Jin Shuman leaned on the chair with a sneer on her face.

"Should I praise you for your courage, or should I say that you are boastful?"

Xue an said with a noncommittal smile, "all right, but I think these words are more suitable for you and your God son!"

"Presumptuous!" Jin Shuman stood up with a chill on her face.

These two words seem to be orders, followed by the Jin family experts who came in quietly, surrounded xue'an.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhuo looked happy and winked at her subordinates.

Zhuo's family followed closely and gathered around, staring at Xue an with a fierce eye.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the field became extremely dignified.

But the curse queen seemed not to see the same, lowered her head, did not know what was thinking.

Jin Xiong said with a grim smile: "Xue an, you dare to come to the dinner party before you have settled the account for killing my son. It's really courageous!"

"Yes, xue'an, today is the day of your death!" Mrs. Zhuo dances more than anyone else.

In the face of heavy encirclement, Xue an's expression was still indifferent, and even looked at Kang Hua Zang in the distance with great interest and said, "what? Don't you people from Tianfu Pavilion go together? "

There was a low commotion in the crowd.

Many people looked at Xue an with astonished and inexplicable eyes. Some even shook their heads secretly, thinking that Xue an must be crazy.

Under the siege of the two big powers, there are people in the mood to challenge Tianfu Pavilion. This is not crazy. What is it?

Kang Huazang's face also showed a very strange look, and then he began to laugh with pity.

"Once upon a time, I couldn't figure out what you relied on to be so arrogant! But now I've figured it out! "

"Oh? What is it? " Xue an smiles.

"You're a fool who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth!" With that, Kang Hua Zang raised his hand and said coldly, "surround him!"

At an order.

These people of Tianfu Pavilion rushed up like wolves.

As a matter of fact, they have long been unhappy with Xue an, and can't wait to give this guy a lifelong lesson.

When Xue an was surrounded, the old man laughed grimly.

"Xue, how did you kill Xu Bao at the beginning? Today we will deal with you!"

After that, all the people in Tianfu Pavilion flickered and became a whole.

"It's Fuzhen!" Someone cried out.

Now, almost everyone thought that Xue an would die.

You should know that this Fu array is the unique skill that Tianfu Pavilion relies on to become famous. It is a kind of secret skill similar to battle array. Once it is formed, it will be changed by gods and ghosts.

What's more, Xue an is still besieged by two families.

In this situation, even the strongmen of the city master level have to retreat.

At this time, the old lady Zhuo could not help but look happy when she saw that the situation had been completed. Then she said in a tone of incomparable bitterness: "Xue, aren't you very arrogant? Why don't you talk now

"That's right. What about the way you slapped me?" Zhuoya, whose face was red and swollen, roared.

Jin Xiong hugged his arm and sneered: "Xue, you kneel down now. We can give you a good time!"

"The king is right. Now get down on your knees and we'll make you die happily!" Mrs. Zhuo echoed.

For a moment, the banquet hall was filled with the drum noise of Jinzhuo family.

"Get down on your knees

"Yes! Get down on your knees

Among these shouts, many people looked at Xue an besieged with complicated eyes, and did not know how the teenager would deal with such a desperate situation.

And Zhuo Yang Yang's face is as white as paper, because she is most worried about the situation or happened.

This is the siege from all sides of the city of curse!

Even the strong of the big school have to retreat. How can Lord Xue deal with it?

Zhuo Yang Yang steals his silver teeth and looks at Xue an.

At the moment, Xue an lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

But in Zhuo Yangyang's eyes, Xue an'na, once a tall figure, has become thin now.

Zhuo Yangyang's heart began to sink gradually.

But then Xue an shook her head and chuckled.

"Yangyang, do you remember what I said to you before?"

Zhuo Yangyang was stunned.

At the same time, Xue an slowly raised his head. His eyes were as bright as stars, which made people dare not look directly.

"I said, let those who look down on you learn to be awed and pay the due price!"

Zhuo Yang Yang's eyes sparkled, then nodded solemnly, "yes! You did say that. "

"Good! Let's do it now! It's time to end this good play Xue an said lightly.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the speech. Many people looked at each other and saw the suspicions in each other's eyes.What does the boy mean by what he said? What is he going to do?

At this time, the big man in Tianfu Pavilion said with a grim smile: "boy, have you been scared silly? What nonsense is all this talking about... "

I haven't finished.

Xue an turned her eyes and looked at him faintly, and then a huge force fell on his head.


After a dull sound, the big man began to burst from his head, and stacked layer by layer.

In an instant.

A man with a height of more than two meters was compressed into a meat cake of no more than thirty or forty centimeters.

Blood mingled with the viscera squeezed into flesh mud, ran rampant on the ground.

The strong smell of blood diffuses and makes people feel nauseous.

Looking at this horrible and strange scene, all people's faces are white.

And Xue an shook his head and sighed, "remember to be polite when you speak in the next life."

With that, Xue an looked around the whole scene, his mouth gradually raised, and he laughed, "the next killing, I hope you will like it!"

The audience was silent.

Some of the cowards were so scared that they couldn't stand.

Kang Huazang was the first to wake up and then angrily said, "let's go and kill him!"

The people of Tianfu Pavilion moved their hands when they heard the speech.

As soon as the light of the runes flashed, the lines of runes rose from the heads of these people and became a huge seal script, which was smashed down towards Xue an.

The power of this seal script is so powerful that the whole city Lord's mansion is shaking.

This is the power of the combined attack of the talisman and the pattern. Even if the real immortal is strong, he has to avoid the edge of the attack for a while.

But when the seal script had already fallen on Xue an's head, Xue an suddenly reached out and directly grasped the seal, and then shook it.


The seal script was directly crushed.


The people of Tianfu Pavilion spit out a mouthful of blood and look at Xue an in horror.

"No way! This seal character

Xue an clapped his hands and said, "is that the trick? If not, it's my turn! "

After that, Xue an points out his finger out of thin air, and a pattern of talisman takes shape in an instant, and then appears directly on the top of the people in Tianfu Pavilion.

Kang Hua Zang was shocked and roared: "run!"

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