"Go Jin Xiong cold voice drinks a way, then leads along the nose to bleed down the golden lady to plan to leave.

However, when he passed by Wang Ke, he couldn't help but take a deep look at the bartender, and then there was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

Because he can see that Wang Ke is an ordinary bartender, without any unique.

But why would that young man give a special warning for such an ordinary person?

Is there any other reason?

Jin Xiong couldn't understand, and he didn't think that Xue an did it because of his respect for people.

Because in his eyes, people like Wang Ke are not even comparable to a spirit animal that he keeps.

Jin Xiong left with a puzzled face.

But this Jin lady, who was still very arrogant and domineering when she just arrived, has become much more honest now. She even dare not look at Wang Ke, but lowers her head and leaves in a hurry.

Wang Ke stood in the corner, looking at the people of the Jin family who left in a hurry, and gradually began to laugh.

This smile is incomparably happy, but smile, the corner of the eye is showing tears.

At the same time.

On the way back to the residence, an Yan is silent.

Until about to the destination, an Yan can't help but shout: "husband!"

"Well?" Xue an looked up to an Yan, "Yan'er, what's the matter?"

An Yan thought for a moment, but finally just sighed, and then shook his head, "nothing!"

In spite of this, an Yan's eyes betrayed her.

Xue an naturally understood what an Yan was because of. He couldn't help laughing, and then took an Yan's hand.

"Do you think what I just did was too violent?"

An Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "husband, i..."

Xue an waved his hand with a smile and stopped Anyan from going on. Then he said faintly, "Yan'er, maybe you don't understand what is a very important rule of the game in the universe."

An Yan a Leng, "what?"

"Everyone is responsible for his words, no matter who he is, he has to pay the due price for it."

"And You may not understand how I feel! " Xue an said lightly.

"In many people's eyes, the guy just now may have been threatened by words, and he will not die! But it seems to me that if you dare to threaten my family, no matter who it is, there will be only one consequence, that is, the gods and spirits will disappear completely in this world! "

Anyan nodded thoughtfully, but still couldn't help saying: "husband, in fact, I hate that guy, especially other words are so vicious, but you started in front of the face of thinking and reading after all! Will it... "

Xue an laughed, and then took a few steps to catch up with the two little girls who were eating snacks in front of her.

"Think about it. You think Dad just did it, didn't he? "

Think of nodding without hesitation: "Dad did the right thing!"

"Oh? Why do you say that? " Xue an asked with a smile.

"Because that boy is so disgusting, especially the others who say such vicious words! Just imagine, if he met other girls instead of us, he might have succeeded! So I think he's a bad guy! He deserves to be killed by his father! " Think about it. She said very seriously.

Xue an grinned and rubbed her hair. "Good boy!"

Then he turned his head and read to one side, "read, what do you think?"

Reciting and swallowing the snacks in his mouth, he frowned and thought for a while, and then said, "I think the seafood there is really delicious. Dad, when are we going to eat it again?"

This words let Xue an, an Yan, and think about all some silly eyes.

And then think of hate iron is not steel pinch a small meat face read, "stupid read, you can't think of something else?"

"What do you think? I think, nothing is important to eat! Eating is the happiest thing in the world Read a face of course said.

Think about stomping.

Xue an smelt speech but burst out laughing, then rushed to an Yan, leaned in her ear and whispered.

"Yan'er, have you seen it? Never underestimate children, because their ideas may be smarter than you! Are you right? "

Anyan was worried that the two daughters could not bear the scene just now. It turned out that she was worried too much, so she nodded with a smile.


When the family went back to their house happily, they found that the atmosphere was a little different.

The living room was full of people.

Meng Lei and Zhuo Yangyang are all in it, but at the moment, their faces are very dignified.

After seeing Xue an, Zhuo Yangyang and Meng Lei both stood up.

"My Lord!"

Xue an nodded. "What's the matter?"

Meng Lei sighed, then handed Xue an an invitation card, "you have a look, this is just delivered this afternoon!"After Xue an took over, he took a look. He was stunned, and then a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.


Meng Lei thought Xue an would turn pale when he saw the invitation. At least, he had to look dignified. However, he didn't expect that he would laugh. He was also a little surprised.

"What do you think, my lord?"

"What do you think? Since the queen has invited me to a dinner party, let's go and have a look Xue an said lightly.

The invitation was the damned queen from the city Lord's house.

It is very clear that tomorrow night, the city Lord's house will hold a dinner party. At that time, all the strong people from all walks of life will attend. I hope Xue an will also be there!

Xue an's words let Meng Lei be stunned, until after a long time, he just said: "adult, do you really want to go?"

"Yes, of course. Why not?" Xue an asked with a smile.

Meng Lei looks at Xue an in amazement.

In fact, from the moment he got the invitation, his heart was occupied by fear and fear.

Because the queen of curse is the most powerful one in the sky, especially in charge of the curse city for so many years, she has established a strong prestige.

If he had some confidence against Zhuo's family, he was really afraid when facing the curse queen.

In particular, the invitation was sent directly to the small building, which shows that the queen knew Xue an lived here for a long time.

However, this stronghold is Meng Lei's secret place, which is carefully prepared to escape at the critical moment.

But in front of this damned queen, all secrets are hidden.

When he thought about it carefully, Meng Lei felt cold.

Can Xue an's reaction is so indifferent, even let this Meng Lei have a trace of extremely absurd feeling.

"My Lord, this is a very important matter. Do you want to think about it again?" Meng Lei said astringently.

"Contemplation?" Xue an shook his head and then laughed at Zhuo Yang Yang, who was pale. "Zhuo's family will certainly attend this dinner party, and then you will go with me."

"I'll go too?" Zhuo Yangyang was stunned.

Xue an nodded and said, "of course!"

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