you 're right.

It's literally pinching and exploding.

No matter what the strong, they all burst and die in an instant.

The blood was winding and flowing. Xue an stood on it like an independent God.

Xue an's expression was indifferent and said: "one more step, you are all dead. What else do you want to say before you die?"

After following the son of God all year round, Jin Shuman thought that he had been promoted to God and would never be like a mortal again.

But today, she finally felt a deep fear when she faced Xue Anzhi, who made countless strong men give the head to her.

The fear was so violent that her teeth were gurgling.

As for Jin Xiong, he was too scared to speak at the moment.

Xue an smiles, "very good, it seems that you have nothing to say, then Goodbye

After that, Xue an will take another step.

But just then.

Out of the window, the starry sky suddenly faded.

But the star, which is located in the north, suddenly burst into light, and its light was like a column, which was directly in the banquet hall.

"It's God! The son of God is coming Jin Shuman was stunned and immediately cried out with ecstasy.

Everyone was shocked by Jin Shuman's shouts.

Is that mysterious big man finally coming out?

At the same time, Jin Shuman called out to xue'an with resentment on his face: "Xue, aren't you rampant? Now that the son of God is born, I see how you can turn the tables! "

With that, Jin Shuman burst out laughing, full of pride and madness.

Xue an's expression on the face is still indifferent, but there is a touch of fun in his eyes, and then standing there quietly watching.

In the eyes of all.

Such as jade star light flow condensation, forming a crystal like amber.

In the crystal, a figure is gradually emerging.

As the figure gradually clear, a palpitating momentum began to emerge.

Soon, the outline of a man appeared in the crystal.

The man's face was majestic, like an emperor. Although he closed his eyes, he still made people turn pale at the strong and absolute pressure.

Jin Shuman as if to see the master's dog, extremely respectful kneeling in front of the crystal, ready to meet the arrival of the son of God.


On the other hand, the giant star in the North projected another powerful star force, which directly penetrated into the man's eyebrows, turning into a mysterious and noble mark.

After a breath, the starlight crystal bursts.

Then the man slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there was a gust of wind in the banquet hall, and a strong momentum swept through everything.

The starry sky outside the window is dim, as if the stars dare not twinkle again.

The man's eyes flashed countless mysterious Fu Zhuan, which made people dare not look directly.

Such a powerful scene, so that all people are palpitating.

And Jin Shuman is more excited, the voice is slightly trembling, "welcome God son adult!"

The curse queen also stood up, bowed and saluted, "see the son of God!"

The God son stood quietly, after a moment, he said with a playful tone: "curse the queen, so many years have not seen, your body is getting better and better!"

Curse the queen deeply lowered her head, "God son said and laughed!"

"Ha ha, it's not easy for you to guard in such a remote place and abandoned place for so long! Tut Tut, it's a pity that you are a god! If it wasn't for this divine pattern, I would not have come here. I'd better let me relieve the loneliness for you before the divine pattern comes out. What do you think? "

Said, this God son then unbridled smile.

Curse the queen to bow her head.

The whole audience was silent.

We should know that in the past, the queen of curse was the supreme existence in charge of the whole city of curse. Even if it is better than Tianfu Pavilion, we should pay enough respect to her.

Don't talk about verbal molestation, that is, a little disrespectful attitude, will be severely punished.

However, in the face of this son of God's molestation, the always arrogant curse queen can only be silent.

Combined with the vision of the birth of the son of God, it proves that the background of this man is unfathomable.

At this moment.

Jin Shuman knelt down a few steps and came to the Shenzi. He lowered his head and kissed the upper of the Shenzi respectfully. Then he said in a trembling voice: "God son!"

God son looked down at Jin Shuman, and then slightly raised his eyebrows, "my dear maid, what can I do for you?"

Jin Shuman's whole body was shaking with excitement, "Lord God, I came to this curse city to explore the way according to your order, but there was a little accident!"

"Oh? Accident, what accident? "

"Some people not only slaughtered most of the Jin family, but also shattered the God killing pen you gave me!"The voice just fell, this God son kicks out.

Jin Shuman didn't even dare to move. Shengsheng was kicked to pieces by this foot.

Then the God son said coldly, "waste!"

"Jin Shuman, you should know that I have a lot of waitresses like you. I don't care about you if you don't have good skills in bed! But you dare to destroy all the things I give you. How damned

"Yes, yes! Don't be angry Jin Shuman tried to endure the pain and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Hum!" The son of God snorted coldly, and then said haughtily, "say, who dares to shatter all the things I give?"

Jin Shuman smell speech, although the pain is extremely great, but the eyes still show the color of ecstasy, and then raised his head to point to Xue an in the distance.

"God son, this is the man!"

After he was born, he said two words to the curse queen. As for the rest of the banquet hall, he didn't even bother to look at it.

Because in his eyes, in addition to cursing the queen can barely be seen, other people are not even mole ants.

Until Jin Shuman pointed out that the arrogant God son sneered and raised his head, "I'd like to see who actually dares to..."

The latter words stopped abruptly.

The God was staring at Xue an standing in the distance with his hands in his eyes full of horror.

Jin Shuman, however, didn't notice the difference at all, still full of resentment.

"Lord Shenzi, this guy is so rampant that he doesn't even pay attention to you. You..."

The voice did not fall.

See Xue an light sigh, and then light way: "crape myrtle God son, long time no see!"

That's right.

Come here, it is Xue an in the Qi Yun secret place once saw that crape myrtle God son.

See this crape myrtle God son whole body huge shock, and then incredibly looking at Xue an, "you You... "

Xue an smile, but this smile is full of cold, "in fact, should not say long time no see, because if normal, I should never see you again!"

"After all As your father promised, you should be dead by now, aren't you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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