"Yan'er, don't go back to Fubao building, just rest here!" Xue an said with a smile.

An Yan face a red, white Xue an one eye, "no, I don't go back, Ying'er and little fish still don't take to think about, read inside turned the sky ah!"

"Oh, they are just playing games. What's the big deal?" Said, Xue an stretched out his hand to take an Yan's small waist.

An Yan a side, in the rare time to avoid Xue an's "magic claws", and then giggled and said: "stupid husband, you come to catch me! Catch me and I'll stay! "

Xue an was "infuriated" by Anyan's provocation. He could not wait to rub his hands and then said with a smile: "Yan'er, this is what you said! Don't go back on it

Looking at Xue an's bad smile, Anyan felt that her heart had stopped half a beat, then she stepped back half step in a panic, "old Husband, what do you want to do

"What do I want to do Don't you know? " Xue an grinned badly, then suddenly jumped forward.

Xue an's tongue was so scared that she cried out.

"Stupid husband, do you forget that my cultivation is only one level worse than you? It's impossible for you to catch me so easily

Xue an's expression of sadness on his face said, "I dare to talk to my husband like this. It seems that I really spoil you! Today, I'm going to teach you a good lesson, so as to shake up my husband's gang! "

Say, Xue an suddenly stomps a foot, the space around instantly congeals into a piece of iron, will an Yan trapped among them.

Anyan struggled for a few times and found that she couldn't get rid of it. She couldn't help shouting, "husband, are you really coming?"

"Hey, your husband, when have I been on holiday?" Said, Xue an then bad smile to rush up.

But at this time, an Yan's body gradually became pale, Xue an once again rushed empty.

Then came an Yan's laughter from the void, "stupid husband, I didn't expect it. Now I will shuttle through the void. You can't trap me!"

Hearing an Yan's words, Xue an was slightly stunned, and then sighed helplessly, "Alas, it's a long night, and I sleep alone. It's really boring. Since my wife is not here, I'll just go to Yangyang and talk about my ideal of life."

With that, Xue an turned to leave.

"Dare you In the void came an Yan that some anxious voice, and then behind Xue an, an Yan's figure gradually emerged.

Xue an's head did not return, but his mouth gradually showed a narrow smile.

At this time, an Yan angrily stretched out his hand to grab Xue an's shoulder. At this time, Xue an suddenly turned around and held an Yan in his arms.

"Ha ha, I'll see where you're going now!"

Caught off guard, an Yan was held in the arms of Xue an.

But when Xue an's face was proud, an Yan's face in his arms suddenly showed a touch of pride, and then gently said: "husband, you've been cheated again!"

With that, the figure faded again, and then disappeared into the invisible.

Xue an a Leng, and then some surprised look up to the void, "separation?"

"Hee hee, that's right! What's up, husband? Am I good? I haven't been idle in Fubao building recently. I've been studying the skills you gave me all day A faint virtual image appears in the air, it is a proud face of an Yan.

Xue an had some helplessness and wry smile, "Oh, it's really lifting a stone to hit my feet. What can I do if I want to hold my wife so hard?"

An Yan saw the bitter smile on xue'an's face and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. Suddenly, the noumenon appeared in xue'an's arms.

"Husband, don't be angry. I'll play with you..." An Yan heartache said.

But the next second, her words will be blocked back.

After a full minute, Xue an just loosened his mouth and looked at an Yan with a smile, "the way is one foot high, the devil is ten feet high, lady, you still can't get rid of my" magic hand "in the end

"Hate, you big liar!" An Yan beat Xue an with light anger and thin anger.

"Oh? What did I cheat you about? It's natural for a husband to kiss his wife. Does it need to be cheated? " Xue an said with a smile.

An Yan blushed and buried her head in xue'an's arms, "you are a liar, but I use this method to show me!"

Xue an's hand gently stroked an Yan's back and said with a smile, "silly Yan'er, you don't think who taught you your skills. If I really want to catch you, do you think you can run away? I was just teasing you

Xue an took a breath of cold air before his voice dropped.

Because an Yan's delicate jade hand has pinched a piece of tender meat in his waist, and then turned it clockwise for a whole circle.

It has to be said that an Yan, who has stepped into the level of the strong, is very powerful now. At least this makes Xue an all pale."Wife, be gentle. It hurts!" Xue an grinned.

"Hum! You've been teasing me! What a mess! Originally, I still love you. I plan not to go back tonight. Now, you can reflect on yourself honestly here An Yan angry like a cat stolen dried fish, hate to stare at Xue an, turn around to leave.

"Yan'er, don't be so cruel!" Xue an thought that an Yan was really angry, and could not help but feel a little flustered. He quickly reached out to stop him.

"Let me go!" Anyan shouts with teeth and claws.

"Yan'er, I'm wrong. I'm kidding you! You're so good at separating yourself. I was cheated by you at the beginning! You are a genius if you can practice the composition body method in such a short time

"Really?" An Yan stops and looks up at Xue an coldly.

Xue an nodded solemnly, "really, and it's a unique one!"

An Yan originally wanted to continue with a straight face, but finally couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Xue an's inexplicable smile.

"What are you laughing at?"

An Yan suddenly rushed to xue'an's arms, pecked heavily on his face, and then whispered in xue'an's ear.

"I'm not feeling well recently. I'll stay with my stupid husband in a few days! And I was just teasing you! But you just looked so funny, hee hee! "

Xue an was stunned, and then he would go to catch an Yan.

But this time, an Yan flew into Fubao building, and then came her proud laughter.

"Hey, you can't catch me! Go to find your Yangyang girl! I'm going to stare and think about it and recite it! "

Xue an stood in place, listening to an Yan's voice, and then stroked the cheek that was kissed with his hand, and then slowly began to smile.

"Silly girl, do you really think I don't see you pretending to be angry? "

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