Everyone was staring at the carriage.

At this time, the soldiers guarding the city Lord's house stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "in front of the city Lord's house, the God Man dismounts!"

It's a death rule.

No matter who they are, what their status and status, they should dismount and walk when they pass this long street.

Because it represents respect for the strong.

But the carriage did not stop at all, and it was still marching forward.

The soldiers of this team roared and immediately formed a formation and moved their hands directly.

These soldiers have been trained by the secret skills in the army, and each of them has the strength that is not weaker than that of Sanxian, especially when they are combined into a battle array, the strength is doubled.

Even the strong man in the demigod realm is not willing to confront such a well-trained soldier.

But at the moment when the soldiers' attack was about to hit the carriage.

A calm voice came from inside.

"Go away!"


Although it was only a word of light drink, but this group of soldiers was like a heavy hammer on the chest.

Qi Qi flew back a long way. After landing, all of them were hard to get up.

From the beginning to the end, there was nothing unusual in the carriage, even the superfluous momentum was not revealed. Just a simple rolling word directly disintegrated the attack of a whole troop of soldiers.

The crowd was a little frightened.

At the same time, the carriage drove slowly through the street and finally stopped in front of the city Lord's house.

Then he saw a slender palm carved from sapphire protruding out of the car curtain. The next moment, a young man in white lifted the curtain and appeared in front of the crowd.

The appearance of this young man made the whole audience silent.

At first glance, the boy looked as if he was only eighteen or nine years old, and he was handsome and handsome, floating like a banished immortal.

But after a closer look, many people can not help but have an illusion.

Because they found that they could not see how old the boy was.

And it all comes from his eyes.

What kind of eyes are they!

Calm as the sea, but inside it seems to contain enough to destroy the sky and earth of the huge energy, people dare not look directly.

Although he is simply standing there, he is like a God who judges everything.

When everyone was shocked by it, the young man looked up at the towering and broad city master's house and gave a cool smile.

"Today It's really lively

Then the boy got off the carriage and said, "Yang Yang, come down! This is a good play. It's about to start! "

With the voice, a girl in purple came down from the carriage.

The appearance of the girl made the whole audience in an uproar.

"It's Zhuo Yangyang!"

"Yes, it's the orphan girl who completely broke up with Zhuo's family!"

Many people recognize Zhuo Yangyang, and then look at the young eyes also become solemn.

The curse of the city has changed his identity for a while.

At this time, the sailors standing half the street made way for a road, and Meng Lei walked out quickly.

"Lord Xue!"

Xue an smiles. "Captain Meng, thank you for your escort. If you are not in a hurry, please wait here for a moment."

After that, Xue an LED Zhuo Yang Yang and went to the city Lord's house.

When their bodies disappeared behind the gate of the city Lord's house.

A talent was shocked and said, "he Did he really go? "

It was all silent.

Meng Lei also looked at Xue Anyuan's back, silently praying in his heart.

Lord Xue, I hope you and Yangyang can return safely!

At the same time.

The banquet hall is already full of excitement.

Strong people from all walks of life gather together. Those who know or don't know get together and start to talk.

Of course, the focus of the discussion is basically focused on the upcoming divine pattern.

In fact, many people understand that it is impossible to capture this divine pattern with their own strength, but there are many good things besides the divine pattern.

If we can seize the remains of an ancient god, the value will be immeasurable.

So all of them were a little excited.

People fantasize that they can benefit from this opportunity.

Just when everyone's thinking.

Xue an comes in slowly with Zhuo Yangyang.

Although there was no strange noise, the whole ballroom seemed to have been pressed the stop button, and the noise began to subside.

Suddenly, it seemed, the whole hall was quiet.

All the people who felt the difference raised their heads and looked at the door.Mrs. Zhuo was talking to Kang Huazang with a smile on her face. When she felt that the atmosphere was abnormal, she turned her head and looked at the door. The smile on her face disappeared instantly. Instead, it was full of resentment and cruelty that made people feel palpitating.

Especially when she saw Zhuo Yang Yang's eyes twinkled with never had the brilliance, and also appeared a smile from the heart on her face, she could not help but tremble with anger.

"Bitch! Like her mother, she is a shameless, mean woman

More bitter than old lady Zhuo is Zhuoya.

Because she took bullying Zhuo Yangyang as a pleasure from her urination, but she didn't expect to see her for a few days. Now the momentum emanating from Zhuo Yangyang has made her look up.

This feeling makes Zhuoya almost spit blood. Her crazy jealousy makes her stare at Zhuo Yangyang. She wants to go up and tear her alive now!

"Lord Kang, this young man is Xue an who killed your younger brother!" Mrs. Zhuo suddenly whispered.

But after waiting for a moment, there was no response. Mrs. Zhuo could not help but look at it in surprise.

Kang Huazang was staring at xue'an with an intoxicated look on his face. His face was covered with powder, and he could not help but blush.

"Kang Lord Kang Mrs. Zhuo was a little surprised.

There was a great commotion.

A lot of people are staring at Xue an.

In particular, those who had previously asserted that Xue an would not appear were all stupid at the moment.

Just at this time, Kang Hua Zang licked his cracked lips, and he began to laugh.

"No wonder the smell on Xu Bao's body is so intoxicating. It turns out that he is really a gorgeous young man."

He stood up slowly and walked forward.

The crowd separated a road automatically.

Mrs. Zhuo's face was happy, and her eyes were filled with schadenfreude.

At this time, Kang Huazang came to Xue an and was very happy.

"Hello! Excuse me, my younger martial brother Xu Bao Did you kill him? "


No one dares to speak.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Xue an.

Xue an looked at this manly Kang Hua Zang, slightly raised his eyebrows and nodded, "yes!"

"That's great. That's a great slap! Can you give me another test? How on earth did you smash people into pieces Kang Huazang was so excited that he was almost crazy.

The brilliance in his eyes was even more chilling.

Many people feel cold in their hearts. When they think of the legends of this elder martial brother Tianfu Pavilion, they all unconsciously step back.

But Xue an chuckled, "Oh? Want to try? How to try? Do you want to do the experiment? "

Kang Huazang giggled, "I can't, I'm afraid of pain! It's better to Use her

With that, Kang Hua Zang points to Zhuo Yang Yang behind Xue an.

"Woman or something, the most annoying, kill her, just do an experiment, you say?"

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