Standing aside, Mrs. Zhuo, who has been silent, suddenly said, "Yang Yang, how can you talk like this?"

"Oh? What do you think I should say? " Zhuo Yang Yang light way.

"Anyway, she's your grandmother anyway! You can't change that! "

"Grandma?" Zhuo Yangyang sneered and pointed to Mrs. Zhuo, "just her?"

Mrs. Zhuo sighed, "I know that you have suffered a lot in the past ten years, but the old lady has just apologized to you. Then all this is over! You should be generous. After all, it's no big deal! "

"Magnanimous..." Zhuo Yangyang murmured to himself.

"Yes! People always have to look forward, and there will be no difficulties in being generous! " Zhuo's wife said in a reasonable voice.

But her voice just fell, Zhuo Yang suddenly burst to drink, "enough!"

Mrs. Zhuo was stunned.

At this time, Zhuo Yang Yang's body flashed, and he appeared directly in front of Mrs. Zhuo. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her neck, and then Shengsheng lifted it into the air.

"You haven't experienced my sufferings. Why should I be generous? Well? " Zhuo Yang Yang hate voice said.

Zhuo's wife was pinched and rolled her eyes. Her hands and feet struggled, but she couldn't shake Zhuo Yang Fen Fen.

Mrs. Zhuo's once very elegant face finally showed the color of fear, and then said with all her strength.

"Yang Yangyang, let me down quickly, everything is easy to discuss! I I know it's wrong! "

Xue an, who had been watching coldly, suddenly laughed, "Yang Yang, seeing this woman, I suddenly thought of a sentence. I must stay away from those who casually advise you to be generous, because Lei will implicate you when he splits him! What do you think? "

Zhuo Yang Yang's mouth also raised a trace of smile, "adult, I think this sentence is simply too right!"

After that, Zhuo Yangyang pinched Mrs. Zhuo's hand and suddenly made a strong effort.

This Zhuo's wife felt that a huge force came upon her, and she could not breathe at all.

The fear of death made her give up all her dignity.

"Don't "Yang, Yang..."

The voice did not fall.

Her head was cut off by Zhuo Yangsheng, and then rolled down. Her once elegant face was still frozen with fear and doubt before death.

It seems that Zhuo Yangyang didn't dare to kill himself.

This time, the whole audience was shocked.

All of us didn't expect that the girl in purple, who looked soft and weak, would be so cruel.

Mrs. Zhuo and Zhuoya are even more shocked.

"You You... "

You've been a long time, and they can't say a complete sentence.

Zhuo Yangyang raised his hand and dipped it in the spatter of blood on his face, put it on his lips, tasted it gently, and then grinned.

"It's delicious! It must taste better, but it tastes better to me! Is that right? "

Mrs. Zhuo was shocked and looked at Zhuo Yangyang with horror on her face, "you Do you dare to kill relatives

Before the words fell, Zhuo Yangyang rushed forward and without hesitation plucked up the old lady Zhuo's hair and sneered, "kiss? Why didn't you think about it when you killed my mother? "

"When preparing to give me to Xu Bao, why didn't you think about it?"

Mrs. Zhuo fought two battles and was unable to speak under the pain.

Zhuo Yangyang leaned down and said in her ear, "you are so scared! But I'm just treating you the way you used to treat me

What else does Mrs. Zhuo want to say.

Zhuo Yang Yang is no longer in the mood to talk to her. Her hands show a bright, and then she makes a sudden stroke between the neck of Mrs. Zhuo.


Mrs. Zhuo's throat was cut into a huge wound, blood splashed out, like a blooming red rose.

Then Mrs. Zhuo covered her neck with both hands, as if trying to heal the wound in this way.

But it was all in vain.

Blood flowed down the fingers, and the air in the lungs was squeezed out, forming a series of fine bubbles.

Her eyes were full of horror and fear, and eventually she fell to the ground slowly and died.

At the moment, Zhuo Yang's purple dress is covered with blood, but her expression is more and more excited. Then she looks at Zhuoya who has shrunk into a ball with cold eyes and chuckles.

"Sister Zhuoya, when the old witch died, she was no different from normal people! It's even worse, don't you think? "

Zhuoya is about to be scared crazy. After hearing Zhuo Yangyang's question, she nods in a hurry.

"Yes, yes! This old witch is the worst! It's very nice of you to kill her. You will be the master of Zhuo family in the future

"Don't you hate me Zhuo Yang Yang light way.Zhuoya shook her head in a hurry. "Of course not. I hate this old witch too!"

"But I seem to have killed your mother just now! So you don't hate me? " Zhuo Yangyang leaned down and looked at Zhuoya, who was half seated on the ground.

Zhuoya's hair all stood up and cried: "no, because they all die! Yang Yang, I really know wrong, please let me go! I'll never... "

The voice did not fall, see Zhuo Yang Yang a palm, the result of this Zhuo Ya's life.

Dead bodies fall to the ground.

"They're damned, don't you? Let's go down here and tell them these words. " Zhuo Yangyang cold channel.

At this point, Mrs. Zhuo and others all died.

Zhuo Yangyang became the only one who survived.

The whole audience looked at the girl in purple with fear.

At the beginning, many people ignored her and even thought she was just a maid of Xue an.

But just Zhuo Yang Yang killed several people's cruel means to shock all people.

In particular, she killed relatives who had blood relations with her, which was even more frightening.

And the strength that she shows, also let a lot of people understand.

After that, there will be one more woman in the curse city.

There were several bodies lying on the ground, bloody and disgusting.

But no one dares to show the slightest difference.

Xue an sighed softly and said to herself, "is it over?"

A lot of people breathed a sigh of relief that it seemed to be over.

But Xue an's next words let these people's hearts rise again.

"I don't think so."

With that, Xue an turned her head and gave a smile to Kang Huazang, whose face was overcast and uncertain.

"Are you right?"

Kang Huazang seemed to have expected Xue an to ask himself, but there was no expression of fear on his face.

"Xue an, I admit I underestimated you before! Your strength is really enough to win respect. We Tianfu pavilion has recognized defeat this time! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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