The dinner continued, and acquaintances got together to have a good time talking and drinking, which was a scene of singing and dancing.

They are isolated from each other.

Everyone is deliberately keeping a distance from the two of them.

In the eyes of these people, Xue an was so ignorant that he even offended the Zhuo family, tianfuting and Jin family without any foundation.

If that's all, but the Queen's attitude just showed that she was also quite critical of Xue an's behavior.

In this way, even those who did not have a bad feeling towards Xue an would not dare to approach Fen Fen Fen.

After all, in many people's eyes, this Xue an is obviously already in the Jedi, which is just a matter of time.

But in all people's different eyes, Xue an LED Zhuo Yangyang to the table, picked up the exquisite meal, and began to enjoy it as if nobody else.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Xue an looked up at Zhuo Yang Yang, who was holding the plate, but was a little distracted. He couldn't help laughing, "eat, why don't you eat?"

"Ah..." Zhuo Yang Yang a Leng, and then some difficult nodded, "yes!"

With that, she also began to eat.

But it can be seen that she is very worried and has no idea.

People began to talk quietly.

"Tut, I can still eat at this time. I really admire Xue an's courage!"

"Yes! If I were him, I would have slipped away quietly! You're still here. Isn't that a death wish? "

Although these comments were not loud, they still floated into Zhuo Yang Yang's ears, making her face more and more ugly.

Xue an, however, was still eating slowly.

Just at this time, Zhuoya, wearing a delicate and expensive evening dress, came.

And behind her, there are also a group of gorgeous and luxurious women.

See Zhuoya, Zhuo Yang Yang's eyes deep show a look of fear, subconsciously back half step.

"Oh, isn't this miss Zhuo Da? I haven't seen you for a few days. I don't know how to say hello when I meet you? " Zhuoya said jokingly.

Zhuo Yang Yang's face turned white and said in a deep voice, "Zhuoya, I'm out of your Zhuo family now, so please don't talk to me with this attitude again!"

"My attitude? What's my attitude? " Zhuoya sneered and turned to look at the group of little sisters behind her.

"You must know her! If I don't know her, I can introduce her to you. She used to be a member of Zhuo family! Her mother was a maid who served my father at the beginning, but I don't know what means she used to conceive my father's child! She was born at last

"Frankly speaking, it's after a cheap maid!"

Zhuoya's words made the women laugh.

"Oh, so it is!"

"Tut, no wonder!"

At this time, these voices attracted the eyes of many people around.

Zhuo Yangyang was so angry with Zhuoya that her face was pale and her eyes were full of tears. She could not help looking at Xue an secretly to see what attitude Xue an would have.

But at this time, Xue an seems to have been fascinated by a table of delicious food, has been eating, as if did not hear the words just.

Zhuo Yang Yang heart a sink, a time actually Leng in that, don't know what to say.

At this time, Zhuoya also saw Xue an's attitude and couldn't help but feel relieved.

To tell you the truth, she was full of fear for xue'an. After all, she still felt a faint pain in her face when she was in the dock.

But Xue an looks like he's afraid.

This let Zhuoya a hanging heart finally put down.

Mother is right. Xue'an is really afraid!

Thinking of this, Zhuoya looked at Zhuo Yangyang complacently. "Zhuo Yangyang, it's a waste of your time. You think that if you find a backer, you can do what to Zhuo's family. But don't you see that your backer is already in trouble now?"

Said, Zhuoya with disdainful eyes looked down at Xue an eating, sneering: "before that arrogance? Why not? Do you think you're going to advise you now that all the adults are here? Do you dare to hide here and eat? "

This made the women smile.

Some people are even more unscrupulous to start talking.

"Tut Tut, it's not bad, but it's too clumsy!"

"Look at this, maybe it's a little bunny from some small place! If you think you have some ability, you can't be arrogant! Be honest now

"That's right. Do you really think the curse city is my family's one acre? How ridiculous

These extremely harsh comments make Zhuo Yang Yang's face more and more ugly, and suddenly burst into a drink.

"Shut up!"As far as the sound waves could reach, the women standing in front were shaken back several steps.

These people are all one Leng, and then Zhuoya angrily said: "Zhuo Yang Yang, what do you want to do? I tell you, this is a dinner party set by the queen. If you dare

The voice did not fall, standing in front of the table Xue an head also did not lift, light way: "rippling, fan broken her mouth teeth!"

Zhuoya was stunned and was about to shout.

Zhuo Yangyang rushed to Zhuoya with lightning speed and pulled her hair. Then she slapped her face.


After a few sounds, Zhuoya's face swelled at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Then Zhuo Yang Yang just let go of his hands.

Zhuoya was paralyzed like a pool of mud, then opened her mouth and spat out a large mouth of blood mixed with broken teeth.

All the onlookers were stunned by this order.

In particular, those women who came with Zhuoya looked at this scene with horror on their faces.

"Zhuo Yangyang You How dare you hit me? " Because the full mouth of teeth have been broken, so Zhuoya mouth leakage roar.

Zhuo Yangyang said in a cold voice: "is it strange? If you dare to slander my lord again, I will smash your face

Zhuoya shivered all over and just wanted to say something.

Xue an, who has been eating with her head down, puts down her plate and sighs.

"Seriously, I hate people talking when I'm eating!"

With that, Xue an turned to smile at Zhuoya on the ground.

"Especially a woman like you!"

Seeing Xue an's smile, Zhuoya was shocked.

At this time, Xue an slowly walked towards her.

"You What are you up to? I can tell you, this is the Lord's house. You... " Zhuoya said in horror.

Xue an is not moved. When she comes to Zhuoya, she squats down slowly and looks at Zhuoya with red and swollen cheeks and smiles.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hit you! I just want to see if the teeth in your mouth are broken , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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