Unfortunately, it's too late.

This talisman pattern shows thousands of light on the top of people's heads, and then falls down with the power of Taishan.

Under the majestic power, these people in Tianfu Pavilion uttered a cry of despair.

Some people are unwilling to raise their hands, trying to block this rune.

But in this blow, all the struggle and resistance are as futile as the mantis arm when the car.

After a burst of hair numbing burst of fracture and scream, and then look at the scene, just the fierce Tianfu Pavilion, everyone has been patted into flesh mud.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone was stupefied by the shock.

Originally, the Zhuo family and the Jin family, who were fiercely besieging Xue an, were more stunned.

Xue an said faintly: "Zhuo family belongs to you, and gold family belongs to me! Do you understand? "

Zhuo Yang Yang slightly a Zheng, and then he nodded with determination, "understand!"

Xue an laughed. "Good, then I'll Let's go

He walked to Xue an.

"Don't Don't come, stop him, stop him Jin Xiong has been shocked by Xue An Gang's attack and cries out in horror.

Those masters of the Jin family, who followed, all used their strongest moves to stop Xue an.

A magic light exploded in Xue an's side, like fireworks, blooming.

However, whether it was the magic charm, sword light or the mind of fist and foot, Xue an's speed could not be slowed down even a little bit.

Xue an walked slowly through these strange lights. His clothes were floating. He was not contaminated with any smoke and fire, just like a banished immortal.

Such a spectacle has shocked many people.

Jin Xiong is more see scalp numb, whole body straight out of a cold sweat, subconsciously back.

Although Jin Shuman was also shocked by it, she regained her consciousness in an instant, and then drank coldly.

"No wonder it's so arrogant. It turns out that I have some skills! You still have to die

With that, Jin Shuman raised his hand and threw out a seal character.

The seal script suddenly increases in the air, and numerous fine and complex patterns begin to twinkle on it.

At the same time, the stars all over the sky cast the next star light into the seal script.

You can see the stars flowing and the seal characters changing.

In a twinkling of an eye, the seal script became a red giant pen.

At the sight of the pen, even the curse queen, who had been watching coldly, could not help but cry out.

"Dixing mieshen pen!"

Jin Shuman's face was full of arrogance, "Xue, you can be proud to die under the amulet given to me by the Lord Shenzi himself!"

Zhu an was staring at Xue Ju Hong, but she was still smiling.

"How interesting! Didn't you listen to what I said Xue an whispered softly. Although he was laughing, his eyes were full of cold and killing intention.

Jin Shuman didn't hear what Xue an was saying, but it didn't matter to her at all.

Because, in her opinion, no one would be the opponent of the blow.

So she sneered, "now do you know regret? It's too late

Then Shuman lifted her pen into the air.

"A stroke of divinity, heaven and earth will be unique!"

With that, Jin Shuman pointed out.


On the tip of this huge vermilion pen, there is a surging force of laws, which directly smashes the space in front of it.

Then, in this broken void, there is an illusory image of xue'an.

"This This is regular projection! " Some people are terrified and want to stop whispering.

No matter where the heaven and the earth are, as long as you appear in it, it will form a projection in the rules of heaven.

This is the law of nature and cannot be disobeyed.

If the projection is destroyed, the person will be cut off by heaven and earth, even crushed by the way of heaven.

But there are few weapons or laws that can interfere with the laws of heaven, and they are all in the hands of the real great men in the divine world.

This Jin Shuman is just a maid, but she can use these charms. It can be seen that the God son behind her is not ordinary.

Everyone looked at Jin Shuman standing in the air with astonishment and fear.

Feeling all this, Jin Shuman's face showed a look of fanaticism.

What she enjoys most is the sense of being in charge of life and death and being above others.

So she was trembling with excitement, and then she said with a grim smile, "go to death!"

Say, this emperor star destroys God pen then directly point in Xue an virtual image eyebrow.

In this exterminator's pen, as long as the virtual image is erased, xue'an will surely die.

But in Jin Shuman's face is not completely blooming.Originally, the shining emperor star killing God pen suddenly became stagnant.

Jin Shuman is slightly stunned, how to return a responsibility? Why doesn't the pen move?

In the heart of surprise, Jin Shuman can not help but increase strength to move forward.

Just then.

The virtual image of Xue an standing in the air slowly opened her eyes.

Cold eyes make the whole world quiet.

Then the emperor star killing God pen then sent out a sad cry, and there were many fine cracks on the tip of the pen.

Jin Shuman was shocked, "no!"

But it was too late.

After listening to a crisp sound, the emperor star mieshen pen suddenly broke into pieces, turned into a sky full of stars, dissipated invisible.

There was no sound in the room.

People who thought Xue an was doomed to die could not help but look at it with horror.

Even the curse queen, who had been in a bad mood, could not sit still at the moment. Huoran stood up and looked at Xue an with astonished eyes.

Because she is very aware of the power of Dixing mieshen pen, even if she is herself, she has to admit defeat in the face of this blow.

Because it is not aimed at the cultivation, but directly using the law of heaven.

However, Xue an didn't even move, so he smashed the Dixing mieshen pen directly.

There is only one possibility.

That is to say, Xue an had more power of laws than this emperor Xing mieshen pen. Only in this way can they be directly shocked into powder by confrontation.

It is very rare in this divine world that the skills and secrets that may refine the rules are generally held by those big people in the high-level heaven, even the top gods.

How could he have it?

For a moment, the curse Queen's heart was full of thoughts, and she was a bit stunned.

Jin Shuman's mouth is open, and his throat gives out a gurgling sound. It seems that he can't believe everything in front of him.

At this time, Xue an smile, "very interesting tricks, but it is just fun!"

"You Who the hell are you? " Jin Shuman finally regained consciousness, then exclaimed in disbelief.

Xue an faint smile, "me? Didn't I tell you? My name is Xue an

Then Xue an sighed, "it seems that there is no fun, then I will send you on the road first!"

With that, Xue an took a slow step.

Under this step, the void huge earthquake, just ambush to stop his those gold family people are an invisible giant hand together pinch explosion.

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