Jin Shuman was shocked and finally woke up from the shock. Then he screamed like a ghost.

"What have you done to him?"

Xue an's tone was playful: "God son? No, there won't be any more, because I've already sent him to the place he should have been

Jin Shuman began to shake uncontrollably.

All this had a great impact on her.

To know that Jin Shuman in order to be able to climb up to the crape myrtle God son, do not know how much money spent.

But the Kung Fu pays off, she finally became the crape myrtle God seat under the most favored a maid.

Jin Shuman is very happy with her future.

Because that is the only legitimate son of crape myrtle star king, but also will be in charge of crape myrtle star, leading the star world.

This is the first existence in the whole divine world.

Therefore, Jin Shuman relies on the influence of Lagerstroemia indica, arrogant and despotic.

But now, all the glory is like an illusion, which is mercilessly broken by xue'an.

Crape myrtle God son died, and died in front of Jin Shuman.

Jin Shuman was filled with fear and despair.

But at this time, standing on one side, the pale faced Jin Xiong suddenly stepped forward and knelt down on the ground.

"Forgive me, my Lord! My Lord, spare your life! It's all about my daughter. It's none of my business! Please spare my life

Jin Xiong cried bitterly.

Jin Shuman was struck by lightning, staring at his father.

"Father Father

Jin Xiong, as if bitten by a poisonous snake, roared angrily: "don't call my father, I don't have a daughter like you! It's a pity that you collude with the gods of Outland to deal with Lord Xue! "

Jin Shuman's heart slowly sank to the bottom.

Once upon a time, my father was not like this.

Especially when he became the maid of Lagerstroemia indica, Jin Xiong even flattered himself.

Can never expect, to this time, his father in order to survive, the first time backwater!

Looking at the disgust and fear on Jin Xiong's face, Jin Shuman suddenly feels that all this is simply too ironic.

Ironically, she couldn't help laughing nervously.

The laughter was small at first, but the more you laugh, the louder it becomes.

At the end of the day, he even started to laugh.

The laughter made Jin Xiong's face white, and his eyes showed a touch of panic. Then he jumped up from the ground and rushed to Jin Shuman. Raising his hand was a loud slap in the face.

"Bitch, what are you laughing at? Shut up

Jin Shuman did not dodge, but was born to suffer this slap.

Her face began to swell like air blowing, but Jin Shuman's eyes twinkled with despair and madness that destroyed everything, and coldly looked at Jin Xiong.

Jin Xiong wanted to continue to do it, but when facing his daughter's eyes like this, he couldn't help but feel a little cold in his heart.

At the same time.

She's looking up in the air.

"God son is dead, I admit defeat! If you want to kill, you can do as you like, but there is a premise! "

Jin Shuman raised his hand to point to his father, and said with hate on his face: "before I die, I want to watch this man die first!"

Jin Xiong was shocked, "how dare you harm me

Before the words fell, Xue an nodded with a smile, "OK! Then I will help you

"Pardon me, my Lord Jin Xiong is so scared that he kneels on the ground and kowtows to Xue an, hoping to ask Xue an to let him go.

But it's too late.

Xue an is also too lazy to listen to this character's plea for mercy, so with a wave of his hand, a sword stabs Jin Xiong.

Jin Xiong is also the owner of a powerful family. His strength is not bad. However, when facing Xue an's sword, he can't even dodge, so he is cut into two.

Jin Xiong howled miserably, and then his whole body exploded and turned into blood.

This scene makes more people pale.

Xue an, however, seems to have killed a bedbug casually.

"So, are you satisfied?"

Jin Shuman nodded and said softly, "thank you very much."

Xue an said lightly: "you are welcome! Let's go with you! "

After that, Jin Shuman died with the explosion of his body.

At this point, the Jin family was completely destroyed.

Although there were gusts of sea breeze, but it could not disperse the smell of blood that pervaded the whole banquet hall.

Everyone looked pale.

Xue an raised her eyes and looked at the Zhuo family.

After sensing Xue an's eyes, Mrs. Zhuo, who was trying to muddle through, was shocked and almost fainted."Big..." She trembled to say something.

Xue an didn't give her this chance at all, but looked directly at Zhuo Yang on one side and then gave her a smile.

"Give it to Yang family! If you want to kill or stay, you can decide for yourself

Zhuo Yang Yang was silent for a moment, then nodded, "yes!"

After that, Zhuo Yangyang turns around and stares at the Zhuo family members who have shrunk into a group. His eyes are a little complicated.

And this Zhuo old lady also sober up at the moment, the expression on her face changes, and then squeeze out a smile of flattery.

"Yang Yangyang, it was grandma before, but anyway, we are all blood relatives. I hope you can see in these feelings, let us go. "

Zhuo Yangyang was silent, then lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

Mrs. Zhuo was glad to know that there was hope.

She felt that she knew Zhuo Yang very well.

Honest duty, but also very kind.

This time it is estimated that it is the same, as long as they play a good emotional card, she will certainly let go of themselves.

Maybe you can get back together again! At that time, even if our Zhuo family has a big supporter, who dares to provoke us?

The more she thought about it, the more proud she was, and the more enthusiastic she laughed.

"Yangyang, I know you have suffered a lot of grievances before. It's all my fault! Grandma apologizes to you now

With that, Mrs. Zhuo slapped herself two times in the face and said earnestly, "Yangyang, can you forgive grandma? I... "

"Stop it!" Zhuo Yangyang, who had lowered her head, said suddenly, then slowly raised her eyes and looked at old lady Zhuo with cold eyes.

"Your emotional cards are useless to me!"

Mrs. Zhuo, who had thought that the great event could be accomplished, was frozen.

Zhuo Yangyang's eyes swept over every Zhuo family member's face and then sneered slightly.

"My Lord is right. If you want people like you to learn awe, you have to pay the price of bleeding!"

"And you..." Zhuo Yang Yang looked at Mrs. Zhuo with disgust, "no matter what you do, you can't change the result of your death."

Mrs. Zhuo's face was stunned. She could not believe that this was said from her granddaughter, who had always been honest.

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