At the same time, the whole city of curses was startled.

It is the strong people from all walks of life.

These people stood in the air, their faces dignified and looked at the sky.

The sea of God's punishment, which has been shrouded by heavy clouds, is now calming down for the first time.

And there is a brilliant light among them, dazzling.

"What's going on?"

"Is it possible that the divine pattern is about to appear?"

The crowd began to whisper.

At this time, Xue an's body gradually emerged in the air.

The discussion stopped suddenly, and everyone focused on Xue an.

Xue an looked at the distant sky with a smile and said faintly: "it's a little interesting!"

Let's go, and let's go straight.

The rest of the crowd looked at each other, and then they were busy following each other, flying to the sea of God's punishment along the huge crack stretching for thousands of miles on the sea.

At Xue an's speed, this distance is just a flick of a finger.

When he stood on the sky, overlooking the sea of punishment.

The sea is boiling.

Countless sea monsters have emerged from the surface of the water and surrounded by rings, as if waiting or guarding something.

And the world is more static and terrible, even the wind seems to be stagnant.

The feeling of suffocation, so that the people who came later were all color changed.

"What's the matter with this breath?"

"Who knows!"

At this time, I heard someone exclaim: "look at the sky quickly!"

The crowd looked up at the words.

The thick clouds above the sea of punishment began to turn slowly, forming a huge vortex, and the center of the vortex pointed directly to the countless beasts on the sea.

The thunder was dim and the air began to smell of burning. Many people felt that the hair on their faces seemed to stand up.

But in front of the power of heaven and earth, which shocked all the strong, Xue an stood in the void with his hands on his face, and then whispered to himself.

"I should have thought of it! ha-ha! It's more and more interesting! "

At this time, curse empress Chu Xiaoyun's body appeared behind Xue an. She looked at the clouds in the sky with some uneasiness, and then said, "my Lord, do you want to retreat for a while, this is the punishment of heaven!"

"God's punishment?" Xue an was slightly stunned.

"Well! This sea of divine punishment has been handed down since ancient times. Every hundred years, there will be heavenly punishments to suppress the monsters in this sea area and prevent them from making trouble! "

"But judging from the formation, this punishment should be very powerful! But it's strange that, according to the time, it should not be the time for the punishment to come? " Chu Xiaoyun has some doubts.

Xue an smiles. "Maybe Be afraid

Chu Xiaoyun is slightly stunned. He doesn't understand what Xue an's saying means. He just wants to ask why.

Just then.

In the clouds of the sky, the thunder seemed to have condensed to the extreme, and then there was a shining light from the top of the whirlpool, pointing directly to the sea of punishment.

But before the light was near the sea, from these silent sea beasts, a giant sea beast leaped up to face the thunder light.


After a big bang, the sea beast was directly lightened by thunder.

The thunder fell slowly, but it continued to fall.

But then there was a scene that stunned everyone.

The giant beast in front of him just died, and then another giant animal jumped up and went up without hesitation.

In the same way, the giant beast was destroyed by thunder.

But there's a third, a fourth.

As if these ocean giants are no longer afraid of death at this moment, they all use their bodies to resist the falling thunder.


After the seven or eight ocean monsters disappeared, the power of thunder light was exhausted and finally dissipated into the invisible.

All of us have been silly.

Numerous huge and extremely large ocean beasts have jumped up to resist the punishment of heaven with their own flesh and blood.

The scene was almost tragic.

But this is just the beginning!

The thunder seemed to be infuriated by the behavior of the giant beast. A more powerful thunder light began to brew, and then it dropped from the top of the vortex again.

This ray of thunder is much stronger than before, and even distorts the space.

However, the giant animal community seems to have agreed, one by one giant animals began to jump step by step, and ran to death in a very peaceful posture.

The tacit understanding and silence seemed to be a silent accusation against this punishment.

In the end, after the loss of thirty or forty monsters, the punishment dissipated.Many people can't help but take a breath, for this group of giant animals feel lucky.

Maybe when they sailed through the sea of punishment, they would fight with the giant beast to death.

But at this moment, they are still infected by the survival will of these monsters.

But at this time, Xue an slowly raised his head and looked at the dark clouds all over the sky. His hair was swaying by the sea breeze, but he could not cover the deep light in his eyes.

"Next, it's the real beginning."

The voice has just dropped.

There was a sudden stillness between heaven and earth, and even the wind seemed to be stagnant.

In the dark clouds, the thunder flashed, and then in an instant, dozens of thunder lights fell.

Each of them is stronger than the thunder before.

Facing the thunder snake dancing in the sky.

All of us turned pale.

Only Xue an watched quietly.

It seems that the giant beast community also felt the power of this blow. After a slight disturbance, they fought against each other again.

There is no superfluous flowery, there is only the head-on collision of blood and fire.


Light and dust dispersed, thunder disappeared.

If you look at the sea, the number of monsters has been reduced by more than half.

Those who survived were all black and blue, and the blood gushed out, and even dyed the whole sea red.

But even so, these monsters still adhere to the formation, arranged in a circle, and do not step into the sea area in the center of the circle, as if they were guarding something.

Is it over?

A lot of people looked at each other, and this question appeared in their hearts.

It seems that in order to respond to the question mark in people's hearts, the gradually disappearing thunder clouds in the sky began to condense again.

In contrast, the sea area in the center of the ring began to show a little light.

The light didn't start out very well, but soon it was joined together in a strange but highly coordinated pattern.


After a crack of porcelain, a light column rose from the sea in the center of the ring.

This light column is covered with numerous kinds of dense patterns, which are combined in a very harmonious form.

Then in this light column, a tail like smoke, no longer than a foot long, but incomparably beautiful Koi will emerge, and then fly to the sky along this light column. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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