Xue an looked up at Zhuo Yang Yang and said, "the result is satisfactory, but you let me down!"

"What did I tell you before! Let these people learn to fear! So when she starts yelling, it's time to do it! It's not about waiting for the back, okay? "

Zhuo Yang Yang's eyes gradually showed the color of perseverance, nodded and said: "yes! Yang Yang knows it

Then Xue an took a look at the gorgeous women. As far as she could see, they all changed their faces and stepped back one after another.

Then Xue an just waved his hand and said faintly, "go away!"

The storm is over.

But Xue an and Zhuo Yangyang have attracted more people's attention.

Especially the Zhuo family.

As a matter of fact, the reason why Zhuoya came here to challenge is also from the inspiration of Mrs. Zhuo and Mrs. natzhuo.

But the two of them never thought that it was not Xue an who started, but Zhuo Yangyang, who had always been honest and tolerant.

The two of them were staring.

Then Mrs. Zhuo angrily gave the crutches in her hands, "cheap maid! This damned bitch! How dare she strike? "

Zhuo Ya cried miserably, "grandma, mother, you can give me this tone of voice!"

"Don't worry," said Mrs. Zhuo! Later, when the dinner is over, as soon as the queen leaves, the people in Tianfu Pavilion will be the first to kill this guy! At that time, we will take the maid back and torture her slowly

When she said this, the hatred in Mrs. Zhuo's eyes almost overflowed.

At this moment.

Just listen to a violent commotion outside.

Then I heard the voice of exclamation.

"It's from the Jin family!"

"Here comes the king."

The sound made the noisy banquet hall quiet.

Including the curse queen who is chatting with several family owners, she can't help turning her head and looking at the door.

The party entered the hall.

Walking in the front, actually is a 20-year-old, beautiful woman.

Jin Xiong, the leader of the Jin family, followed him with a look of satisfaction.

After seeing this woman, many people were stunned.

In particular, some people who have a good relationship with the Jin family have changed their faces.

Because they all recognized the visitor,

just then, they saw the woman step forward, slightly arched her hand, and said calmly: "Jin Shuman, the first maid under the throne of God, has met the empress!"

That's right.

This woman is Jin Shuman, the daughter of Jin Xiong, the leader of Jin family!

But most people don't know her, because Jin Shuman left this place at a very early time and heard that she was working as a maid under a big man in heaven.

Now it seems that it is true.

At this time, the curse queen slightly light Yi, "how is it you? Why didn't you come? "

Jin Shuman said with a faint smile, "God son, some things have been delayed for a while, so he will send me to take a step first, and then he will rush over!"

The curse queen nodded. "If so, please take your seat."

Jin Shuman sat on the table with pride.

Jin Xiong stands behind his daughter with a look of glory.

The crowd began to whisper.

"The king's family leader went out in the heavy rain for a day and only got his daughter back?"

"The point is you didn't listen to her? She is only a maid in the seat, but she is such an identity that she is invited by her majesty. What is the identity of this so-called God son? "

People were guessing and their faces were shocked.


Jin Shuman said: "Your Majesty, although my God son has not arrived yet, he has made it clear that I can fully represent him!"

"Oh? What do you mean by the son of God Curse queen light way.

"It's very simple. My son of God wants the pattern of this world!" Jin Shuman said haughtily.

It's like poking a hornet's nest.

The faces of several aristocratic families nearby, including Tianfu Pavilion, all changed. Some people couldn't help humming.

After all, there is only one divine pattern, and many people are determined to get it.

At this time, a son of God suddenly came out to rob them. These people were naturally very angry.

The curse queen chuckled, "is that what you mean, or is it your family God?"

"That's what I mean, but it's also the meaning of my God son!"

With that, Jin Shuman looked around the audience and was not moved by the glare of the crowd. Instead, he said faintly.

"I know you don't understand. My son of God also said that I will give you some compensation afterwards! Moreover, the remains of the ancient gods who are in the world together will not move, but this divine pattern can not be discussed. "The words made people look different, and then they all looked at the curse queen.

After all, among the people present, the only one who cursed the Queen's status and cultivation was the highest.

The mist over the curse Queen's face trembled, and then slightly lowered her head.

"If that's what the Lord Shenzi said, I have no objection!"

The hearts and minds of all the people were shocked.

The curse is clear because of the soft attitude of the queen!

What is the origin of this divine Son?

They were all in doubt, but no one dared to speak.

Even kanghuacang of Tianfu pavilion looks gloomy and lowers his head at the moment. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Jin Shuman saw this, his face showed a proud smile, "very good! It seems that everyone has no opinion, then... "

Words have not finished, a calm with a few lazy voice from the rear.

"Wait a minute!"


The whole audience was shocked.

Jin Shuman's expression was even colder, and he said in a cold voice, "who?"

The crowd automatically separated a road, and then Xue an LED Zhuo Yangyang to walk slowly.

There was a dead silence in the banquet hall.

Jin Xiong's eyelids jumped wildly and said angrily, "it's you?"

Xue an smiles. "Yes, it's me."

Jin Xiong said to Jin Shuman, "man Er, this is the guy who killed your brother chun'er!"

Jin Shuman smell speech, eyes gradually cold, cold voice way: "you are that what Xue an?"

Xue an nods.

"Good! You killed my Jin family. I'll figure it out later. I just want to know. What do you want to do

Everyone's eyes are focused on Xue an.

Xue an said with a smile, "in fact, it's no big deal. It's just that this divine pattern happens to be useful for me, so I want to tell you to tell your God son I'll take this one! "

All of them looked at xue'an in dismay.

Then there was a great commotion.

Some people shook their heads and thought that Xue an must be crazy.

Those who had a grudge against xue'an were all happy.

Jin Shuman was also stunned at the beginning, then he was very angry and laughed, "Oh? But I don't know where you are. How dare you speak like that? "

Xue an smiles, "I'm not a big man, my name is Xue an, that's all!"

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