Crape myrtle Shenzi's face is changeable, but in the end, he still lowered his head and whispered.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xue. Lagerstroemia indica has seen him!"

The audience was silent.

In particular, Jin Shuman, who was full of expectation that crape myrtle Shenzi could eliminate xue'an directly, was even more ignorant.

Lord Xue.

His highness, the son of God, should call this man an adult.

What is his origin?

Jin Shuman was full of doubts.

And not only she cursed the queen, Jin Xiong, Zhuo's family, but also Zhuo Yangyang. They all looked at xue'an in dismay.

Under everyone's gaze, Xue an's face has no expression, just quietly looking at the crape myrtle God son.

This silent deterrent makes crape myrtle's face pale slightly.

Finally, he stepped back and said in a respectful voice, "Lord Xue, I really don't know it's you here. If I do, I won't come over and grab the divine tattoo! But it's not too late to know. I will quit now and return to the astral realm immediately. What do you think? "

This statement made Jin Shuman and others more shocked.

But Xue an still did not speak, not only did not speak, but also quietly watched with his arms.

Crape myrtle God son only feel a group of nameless fire in the heart.

Think how noble his identity is, no matter where he goes, he is always admired by thousands of people.

The only time he suffered a loss was that Xue an taught him a lesson in the secret state of Qi.

Even if his father and God did not arrive in time, Xue an would have destroyed his noumenon with secret arts.

Later, at the request of his father God, Xue an didn't go on, but he told his father, Lagerstroemia star king, to let him go back and finish the son himself.

Having said that, but after returning to the astral realm, of course, crape myrtle star king did not start, but strictly ordered his son not to go out of the divine world for half a step.

At that time, Lagerstroemia indica did not dare to disobey God, but he did not dare to disobey God.

But he still couldn't help asking his father who Xue an was and why his father was so afraid.

At that time, the crape myrtle star king was silent for a long time, and finally just sighed, but did not speak.

This crape myrtle God son also did not go to heart.

After such a long time, he had a good time in the divine world and thought it was over.

But I didn't expect to meet Xue an again in this wild land today.

That's why he's just been so soft.

Although angry in the heart, but crape myrtle God son or anger strong self-restraint, and then a low voice: "adult, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first!"

With that, he was ready to turn and leave.

But at this moment, Xue an suddenly said: "wait a minute!"

Crape myrtle God son body a stiff, stopped the pace, and then forced to smile: "adults!"

Xue an said faintly: "just go like this?"

"Well? What else can I do for you, my lord But I didn't expect that the next sentence from Xue an made him completely stupefied in place.

"You can go! Save your life first


There was an uproar.

All of us didn't expect that Xue an would dare to be so indomitable at this time.

In particular, crape myrtle Shenzi, he felt that he had put the posture low enough, but he did not expect Xue an to buy it at all. He could not help but get angry and his tone became cold.

"Mr. Xue, you have to forgive people. I advise you to stop at the right time."

Xue an sprinkles ran a smile, "is that enough? At that time, I said that if you die, you must die! Now that you've lived so long, I haven't calculated the account yet! Do you want me to stop? "

This sentence is like a fuse, directly ignited crape myrtle Shenzi heart has been suppressed anger.

"Xue, don't think I'm really afraid of you! If it had not been for my father's strict command that I should not go out of the divine world, I would have gone out and destroyed you, and would you still be allowed to be rampant here? " Crape myrtle God son ferocious voice way.

Xue an said faintly: "Oh? Is it

"Of course Crape myrtle God son a face arrogant said.

"Xue an, I know that you have good skills and amazing talent! But when you are in the Qi Yun secret place, you are just a golden fairy! At that time, I was suppressed by you everywhere because I was only a part of me

"But now this is the divine world, it is my home! Now I am the noumenon, and you? What kind of cultivation can you be in such a short time? At most, it's just a half step immortal! Do you want to fight me with this cultivation? "

Xue an nodded. "It sounds reasonable!"

"Hum! I gave you face because of the father's command. Don't think I'm afraid of you! I don't think you can't fail to understand this truth! " Crape myrtle God son all over the face arrogantly said, in the eye even twinkles a touch of excited light.Father God, this is not my intention to seek revenge outside! It's Xue an who came to the door himself!

And I gave him enough face at the beginning, but he did not give up. It is not my disobedience to your order to do it again!

This kind of big revenge will revenge the feeling, let this crape myrtle God son's heart is full of complacency.

Xue an laughed. "What did your father tell you?"

"He ordered me not to go out of heaven! It's not stopping me from getting revenge. What is it

"Then he didn't tell you, who am I?"

Crape myrtle God son a Leng, "this did not have!"

Then he sneered, "what if not? Xue an, you may be very powerful, but you are too arrogant

Xue an shook his head, "you are wrong, there is no strength to shout is arrogant, and I, now is judging your life and death!"

"So, if you decide now, I can leave a trace of your spirit at my discretion, otherwise I will destroy your spirit and soul, and you will never be reborn! "

There was a dead silence.

Everyone was shocked by Xue an's words.

Then there was an uproar like a storm.

Many people shook their heads secretly, thinking that Xue an's words were crazy to the extreme, and Xue an had to do something that could have been solved peacefully.

It's just looking for trouble on purpose!

The Zhuo family and the Jin family all look happy.

Especially Jin Shuman, the joy in his eyes is almost overflowing.

As a maid who has served Lagerstroemia indica for many years, she knows the nature of Lagerstroemia indica better than anyone else.

Know in Xue an's words, this crape myrtle God son will never give up.

Sure enough.

See this crape myrtle God son furious, "Xue an, this is your own death, can't blame others! Xinghai cage

With the orders of Lagerstroemia indica, we can see that the roof of the banquet hall has disappeared in an instant.

Then all over the sky, the stars cast down all kinds of starlight, completely enveloping xue'an and turning him into a cage composed of starlight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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