Kang Huazang's tone is very insipid, as if he is talking about an unimportant thing.

Xue an said with a smile, "aren't you afraid I'll kill you?"

"I'm afraid, but the strong one in the divine world is respected. Your strength is higher than me. Then my life and death will be controlled by your thoughts! So what's the use of fear? "

Xue an nodded, "it makes sense! But if you think so, why did you just send a message to the school through the magic talisman? "

Kang Hua Zang, who was originally indifferent, changed his face when he heard the speech.


"How do I know that?" Xue an laughed, "do you really think that with your little skills, you can hide from me?"

Kang Huazang's face was changeable and was about to speak.

Just then.

A golden line appeared in the distant sky.

The gold line is more than a thousand miles long, and at first glance it looks like a glow.

But in a moment, we can see the gold line flying at a very fast speed.

Until then, a lot of people can see.

What kind of gold thread is this? It's clear that it's a seal script with brilliant golden light!

When these large numbers of Fu Zhuan come together, it seems like the tide is surging.

"It's the Wanfu array of Tianfu Pavilion!" Someone cried out.

More people have been stupefied by the scene.

Because they have heard of the Wanfu array in Tianfu Pavilion. It is said that this is the most powerful killing move of Tianfu Pavilion. It can only be used when facing a strong enemy. Once it is launched, it will never die.

However, for hundreds of years, it has been rarely heard that Tianfu Pavilion used this move. Unexpectedly, it reappears here today.

At the same time.

The seal script of the whole sky has been flying over the city of curse, and then it seems to have a spirit. It automatically arranges its formation and starts to rotate slowly like the universe around the world.

At this time, Kang Huazang laughed.

"Xue an, aren't you good? But I don't believe you can resist the Wanfu array that I have accumulated for hundreds of years in Tianfu Pavilion! "

This is the fact that kanghuazang had no fear until this time.

At this time, a figure appeared in the middle of the Wanfu array.

This figure is a dignified old man in a gold embroidered robe.

Seeing this man, Kang Huazang bowed down and saluted.

"Yes, master!"

That's right.

It is the leader of Tianfu Pavilion who is known as the most powerful master of Wanfu old man.

The old man of Wan Fu nodded slightly and haughtily, "Huazang, what kind of strong enemy have you issued the highest level emergency order?"

Kang Huazang said respectfully, "master, this is the man!"

He raised his hand to Xue an.

The old man of Wan Fu looked at Xue an, and then he was attracted by the huge scar which was more than ten thousand miles above the sea.

After looking at it for a moment, the old man nodded slightly, "what a powerful sword! So you should be a swordsman? "

Xue an looked at it quietly until the old man asked, and then he laughed,

"that's right!"

"It's extraordinary for you to have such accomplishments at such an age! And Hua Zang also said clearly in the emergency order sent back to us! It's not clear who is right or wrong about this matter. But since you killed my disciples, you have to explain it. Are you right? "

"Account? What are you going to give me? " Xue an held his shoulder and asked lightly.

"It's very simple. You apologize to me! And then the divine pattern of this world belongs to our Tianfu Pavilion! Let's get this over! What do you think? "

Old man Wan Fu thinks that he is already very good.

In fact, if it wasn't for the strength shown by Xue an, he might not have talked nonsense at all and started directly.

Can Xue an smell speech but smile, "apology?"

"Yes! That Xu Bao is my beloved disciple. You should pay his life if you kill him, but I.... " Old man Wan Fu wants to go on.

Xue an waved his hand and stopped him. Then he looked at the boundless seal script which covered the whole sky.

"Do you think you can win me by this?"

Wan Fu's old man was stunned, then his expression gradually became cold. "Xue an, what do you mean?"

Xue an smiles. "It's meaningless. It's just that they're good. It's a pity that the people who control them That's too bad

"Looking for death!" Wanfu's character is like fire and extremely arrogant.

Especially this time, he thought that he had given Xue an enough face, but he didn't expect that he was so disrespectful, so he gave a angry drink and directly moved his hand.

In the twinkling of the golden light, Xue an was bombarded with golden light.At such a high speed, many people felt that the blow had reached Xue an's head.

Xue an did not dodge at all. Instead, he looked at them with interest, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

The golden light flew directly into xue'an's palm in the eyes of everyone's horror.

Wan Fu's eyes almost glared out, "no way! This golden light is invincible. No one in the world can surrender it. You... "

Xue an smile, "the thing is good, but it's a pity that it falls into your hands, which is too cruel and natural!"

After that, Xue an looked up at the full sky Fu Zhuan and whispered orders.

"There are thousands of runes, only for me!"


The simple eight characters, originally arranged according to the meaning of the old man Wan Fu, burst into pieces.

And then very obedient in accordance with Xue an's orders to rearrange!

In an instant.

The master of Wanfu has changed and turned into a mysterious array, and the spearhead is directed at the lonely old man in the air.

Until this time, old man Wan Fu woke up from the shock.

Then he exclaimed, "what kind of magic do you use? Why would the seal script of Tianfu Pavilion listen to you? "

"Magic?" Xue an faint smile, and then shook his head, "have to say, your knowledge is too shallow!"

"They are obedient because I am the one who gives orders. It's so simple!"

Old man Wan Fu didn't understand.

Xue an raised his hand and said, "it's gone! Tired

It is pointed by the fingertip, and the group symbol passes by.

This Fu array is more powerful than before, so the momentum from the March makes old man Wan Fu pale.

But he is the master of Tianfu Pavilion. Naturally, it is impossible for him to admit defeat so easily.

He grinned grimly, and the strange seal script appeared around his body, and his body gradually faded, trying to get away from here.

But at the moment when his figure was about to be completely transformed into nothingness.

The golden light of the full sky amulet seal directly cut off the contact between the heaven and the outside world.

And Wanfu's escape was naturally blocked.


Before the voice fell, he saw that the seal script of the whole sky was surging up, swallowing the figure of the old man.

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