How rebellious is the method of Lord Xue?

Feeling the astonishment in Zhuo Yangyang's eyes, Xue an smiles, "don't look at me like this, this is just the beginning! When you practice the skills I gave you, your accomplishments will be improved

"In the future, at least you can hope to be a golden immortal, and you can also expect to be a half step real immortal, which is what you call the Zhengshen state!"

"Zhengshenjing..." Zhuo Yang Yang whispered in a soft voice the realm that he didn't even dare to think about before. He was already crazy.

Xue an nodded. "Yes, although your talent is very ordinary, I have tried my best to improve it for you."

Zhuo Yangyang wakes up and bows to Xue Anyi respectfully, "my Lord, Zhuo Yangyang dares not forget your great kindness to death!"

Xue an did not dodge, but accepted her worship, and then a faint smile, "I didn't kill the old lady of Zhuo's family before, just to leave it for you!"

"If you want to get out of the shadow, you have to revenge yourself! The so-called to relieve the hatred of the heart, pull out the sword and cut off the enemy! So I hope you can teach those who once looked down on them to learn to be awed at the dinner party tomorrow! And let them pay their due price! I said Do you understand? "

Zhuo Yang Yang's eyes twinkled with cold, nodded and said: "adult, Yang Yang understands!"

"Good!" Xue an smiles, and then directly passes a mental thought.

"This is a cultivation method. Although it's not very good, it just fits your talent."

Zhuo Yangyang felt a skill suddenly appeared in his mind, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

To know how precious a cultivation method is, Xue an gave it to her.

How could she not be grateful for it.

At this time, Xue an stretched for a long time, then yawned, "OK! It's done, and I'm gone! "

Then she turned to leave the room.

Zhuo Yang Yang suddenly called Xue an in a low voice, "my lord..."

"Well?" Xue an stops. "Is there anything else?"

At this time, Zhuo Yangyang suddenly sprang forward and hugged Xue an from behind. Then he said in a trembling voice, "my Lord, I..."

Yang Zhuo's words suddenly disappeared.

Once again, Xue an has appeared in front of the door and said lightly: "young girl Yangyang, it's not early. Let's have a rest early."

Then she opened the door and left.

But the door didn't open.

Xue an light Yi, this just found that the door is actually locked, can't help smiling at Zhuo Yang one eye, and then gently shook his head, "don't think nonsense, remember to practice well!"

Then Xue an opened the door and left.

Zhuo Yangyang stays in place and looks at Xue Anyuan's back.

She never thought that Xue an would refuse herself so neatly.

Isn't it hard for men to resist this temptation?

What's more, it doesn't need Xue an to pay any price. Everything is voluntary!

All of a sudden, Zhuo Yangyang remembered the scene when Xue an couldn't open the door before he left. His face turned red to the root of his ears. He closed the door shyly and then leaned against the door. Suddenly, he laughed foolishly.

That's how it went.

There was no word all night.

When Meng Lei came to the building the next day, Zhuo Yangyang walked out of the room with two dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that she didn't sleep well at all that night.

Meng Lei didn't care too much, but when he looked at it carefully, he almost glared his eyes out.

What's the matter? Why does Yang Yang have the breath of semi divine state?

Are you wrong?

Meng Lei rubbed his eyes again, but when he looked carefully, he found that there was nothing wrong. Zhuo Yangyang had indeed become a strong man in the semi divine realm. He could not help but ask in astonishment.

"Yangyang, what's the cultivation of you?"

Zhuo Yang Yang smelled speech and laughed, "Uncle Meng, I just wanted to tell you! This is all promoted by Lord Xue! "

"Promotion? A night of ascension to the demigod state? " If he had not witnessed it, Meng Lei really thought Zhuo Yangyang was talking nonsense.

Then Zhuo Yangyang told the story again. Of course, she didn't say anything about the embarrassing things that Xue an meant.

After hearing this, Meng Lei could not help standing for a long time, and then began to laugh bitterly.

"Yangyang, it seems that Lord Xue is really a noble person you hit!"

Then Xue an went down the stairs and into the living room.

"Why did you come so early? What can I do for you?" Asked Xue an.

Meng Lei nodded and his expression became a little dignified.

"Lord Xue, you Did you have a conflict with the Jin family when you were shopping yesterday? "

Xue an smile, "you already know?"

Meng Lei grinned bitterly for a while, nodded, "such a big thing, of course I know!""That's right. I had a little trouble with the Kim family!" Xue an said lightly.

A little holiday.

Meng Lei could hardly laugh or cry in his heart.

All the spirits refined by the young master of Jin's family are destroyed, and the Mrs. Jin's fan can't stand up.

Such a thing to Xue an mouth actually became a small understatement.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " Asked Xue an.

Meng Lei took a deep breath. "My Lord, today, some of my subordinates reported that the Jin family stayed up all night last night, and had been busy cleaning up the house. In the early morning, Jin Xiong, the owner of the Jin family, led people out of the city of curse. It seemed that they were going to meet some important person!"

"I think it's important, so I'm here to report it to you!"

Xue an is not moved at all, even a little bored yawn, and then smile, "I know!"

"My Lord, I think this is a very important fact. You should know that if you let the Jin family treat them with such care, they are certainly not ordinary people. You..." Meng Lei was afraid that Xue an could not pay attention to it, so he said in a hurry.

Xue an suddenly asked, "what are you going to eat this morning?"

"Well?" Meng Lei is a bit silly.

"What do I say for the morning? I'm a little hungry! "

"But your honor..."

Xue an smiles. "I know what you mean, but in my opinion, no matter what big man, it's not more important than breakfast."

"As for the Kim family, if they dare to make any changes at the dinner party tonight, then It's just a matter of stepping down. There's no need to say more! "

Meng Lei also wanted to say something, but saw Xue an's indifferent expression, and finally lowered his head, "yes!"

At this time, there was a faint thunder in the sky outside.

Xue an went to the living room window. The sky was gloomy and terrible. Although it was morning, it felt like night.

And the lightning in the sky, although very far apart, can still let people feel that kind of violent power.

"It's God's punishment! The monsters of the sea of God's punishment are being punished again Zhuo Yang Yang light voice channel.

Xue an raised his mouth and showed a faint smile. In a low voice, he said, "God punish Ha ha , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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