The news that the Qin family is going to hold a dinner party has once again aroused the whole provincial capital.

When the Feng family received the invitation, they held another emergency meeting.

At the meeting, Feng Chaosi said with a smile: "see, the Qin family also know that they can't eat such a big cake on their own, so they called us local giants to go."

"Therefore, I suggest that the Feng family should show our strength this time, so that the Qin family and the Xue family will know our strength." Feng Chaosi said.

Everyone nodded, and Feng Qi felt that his little son was promising.

Only Feng Chaoji looked gloomy and said nothing.

He believed that the party would not be so simple.

Can that man be threatened by you local people?

Similar arguments are playing out in almost every big family.


The atmosphere of the Shi family is very tense.

Shi Hao's father, Shi Dong, the current owner of the stone family, sat on a chair with a gloomy face.

There are also several real power figures of the stone family who are not good looking.

Shi Hao stands at the bottom without any expression, as if he were interrogated.

"Shi Hao, who allowed you to communicate with the Qin family on behalf of the Shi family?" At this time, an uncle of Shi Hao took the lead.

Shi Hao said wearily, "no one will allow it."

"Well, how brave! Do you know what the sin is? " Shi Hao's uncle sneered.

Shi Hao shook his head. "I know, but I have to. Because it's about the life and death of our stone family. "

"If you don't talk cleverly here, I don't believe there is any other Mr. Xue who can eat people in Qin family. It's all alarmist!" Shi Hao's uncle is full of anger.


Now I don't know how many people are salivating at this big cake left by Xie's family.

Now it's good. The stone family actually took the lead in quitting.

This naturally makes many people dissatisfied.

At this time, Shi Hao's face sank. "Second uncle, whether you believe it or not, I can only say that you can't imagine the power of Mr. Xue!"

Shi Hao's second uncle sneered: "can you have three heads and six arms? You're not here... "

At this time, Shi Dong waved his hand, "OK! Don't say any more! "

Shi Hao's second uncle retreated angrily.

Then Shi Dong looked at Shi Hao and said, "since you are so sure, well, for tonight's banquet, our stone family will first remain neutral, but we should see what kind of character Mr. Xue is!"

Shi Hao bowed his head and said, "thank you father!"

"But if it's not like what you said..."

"I will be punished!" Shi Hao said with firm eyes.

Since the evening, the luxury car in front of the Ritz hotel has not been broken.

Almost all the powerful families in the provincial capital have arrived.

There are also many big and small families or thousands of gold to join in the fun.

These well-dressed young people get together in twos and threes and talk happily.

For them, this is a rare big party.

As for the disappearance of the Xie family.

They don't care.

It's the same for anyone who dies. As long as the interest belongs to me, it's easy to say anything.

And the owners of these rich families get together in twos and threes to discuss the banquet tonight.

"Everyone said, why did the Qin family invite us here?" Said an old man with gray hair and elegant clothes.

"Mr. Wang, I think the Qin family is going to seduce us. After all, they are foreigners. If we don't rely on us, he won't want to live in the provincial capital." Said a middle-aged man.

The crowd nodded.

"It's really unexpected that the decades old foundation of the Xie family disappeared overnight." The old man sighed with hypocrisy.

But when it comes to the property left by the Xie family, many people's eyes are red.

It's all profit.

At this time, there was a commotion outside, and someone exclaimed.

"It's the Feng family. Why are there so many people here?"

This time, there are dozens of Feng family members.

Moreover, all the owners of the Feng family and many real power figures were present.

At this point, we can see the grade difference.

A lot of small families are rushing to get out of the way.

Feng Qi took the lead.

Then followed by Feng Chaosi, who is full of arrogance.

There are also many big people invited by the Feng family.

Only Feng Chao Chiu followed.

Now he has become a family joke.

No one would like to see him more.

After Feng Qi and others are seated.

The atmosphere in the hall became warm.A lot of people began to whisper.

"The Feng family is in such a big situation. It seems that the newcomers are not good!"

"The fool also guessed that the Feng family was second only to the Xie family. How could the Feng family give up this rare opportunity when the Xie family failed this time?"

"It's a lot of fun. No matter how powerful the Qin family is, it's just a dragon crossing the river. It seems that this time there must be a lot of bleeding!"

In these comments, Feng Qi looks around the people in the hall.


Why hasn't the stone family arrived yet?

At the moment of doubt, Shidong arrived with the crowd.

Compared with the Feng family, the stone family has a lot of low-key.

The Feng family and the Shi family have never dealt with each other, so the people on both sides glared at each other.

Stone east face expressionless with people in the distance sat down.

At this point, the whole provincial capital of the rich and powerful basically all arrived.

Everyone is waiting.

Wait to see how the Qin family will deal with this situation.

At this time, Qin Yu was watching nervously upstairs.

This is the first time she has been on her own.

She called Qin yuan, but Qin Yuan said that she was fully responsible for the matter.

This made Qin yu feel the pressure on his shoulder.

At this time, Xue an suddenly laughed.

"Mr. Xue, what are you laughing at?" Qin Yu asked.

"If you kill all these people now, what will happen to the provincial capital?" Xue an said lightly.

This proposal made Qin yu feel cold.

If so many people really die here.

So it is certain that the whole province will be in a mess.

Seeing Qin Yu's astonished expression, Xue an couldn't help but smile. "It's just a joke. I'm not a killer."

But Qin Yu still felt a little frightened.

She knew that in Xue an's eyes, these so-called powerful families were no better than pigs and dogs.

"Go ahead, and then It's your turn to play! " Xue an said lightly.

Qin Yu bit his teeth, regained his composure, and then turned down the stairs.

When she appeared in the hall, the noisy hall gradually quieted down.

A lot of people are staring at Qin Yu with the eyes of examination.

Gradually, these eyes become despised.

It turns out that the Qin family, which has made such a big splash, only sent such a little girl?

Feng Chaosi sneered scornfully at this time, and then looked at Qin Yu with greedy eyes.

Good looking!

After this negotiation, we have to find an opportunity to contact.

Feng Chaosi thought in his mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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