At the moment, Qin Yu quickly regained his composure, slowly walked up to the throne and laughed at the people below.

"I guess you don't know me. My name is Qin Yu. I come from the Qin family in Beijiang. There are only two things you can do to invite you to come. First, get to know me. The second is to tell everyone that the land of Xie's family will belong to our Qin family! "

This kind of domineering words, let the hall people stupefied for a moment, and then suddenly move.

"Miss Qin, do you stretch your hands too far?" Someone sneered.

"That's right. Your Beijiang River and our provincial capital have always been well water, but this sudden disaster destroyed the Xie family. What do you mean by the Qin family?"

These comments almost drowned Qin Yu.

A flurry flashed in Qin Yu's eyes, but he still bit his teeth and said, "belong to China, what does it mean that our hands are too far?"

"No, it's not that easy!"

The people below began to clamor.

The people of the Feng family have been silent because they are waiting for the reaction of the stone family.

But I didn't expect Shidong to drink tea with the old God. He was not moved at all.

Feng Qi frowned. What is Shi Dong's plan?

At this time, Feng Chaosi couldn't help it.

He stood up with a smile, "Miss Qin, I think, what a beautiful girl like you should do is to eat, drink and drink with me, and then find a hotel to stay overnight. Instead of getting involved in this kind of thing. "

As soon as he said this, many people in the hall laughed.

Qin Yu's face began to sink.

"Please show some respect!"

Feng Chaosi laughed, and then slowly fiddled with his string of hands, "let's make Feng family respect you, Xie's industry We Feng's family will be divided into half! "

The proposal made a lot of people look ugly.

Everyone is thinking about the big cake left by Xie's family.

Now the Feng family has proposed to cut half of it first. Correspondingly, the others can get less.

Qin Yu was very angry and said, "what? Can the Feng family be so domineering? "

has the final say, "I am not the boss, nor has the final say, but you have been killed by Qin family, and you have not been heard of so much." Feng Chaosi said coldly.

With his voice, dozens of people stood up one after another, only Feng Qi and the last Feng chaocai still sat still.

The momentum is tight.

And at the moment, the stone family side is also a bit unable to restrain.

Shi Hao's second uncle got close to Shi Dong's ear and said, "brother, look at this, this little girl of Qin family is a young girl. She is pressed by the Feng family step by step. If she doesn't show her position now, we can't really benefit by then."

Shi Dong looks hesitant.

At this time, a voice came from the stairs.

"Yes, it's a strong dragon that doesn't oppress the local snake, but it also depends on what kind of dragon and snake it is!"

Everyone looked in a twinkling of an eye.

See an ordinary clothes, but the appearance of handsome extraordinary, mouth also with a trace of smile man slowly down the stairs.

And his appearance, also let the Qin family this big lady a sigh of relief, rushed forward, bowed her head respectfully called out.

"Mr. Xue!"

Mr. Xue!

Is he Mr. Xue?

Everyone was shocked.

It has been rumored that Mr. Xue has supernatural powers.

The collapse of the Xie family was also caused by him.

But now it seems that there is nothing surprising.

Many people do not think that it is just a rumor exaggeration.

Feng chaozao and Shi Hao were both shocked, and their eyes were full of horror.

Only the two of them knew about xue'an's terror.

Feng Chaosi then gave a slight sneer.

"What dragon and snake, please?"

Xue an looked calm, "if the nine day dragon is facing a grass snake on the ground, who will win and who will lose?"

Feng Chaosi's face became extremely ugly, "do you say our Feng family is a grass snake?"

Xue an shook her head. "That's not the meaning!"

Feng Chaosi's expression was relieved.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "to me, you Feng family is not even a grass snake, at most It's just a loach

As soon as the words came out, the audience was shocked.

Many people think that Mr. Xue must be crazy.

Shi Dong also slightly frowned at this time.

He thought that Mr. Xue was an old man with good manners, but he didn't expect to be a young man.

What's more, he is still a young man who doesn't know how to judge the situation.

What is the fear of such a man?

Shi Dong feels some regret.At this time, Feng Chao Si sneered.

"Very good, this is your own death, can not blame others!"

Then the masters brought by the Feng family left the table one after another and surrounded Xue an.

At this time, Xue an showed some beautiful teeth and gave Feng Chaosi a hearty smile.

"It's more suitable for you."

Feng Chaosi had a cold drink. "Do it!"

These people rushed up together.

These people are all the painstaking efforts of the Feng family over the years. Many of them are experts hired by the Feng family at a high price.

The momentum of these men's joint operations was appalling.

A lot of people can't help but turn pale.

Feng Chaosi is even more proud of the smile.

But soon his smile froze.

Because Xue an is just like walking around in a leisurely court, walking forward slowly.

Every step, the master in front of him will fall silent, and then turn to ashes.

It's like a lotus growing step by step!

But it is the blood lotus condensed with blood!

This strange scene.

It was a shock to everyone in the hall.

At the moment, the dark stone is changing.

What kind of evil tricks is this?

At the moment, Xue an has come to the Feng family.

He took a total of seven steps,

under the seven steps, all the masters who besieged him fell dead and did not survive.

At this time, Xue an stands in front of Feng Chaosi with a faint smile.

"Now Are you convinced? "

Feng Chaosi felt a chill coming out of his bones.

None of the scenarios that were supposed to happen.

Feng Chaosi thought that even if these masters could not defeat Xue an, they could also cause him serious injury. If he defeated him at that time, the Xie family's big cake might be monopolized by the Feng family!

But in any case, he did not expect this man, even the finger did not move, then let these masters all fly to dust.

Feng Chaosi opens mouth stone, do not know what to say.

At this time, Feng Qi stood up, and her manner changed from haughty to respectful.

"Mr. Xue, your child is young. Don't be wise with him..."

Xue an didn't lift his head, he just raised his hand.


After a slap in the face, Feng Qi's head was blown.

Brain mixed with blood spilled all over the ground, the corpse fell to the ground.

"Did I let you talk?" Xue an said lightly.

Many people were so shocked by the scene that their eyes were almost staring out.

The Feng family's master was slapped to death just because he spoke louder?

This man How cruel! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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