The atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

Many people look at Xue an with Schadenfreude, especially the Zhuo family. They just want Kang Huazang to kill Xue an now.

But it was unexpected.

Xue an didn't have any angry expression on her face. She even looked at Kang Huazang with a rather amusing look. "Sounds like you hate women?"

Kang Huazang's eyes flashed with disgust, "of course, women are the most despicable creatures. Of course, I hate them most! If possible, I would like to kill all the women in the world now

The bitterness and cruelty in the words made many women in the audience pale.

But Xue an shook his head and sighed, "what a hateful person, there must be pitiful places."

The voice was not very loud. Even Kang Huazang could hear it clearly. His face changed and he was about to speak.

Xue an raised his eyes and looked at him, and said faintly: "since you want me to do the experiment so much, you can do it with you. It's also considered that your brothers can go on the road together. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the whole audience turned pale.

No one thought that this seemingly gentle young man could speak so decisively.

It's clear that it's hard to face the people in Tianfu Pavilion!

But what is Tianfu pavilion?

It is the most important school in this area. Its disciples are numerous, and they always act arrogantly and domineering.

I'm afraid that this young man who comes out of this way will cause great trouble!

Many people shake their heads in secret.

Sure enough.

As soon as Xue an's voice fell, he saw that the disciples of Tianfu Pavilion who followed Kang Huazang drank furiously.

"How dare you talk to elder martial brother Kang like that

"That's right. If you kill younger martial brother Xu Bao and don't say anything, you still speak so arrogantly. Kill him!"

In the voice of the words, the man who had claimed to avenge Xu Bao angrily rushed forward and started.

Kang Hua hid his hand and stopped him.

The big man was stunned and then said angrily, "elder martial brother, this guy is really hateful. Let me slap him to death! To avenge Xu Bao

Kang Hua hid a cold glance at him, "are you teaching me how to do things?"

Hearing this, the fierce man was like a ball of vent. He shook his head in horror and said, "elder martial brother, you misunderstood me. How dare I teach you to do things? I'm just too angry. You..."

"Go away!" Kang Hua has a cold drink.

The big man was reluctant to step down.

Then Kang Huazang looked up at xue'an and said in a cold voice, "I don't know what you depend on, but what I want to tell you is that in this area of heaven, our Tianfu Pavilion is in charge of life and death. No matter who you are, you have to be obedient when you arrive here! This truth, however, is forged with countless blood. I think you should understand it! "

From the beginning to the end, Xue an's smile did not change. Even after hearing Kang Huazang's words, he just nodded with a smile.

"To understand is to understand, but I always don't like to reason with people like you, because I That's the truth


There was an uproar.

A lot of people look at xue'an in dismay.

Zhuo's family are all happy, that Xue an must die.

Sure enough.

Kang Huazang laughed grimly, "are you the truth? That's good. I'll learn from you today! "

Around Kanghua's hiding place, there are more than a dozen rings composed of runes.

These rings give off a strange and cold light, and rotate at a very fast speed.

"It's the talisman talisman of Tianfu Pavilion!" Someone exclaimed.

Facing the fierce Kang Hua Zang, Xue an stood there with his hands on his back and even looked at the rings with interest.

"It's interesting, but the fire is too bad!" Xue an commented casually.

Kang Hua Zang was furious when he heard the speech. He thought that Xue an was deliberately provoking, so he had to fight with a roar.

But at this time, a cold female voice came.

"Stop it!"

At the command, Kang Huazang, who was full of anger, was stunned. Then he stepped back and scattered the talisman patterns around his body. He stood silent.

At the same time, I saw a woman wearing a gorgeous long skirt into the banquet hall.

First there was a silence, then a violent commotion.

"Yes, your majesty!"

"I have seen the Lord of the city!"

Everyone stood up and bowed.

The curse has been in the hands of the empress for a hundred years.

The woman's face was obscured by a layer of mist, and she could not see her face clearly. However, from her graceful and moving figure like a beautiful snake, she must be a beautiful woman.At this time, the woman walked into the entrance, but stopped when passing by Xue an.

"This must be Mr. Xue, who recently stirred up my curse city?"

Xue an smiles and says nothing.

"I am the truth! Although these words are straightforward, we should also weigh our own strength, otherwise But it's easy to get tongue flicked by the wind

After that, the curse queen didn't wait for Xue an to respond, so she walked inside.

All of them are on a separate path.

Even Kang Hua Zang, who is famous for his madness, arrogance and slowness, is standing aside.

The curse queen said faintly when passing by him: "next time you dare to do it in my city Lord's house, I will let you Tianfu Pavilion pay a painful price!"

Kang Hua hid a flash in his eyes, then lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "yes!"

The atmosphere changed with the arrival of the queen.

Many people bowed their heads respectfully and did not even dare to look up.

It was not until she got on the high platform and sat on the specially prepared chair that the atmosphere eased slightly.

Then the curse queen looked around the audience and said faintly, "what I called you here for today, I think you should all know well!"

"But what I want to say is that I don't care who you are. When you come to me, you must obey my rules! You Do you understand? "

"Yes," they all said

"Good! This one, everybody drink together Curse the queen for raising her glass.

People raised their glasses one after another and drank them down.

"Your majesty! When are we going to start? " Someone can't wait to ask.

"Don't worry, a distinguished guest has not arrived yet. Please wait for a moment." Curse queen light way.

The distinguished guest hasn't arrived yet?

People looked at each other, not knowing who the damned queen was talking about.

But since she has said that, people have to press their temper and start waiting.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall relaxed completely.

People gathered together in groups, lowered their voices and talked excitedly.

And Xue an and Zhuo Yangyang two people, seem to have been deliberately isolated, standing alone.

Zhuo Yang Yang Yang's face was a little ugly, and he said in a soft voice, "my lord..."

Xue an smile, tone play flavor: "don't worry, and look first!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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