, "master, will you let this guy go like this? Do you want to send some people to follow him to see where his nest is, and then kill them at night? "

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Xiong raised his hand and slapped again, and the golden lady fell to the ground again.

Now this unfortunate Mrs. Kim is going to cry.

She couldn't understand why it seemed that everyone could not get along with her face today!

How many slaps did you get?

If you fight like this, your face will become a pig's head.

"It's because of you, a fool, that killed chun'er in vain! They also send people to follow them. Do you think that if someone is following them, they will not see it? "

Mrs. Kim trembled and did not dare to speak.

Jin Xiong is staring at Xue Anyuan's direction, his eyes are extremely sinister.

He is not a fool. In fact, a fool can't be the head of a family in this cursed city.

So when he rushed into the xuanhai tower and saw his son being born and refined by the fire, Jin Xiong vaguely felt that Xue an was not an ordinary person.

Because the fleeting white flame is obviously not mortal.

And after a little contact, he is even more creepy.

He found that he could not see through Xue an's accomplishments by his own cultivation.

In the face of Xue an, he felt like he was facing an unfathomable deep pool, which made people feel cold.

This kind of feeling naturally makes the experienced Jin family owner dare not act rashly. After all, his son can be reborn after death, and if his life is lost, nothing will be lost.

What's more, it's not too late to try to find a way to revenge later.

As for face, how much is it worth?

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