Zhuo Yang Yang's face is red to the heel, bashful almost died on the spot.

"I thought I thought... "

Xue an waved his hand with a smile, "OK, don't say it! I'm sorry I didn't make it clear to you. Now I ask you, would you like to? "

Speaking of this, Xue an's expression gradually became solemn.

Zhuo Yangyang looked at Xue an stupidly, and suddenly said, "my Lord, I May I ask you a question first? "

Xue an nodded. "Of course!"

"You Why do you want to help me so much? "

Xue an was slightly stunned and then laughed, "what if I said there was no reason?"

Zhuo Yangyang shook his head. "My Lord, you don't have to prevaricate me. I'm not a boudoir girl who knows nothing about the world. There is no good or bad for no reason in the world. And I firmly believe that all gifts have been marked with prices in secret! So... "

Zhuo Yangyang took a deep breath and said slowly, "I want to know why you do this!"

Xue an looked at the girl in a purple dress, and her eyes flashed with surprise and appreciation.

He did not expect that Zhuo Yangyang would be so sober, even in the perception of the world as a weather beaten old man.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became silent.

Zhuo Yang Yang looks changeable in his eyes, but he has been quietly looking at Xue an, without any intention of shrinking back.

After a while, Xue an shook his head and chuckled. "To tell you the truth, I'm surprised you can think so!"

Zhuo Yangyang did not speak.

Xue an raised his eyes, looked at Zhuo Yangyang, and suddenly sighed, "you're right, but it's not right. At least my help to you has no price! As for the reason, it's very simple! "

"Because I see the shadow of a man from you

Zhuo Yangyang shivered all over, and then said softly, "yes Is that girl who is shopping with you today

Xue an nodded. "Yes, that's my wife!"

Zhuo Yangyang felt tingling in his heart and bowed his head.

Xue an slowly said: "her name is an Yan, and her experience, to some extent, is very similar to you!"

Next, Xue an will probably an Yan's story.

After listening to it, Zhuo Yangyang didn't know when he was in tears.

Because as Xue an said, she also saw her own shadow from an Yan's experience.

Xue an said lightly: "of course, this is only one aspect! What's more, I see a lot of valuable qualities from you. For example, even in that environment, you still don't abandon yourself, and you still maintain a great kindness to all people! "

"There are fewer and fewer people like you, so I decided to help you!"

"This That's why I want to help you! "

After listening to Xue an's words, Zhuo Yangyang began to sob in a low voice, and then slowly squatted down and began to wail.

This kind of crying has nothing to do with other things, just because she suddenly felt that she had lived so long and finally a person who could understand herself appeared.

The loneliness and sadness from the bottom of my heart knocked her down in an instant.

Xue an didn't dissuade her, but let her cry a lot. Then she came up and patted her on the shoulder.

"Now tell me, will you?"

Zhuo Yangyang converged her cry and knelt down slowly. Her face was still covered with tears, but she was very happy with her smile.

"My Lord, Yang Yang Yes

Xue an nodded. "Good!"

Then the expression suddenly a Su, "close your eyes and concentrate, and then there may be some pain, just go through it!"

Zhuo Yang Yang shivered all over, and immediately closed his eyes according to Xue an's instructions.

Xue an's huge mind spread, and directly refined Zhuo Yangyang's weak cultivation, and then forced Zhuo Yangyang to cut the Scriptures and wash the marrow with the supreme cultivation.

This is enough to make ordinary people crazy pain, but just let Zhuo Yang Yang issued a light hum.

"It's going to hurt next. If you can't carry it, just shout!"

Zhuo nodded slightly.

Without hesitation, Xue an changed his mind into a blade, just like making a fine work of art, and directly began to carve Zhuo Yang's meridians and sea knowledge.

Every time, Zhuo Yang Yang will feel pain all over the body, and the cold sweat on his face is dripping down his chin.

But she gritted her teeth from the beginning to the end without making a sound.

Xue an could not help admiring such perseverance.

You know, this is the pain directly acting on the spirit.

Gradually, Zhuo Yangyang's cultivation began to climb a little bit.

To the back, the climb is faster and faster.

The immortal, the carefree, the heaven man, the scattered immortal.

Each realm is accompanied by Xue an's mind and blade.This speed of strength improvement, if seen by others, is expected to be eye popping.

Who has ever seen such a counter to the weather?

In fact, it is Xue an who dares to act like this, because every blade of the spirit is acting on the spirit, and the requirement is that it must be accurate. Otherwise, if there is a little deviation, the light will lead to madness, and the heavy one will directly destroy the spirits and spirits.

This kind of behavior, which is close to madness, is that people like Xue an dare to do it.

Of course, this also requires that the person who is committed must trust Xue an unreservedly.

Zhuo Yangyang did this.


The last thought is finished.

Zhuo Yangyang was shocked, and his cultivation broke through the pass and stepped into the realm of Jinxian.

Xue an stepped back and whispered, "OK!"

Zhuo Yangyang was in a coma because of pain. After hearing Xue an's call, he gradually woke up.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she was stunned.

Because she felt the power from her own body.

Before that, Zhuo Yang Yang was just the fur that he learned from Meng Lei and others. Relying on the abundant aura in the divine world, Zhuo Yang was barely able to reach the heaven and human realm.

After seeing Zhuo Yangyang's physique, a strong man once asserted that she might not be able to break through the fairyland in her whole life.

At that time, Zhuo Yangyang, though unwilling, gradually accepted his fate.

But I didn't expect that under Xue an's contribution, he not only broke through the fairyland, but also came to a powerful realm that he didn't even dare to think about before.

"This is..." Zhuo Yang Yang's face was full of amazement and he said softly.

"You are a half step golden immortal now. Of course, the semi divine realm is divided by the strength of your heaven region!"

Demigod realm!

After hearing these three words, Zhuo Yangyang was struck by lightning and looked up at xue'an in horror.

Because she knew very well what it meant to be a strong man in the demigod realm.

In this realm of heaven, although there are many powerful people, the demigod realm is already the best.

The key is that I was just a man of heaven, and in such a short time, my kung fu has crossed so many great realms.

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