After an Yan returned to Fubao building, Xue an walked out of the room and went straight to Zhuo Yangyang's residence. After a little meditation, he really knocked on the door.

At the moment Zhuo Yangyang is sitting on the bed, looking at the stars out of the window with a sad face.

Although she has made up her mind to go to the dinner party tomorrow with Xue an.

But the heart is still very uneasy.

In particular, tomorrow's dinner may not only be attended by the Zhuo family, but also people from Tianfu Pavilion and other aristocratic families.

What will happen then is really hard to predict now.

All these make Zhuo Yangyang sad and hard to sleep.

Until the knock on the door sounded, Zhuo Yang slightly shocked, this just recovered sober, then can't help but have some doubts.

Who can it be so late?

Thinking in his mind, Zhuo Yangyang could not help but ask in a deep voice: "who?"

A moment later, a calm voice came from outside the door, "it's me!"

Zhuo Yangyang was stunned when he heard his speech.

It's Lord Xue. Why did he come to find himself so late?

Is it possible that.

Zhuo Yangyang's idea began to drift involuntarily.

In fact, during this period of time, Zhuo Yang Yang's heart has always been a big doubt.

That's why Mr. Xue wanted to help himself so wholeheartedly?

If Xue an happened to save himself in the sea of God's punishment, why did he save himself again when he was in Zhuo's house and smashed Xu Baosheng, who was plotting a mischief?

Is it because you like yourself?

In fact, Meng Lei once asked her in private.

Because Meng Lei has always thought that Xue an is in love with Zhuo Yangyang, after all, Zhuo Yang Yang's appearance can also be called peerless.

But the fact is that Xue an has been innocent of Zhuo Yangyang, and has not even said redundant words several times.

This makes Meng Lei also for it doubt, do not know exactly what Xue an is.

Until today, when I see Xue an leading a sudden appearance of the best beauty, and two little girls go shopping.

Zhuo Yangyang finally understood that what he had thought was just a good feeling of himself.

Because she found that, regardless of appearance or temperament, the woman accompanying Xue an could easily crush herself.

This kind of gap is even worse.

But that kind of doubt is more and more prosperous, because as a girl who has been in business since childhood, Zhuo Yangyang has always believed that there is no free lunch in the world.

Until hearing the knock is Xue an, Zhuo Yang Yang's heart suddenly moved, and then he realized that he finally understood what.

Men, no matter how beautiful their women are, can never restrain the restless heart.

Although he did not have that lady's astonishing appearance, peerless posture.

But if only as a supplement, it should be good!

What do you think of yourself? A dispensable vent tool?

These thoughts entangled in Zhuo Yang Yang's heart, which made her a little crazy.

At this time, Xue an's indifferent voice came out of the door again, "Yang Yang girl, please open the door, I have something to tell you!"

Zhuo Yangyang's teeth clenched her lips, and her eyes showed a light of humiliation, and her hands clenched into fists.

But a moment later, she came forward with a gloomy look and gently opened the door, just like a ball out of breath.

Xue an stood in front of the door with a smile, "is it already sleeping? Why did it take so long to open the door? "

Zhuo Yangyang was angry in his heart, but when he saw the smile on xue'an's face, he suddenly felt that all his Qi was gone, and then he faltered.

"Ah! Lord Xue, I also I haven't slept yet

Xue an also didn't notice Zhuo Yang Yang's strange, smiling and nodding, "that's good!"

That's good? What does that mean?

Do you think I haven't slept yet, can I do something more convenient?

Zhuo Yang Yang Yang's idea once again began to deviate.

"Er Is it convenient for me to go in? " Xue an said lightly.

"Ah Zhuo Yangyang found himself in the door all the time, and quickly got out of the way I'm sorry, I was negligent! Come in, please

Xue an grinned and walked into the room.

Zhuo Yang Yang suddenly woke up, and then felt that his heart was about to jump out.

What to do? What should I do? He actually let him in, isn't that more convenient for him to get it?

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yangyang secretly looked at Xue an's back with complicated eyes.

At this time, Xue an stood in the room and said without looking back: "Miss Yangyang, please close the door!"

The hand of Zhuo's hand was touched by lightning.

But a moment later, she bowed her head and gently closed the door. After a moment's hesitation, she locked the door.In any case, Lord Xue saved himself several times, and he was treated as Take it as a reward for saving his life!

Zhuo Yangyang secretly made up his mind.

At this time, Xue an suddenly turned around and quietly looked at Zhuo Yang Yang.

Zhuo Yangyang almost screamed.

Are you finally going to do it? But I'm not ready to do what?

At the moment when she's thinking.

Xue an light way: "Yang Yang girl, there is a thing, I want to know your opinion!"

Zhuo Yangyang took a deep breath and nodded calmly. Then he said in a trembling voice: "don't ask, I'm willing to!"

"Well?" Xue an is stunned and then smiles.

"It turns out that girl Yangyang already knows it! It's good to save me more trouble! But are you ready? "

Zhuo Yang Yang in a pair of wonderful eyes gradually dense out of a layer of fog, hang his head, low should a, "ah!"

Xue an nodded with satisfaction, "well, let's start now."

Zhuo Yangyang shivered at the speech and subconsciously stepped back half a step. Then he looked at Xue an in horror, "Xue Lord Xue, I I've never done anything like this, so I hope you You can give me a little time to get used to it! "

Xue an looked at Zhuo Yang Yang with some doubts, "never done it? How come? How can a man like you never do such a thing? "

This makes Zhuo Yang Yang's face pale in an instant. Silver teeth bite his lips and bite out the red blood directly. Then he said with a cry.

"Am I a mean woman in the eyes of adults?"

"Well?" Xue an looks confused.

Zhuo Yangyang took a deep breath and said, "Lord Xue, although I have experienced ups and downs, I have always adhered to the bottom line and kept my body as jade. How can you insult me like this?"

Xue an was said to be confused, and then said: "this is what with what ah! I just want to ask if you are willing to learn some cultivation skills from me. How can you insult you

Zhuo Yangyang instantly petrified and looked at Xue an in a daze Learning skills? "

Xue an nodded and sighed: "yes! What do you think? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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