"But..." Zhuo Yangyang hesitated.

Xue an said faintly: "if you still want to get back what belongs to you, then you should prepare well and go with me tomorrow, otherwise it will be even!"

After that, Xue an led the Anyan family to the second floor, leaving a group of people in the living room looking at each other.

"Miss, what are your plans?" Meng Lei asked hesitantly.

Zhuo Yangyang's expression was changeable, but his eyes gradually became firm and resolute. Finally, he said in a deep voice, "Uncle Meng, I'm going to go!"

What did Meng Lei just want to say.

Zhuo Yangyang seriously said: "Uncle Meng, don't say, I understand what you mean! I'm not here to prove how great I am, nor because I want to get something back! "

"In fact, the reason why I want to go is that this dinner is obviously very unfavorable to Mr. Xue!"

"If Zhuo's family is going to go, the people of Tianfu Pavilion will certainly show up! Curse Queen's position is unknown, but obviously not too optimistic! It's really dangerous to be surrounded by powerful enemies! "

"But to a great extent, it's because of me! I can't shrink back at this time, but let Lord Xue who helped me face it alone

"I remember you once said that you would be rewarded by the kindness of water! So this time, I would like to advance and retreat with Lord Xue Live and die together

When he said this, Zhuo Yang Yang's face was very calm, but his eyes were shining with a bright light that had never been seen before.

Meng Lei looked at with some consternation, and then the corner of his mouth gradually showed a smile, a heavy nod.

"Good! Meng Zhuo should have the courage to accompany my children this time! "

"Uncle Meng, you..." Zhuo Yang Yang a Leng, then intends to dissuade.

Meng Lei waved his hand and said faintly, "although our accomplishments and status are far less than those of the great men, we are not ants who are trampled on by others. On the bone, my assistant is not a bully!"

With that, Meng Lei looked around the audience and said in a low voice, "little ones, do you dare to go this trip together tomorrow?"

The sailors in the living room all cried out in a solemn voice: "I wish I could benefit from the battle of death!"

In chorus, Meng Lei laughed.

"Good! Tomorrow, let's show the big men in the city how good we sailors are

After waiting on the building, the two little girls went back to Fubao building.

An Yan can't help but ask softly: "husband, what do you say this dinner party is for?"

"It should be for the divine pattern that is about to appear!"

"Husband, these days I always mention this divine pattern, but what is it?" An Yan asked curiously.

Xue an laughed. "The so-called divine pattern refers to a seal character bred from the fallen ancient gods."

"The more you look back, the more powerful the protoss will be! Now the protoss, the strength has degenerated too much! In ancient times, those ancient gods often had the ability to destroy the heaven and the earth. Among them, there were immortal real gods, that is, the Immortal King and even the Immortal Emperor

"After these ancient gods fall down one by one, they will breed divine patterns on those powerful ancient gods!"

"What's the use of this divine pattern?" An Yan asked.

"It's a wonderful thing to say, but a lot of it's myth and Protoss' boasting, but I know one of its most important uses."

"For what purpose?"

Xue an smiles, "this divine pattern can raise the rank of Fubao!"

"Raise the rank of Fubao?" An Yan a Leng, eyes suddenly a bright, "husband, you mean..."

Xue an nodded with a smile, "although our Fubao building is still enough at present, it will have to be upgraded sooner or later, so now is a good opportunity!"

An Yan understood why Xue an had been waiting in the city of curse.

"But Will those strong people in this region give up so easily? " An Yan asked a little worried.

Xue an gently played with an Yan's long hair on the edge of his mouth, and said in a calm tone: "they can give up or not. Anyway, I'm going to decide on this divine pattern. Then I can't help them! "

As Xue an said.

The dinner was very extensive.

All the big families in the city and the strong people from all over the city received the invitation from the city Lord's house.

At this sensitive moment, many people know exactly what it means to curse the queen to hold a dinner party suddenly.

Therefore, although this dinner party has not started yet, a big disturbance has been brewing in the dark.

But when the dinner party caused a stir in the city of curse, a strange name appeared in front of the public.

"Who is Xue an? Why did he receive an invitation from her majesty? " Someone asked in amazement.

"I remember, was it the man who made a big scene in Zhuo's family and killed Xu Bao in Tianfu Pavilion before Someone said."Yes, he is! I didn't expect that he also received the invitation! Tut Tut, this can be lively! "

"Who says no, let alone the Zhuo family, even the people in Tianfu Pavilion will not give up. Especially, Kang Huazang, the famous man demon master of Tianfu Pavilion, is in the city. This dinner party is expected to be very lively." Another sighed.

"Let me say, this Xue an certainly won't go to this dinner party, because it's not clear whether it's for him to die?" Someone asserted.

But this conclusion has attracted many people's approval.

"Yes, I don't think he will go, because even a fool doesn't know the danger this time! Unless he thinks he can crush the court, but is that possible? "

In these comments.

The Zhuo old lady of Zhuo's family sent two envoys to the city Lord's house and Tianfu pavilion after smashing things in the back house.

At the same time.

In the corner of the curse City, there is a mansion.

This is where the Kim family is.


In the study of the Jin family.

Jin Xiong's positive color is gloomy looking at the investigation results sent by his subordinates.

"Xue an Ha ha, I didn't expect that you were the xue'an who offended Zhuo family and Tianfu Pavilion at the same time! "

Speaking of this, Jin Xiong sneered.

"Master, this guy is so arrogant. Shall we join the Zhuo family to kill him?" Mrs. Kim approached and asked with a look of hate.

Jin Xiong shook his head, "don't be so anxious!"

"Won't chun'er take revenge?" Mrs. Kim said with a look of hate.

"Newspaper, of course!" Jin Xiong is full of hate color said, "but this guy's strength obviously can't be underestimated, at least I have no plan to win on him!"

"What about that?"

Jin Xiong heard a burst of sneer, "although I can't beat him, but someone can!"

"Well?" Mrs. Kim was stunned.

Jin Xiong looked up at the bright star in the north of the sky. He was so excited that he shivered.

"Tomorrow at the latest, that adult will be born here. At that time, let alone a mere xue'an, even the queen, will have to be courteous."

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