At dusk.

The storm which has been raging all day has finally stopped.

The streets were washed clean by rain.

And located in the center of this city, the city Lord's house was hung with lanterns early.

The servants were so busy that they added some excitement to the stately mansion.

This time, the grand banquet of the city Lord was unprecedented. Not only the rich families of the city Lord were invited, but also all the powerful people from foreign lands who came from afar were invited.

Therefore, although it has not yet reached the lantern, the long street outside the city Lord's house has become lively.

I saw a luxury chariot flying from all directions to here, but no matter what the identity of the other party, when they came to the city Lord's house, they would get off the bus and walk to show their respect.

So there are good people squatting here early, intending to see this rare excitement.

"It's from the Zhu family!"

"The people of the Yang family are here too!"

Such exclamations come one after another, because they are usually very rare figures.

Just at this time, I saw a very luxurious motorcade also arrived here.

Then from above came an old woman with gorgeous hair and graceful posture.

The old woman looked around the hall, and then walked into the Lord's house with a look of arrogance.

After she left, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"Who was that old woman just now?"

"Don't you know that? Can any old woman in our city have such a position? Of course, it's the old lady of the Zhuo family

As soon as this word comes out, many facial expressions become a little strange.

"Oh, it turns out to be the old lady Zhuo who was slapped wildly in the face some time ago!"

What happened in Zhuo's house before has been spread all over the city of curse, and these people naturally know it.

"Tut Tut, why can't you see anything different?" Someone said.

"Well, of course, I can't see anything different now, but don't you know? The one who dares to hit her has also been invited. It is estimated that it will be here soon. It seems that this dinner party will be very busy

People are talking.

Mrs. Zhuo has no idea about this.

At the moment, she is sitting on the VIP seat of the banquet hall with pride on her face. From time to time, she whispers with Mrs. Zhuo and Zhuoya.

"Why haven't the people from Tianfu Pavilion arrived yet?" Mrs. Zhuo asked hesitantly.

At the moment, the lights are on, most of the people have come. The banquet hall is full of excitement, but only those who don't have Tianfu Pavilion.

Mrs. Zhuo said in a low voice: "old lady, this dinner party is very important. What's more, the man surnamed Xue is coming, so even if it's to avenge Xu Bao, the people from Tianfu pavilion have to come!"

At the mention of xue'an, Mrs. Zhuo's face became extremely ugly, and then she snorted coldly from her nostrils.

"I didn't expect that even he was invited by her majesty!"

Mrs. Zhuo said with a smile, "old lady, I don't think Xue an will come if he is smart! After all, he has made many enemies now

Mrs. Zhuo sneered at her words.

She knew what happened in xuanhai tower.

When she heard that Xue an had refined the young master of the Jin family in public, Mrs. Zhuo was overjoyed.

The strength of the Jin family is no less than that of the Zhuo family, even in some aspects.

Now Xue an is so arrogant that he has formed a deadly enemy with the Jin family.

In this way, you may not have to do it yourself, and someone will kill Xue an.

Just then there was a commotion at the door of the banquet hall.

Then a group of people came in.

The leader is a slender, anointed monster man.

At the sight of this man, many people can't help but be frightened.

"It's kanghuazang, the great brother of Tianfu Pavilion!"

"Here comes the man from Tianfu Pavilion!"

In these exclamations, Kang Hua Zang smiles and nods at the crowd, and then goes straight into it.

At this time, Mrs. Zhuo also stood up and said with a smile on her face, "Mr. Kang, please have a seat."

Kang Hua Zang glanced at her and said, "it's Mrs. Zhuo. Last time my younger brother had to thank Mrs. Zhuo for sending me back! Especially not even a piece of meat is left behind. It's really a bother! "

This made the smile on Mrs. Zhuo's face a little stiff. "Mr. Kang joked. I invited master Xu at that time. It was really something to discuss, but who could have thought that something like that would happen later! And even I almost died in that guy's hands

Mrs. Zhuo began to try to get rid of the relationship, but Kang Huazang just laughed and said without hesitation: "old lady, you don't have to be nervous. I was really thanking you just now! As for my younger martial brother's affairs, our Tianfu Pavilion will naturally make a decision! "Mrs. Zhuo was very happy in her heart, and then she wanted to talk to the elder martial brother of Tianfu pavilion with compliments on her face.

But Kang Huazang obviously didn't want to pay attention to her. After sitting on the chair, he began to drink tea.

At the same time.

Many people in the banquet hall began to talk quietly.

"There are so many people coming to Tianfu Pavilion this time. It seems that they are not good at coming."

"Tut, don't you see that the flattery on Mrs. Zhuo's face is about to overflow? I think we are discussing how to deal with xue'an later

"Xue an? Is that the man who beat old lady Zhuo and killed Xu Bao in Tianfu pavilion? "

"Yes! I heard he was invited, too

"Hehe, unless he is crazy, he will never come to this dinner party!" Someone sneered.

The crowd nodded at the words.

"I think so too. If he dares to come, the people in Tianfu Pavilion will be the first to let him go!"

"Well, don't you see that there is no one left?" At this time some people said.

"Who is missing?"

"The Jin family hasn't arrived yet. There's something strange about it."

When it comes to this, a lot of people have weird looks on their faces.

Because they suddenly remembered that Xue an had a conflict with the Jin family yesterday.

In this way, Xue an, who didn't know where to come out, almost offended several forces in the city of curse!

"Well, this guy, don't say how strong or weak he is. He's really good at getting into trouble." Someone sighed.

People thought it was right.

But at a time when everyone thought she would never be there.

On the street in front of the city Lord's house, many people suddenly appeared.

They were dressed in blue, with red scarves around their left arms, and their faces were grim.

And you can see from his face that these are sailors who are used to walking on the sea.

See this group of ordinary very humble sailors, uniform clothes, walking neatly on the street.

Many people can't help but stare round.

"What does that mean? What are these sailors doing here when they don't stay at the port

At the same time that everyone was in doubt, a black carriage came slowly from the other end of the street, surrounded by these sailors. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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