"Moving the world?" Crape myrtle God son looks changeable, murmuring to himself.

Xue an nodded, and then said, "it seems that you don't have any new tricks! I'm tired of it, too, so It's time to end! "

After that, Xue an suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the stars.

"Was that the starpower you lent him?" Xue an said coldly.

I don't know if it's an illusion or a real one. Many people think that with Xue an's question, the whole starry sky is shocked and the stars are darkened.

It's like I'm afraid of something.

Crape myrtle God son slightly one Zheng, trembling voice way: "you What are you going to do

Xue an smiles, "what are you doing? Of course Send you on the road

Then Xue an looked up at the sky and said in a cold voice, "now I'll give you a chance. If you don't follow It will be destroyed

The starry sky is silent, as if waiting for Xue an's order!

"I'll tell you something Cast a sword


With Xue an's order.

You see the stars shaking.

The stars all over the sky are like the ministers who receive the imperial edict, and start to surge the stars crazily.

In a moment, all the stars gathered in Xue an's hand, and then began to condense and change crazily.

In an instant, a huge sword that could rely on heaven appeared in xue'an's hand.

This huge sword is full of stars and its spirit is like silk!

The power is so powerful that the whole world trembles.

Everyone was stupid.

"This I have never heard of such swordsmanship! " In the field, there was a monk who practiced swordsmanship and exclaimed in astonishment.

At the same time, Xue an smiles at the same gaping crape myrtle God son, "now, I'll send you on the road!"

"No!" Crape myrtle God son cried out.

He finally felt a deep fear,

because he could feel the fury of the sword.

It is a kind of power that destroys everything and makes the gods bow to it.

He knew that under this sword, he would really die!

But his shouts just dropped, and before he could say the words behind, Xue an's eyes were bright, and he said coldly, "chop!"


At an order, this huge sword was cut down with supreme power.

Crape myrtle God son wants to struggle to escape, but until this time, he is desperate to find that he has been firmly locked in the sword, and there is no way to avoid it.

He can only open his desperate eyes and watch the sword fall.

This sword is approaching the peak.

Almost in a moment, the sword light has reached the body.

Crape myrtle God son sent out a final howl: "Xue an, my father will not let you go!"

Xue an said faintly: "if your father doesn't come to me, I will go to him too! Then, I will make your father and son reunite below! "


Crape myrtle God son startles angry roar way, but then, these voices then stop abruptly.

Because his body, including the spirit, has been crushed by this sword.

And this sword is not eliminated, straight to the sea!

A gap of more than ten miles wide has been cut off in the sea area of thousands of miles.

The sea water in the gap is directly evaporated by the strong power, even showing the sediment on the sea floor.

But the sea water on both sides wants to rush into the gap and bridge the huge scar, but it is blocked by a thin layer of sword light.

So on the sea, a huge passage more than ten thousand miles long and ten miles wide appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked by this unique sword.

Xue an stood in the air, his clothes fluttering like a God.

Then, with a wave of Xue an's hand, the sword, which was made of starlight, broke into pieces and disappeared between heaven and earth.

In silence.

Xue an lowered his head and looked down at all the people.

No one dares to look directly at him.

In particular, the Zhuo family and the Jin family, who have been fighting against Xue an, are even more scared to look pale and collapse.

But Xue an did not pay attention to these people, his eyes swept over the curse queen, and then smile.

"Now I say I am the reason, but I have the strength?"

Curse queen whole body huge shock, finally wake up from the shock, and then bow head respectfully.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I don't know your majesty. If you say it, please punish me!"

Even before in the face of crape myrtle God son, curse queen has not been so humble.

But at the moment, no one thinks it's too much.

Because in this divine world, we always respect the strong.Xue an's strength has been witnessed by all, so it is not surprising to curse the queen for her attitude.

Xue an also understands these, he also can't take this curse empress because of a word how, but at the moment he still can't help but play heart big.

"Oh? Punishment? How to punish? "

The Queen's body trembled Let the Lord down

Such words, said from the mouth of a queen who is in charge of the vast territory of heaven, can make a man's satisfaction explode!

Xue an laughed, then said in a playful tone, "look up at me!"

Curse the queen slowly raise her head.

"The technique of removing the mask!" Xue an said lightly.

A sense of humiliation flashed in the heart of the curse queen, but she did not dare to disobey Xue an's orders, so she had to disperse the mist that covered her face.

Below exposed, is a beautiful and refined, but with a bit of childish face.

At first glance, it looks like a baby faced Lori.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and then touched his nose awkwardly, "cough, it turns out that she is a minor Lori. No wonder she has been covering her face with mist."

Imagine a teenage girl sitting on the throne and taking charge of the universe.

I dare not see that picture!

With Xue an's voice, the curse Queen's big eyes slowly filled with tears, and then closed them like fate.

She is very clear about the law in the divine world. The strong can decide everything, and the weak have no dignity at all.

In particular, he also said something against Xue an before, so he should do what he should.

She just some sad thought, everything is still like this in the end?

But at this time, Xue an suddenly waved a hand, a law then shielded her face.

The curse queen slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xue an blankly.

Xue'an said with a smile, "I wanted to teach you a lesson, but if you look so cute, forget it!"


This adjective makes the curse queen cry and laugh, but the heart has no reason to rush a warm current.

Because she knew that Xue an let herself go.

Thinking of this, she could not help but bow her head respectfully, "thank you My Lord

Xue an does not agree, and then turn to look at has fallen into the petrochemical state of Jin Shuman people.

"Now, it's time to settle your account."

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