As soon as the koi appeared, all the sea beasts bowed down their huge bodies, as if to greet their new king.

But the thunder clouds in the sky are also completely angry at the moment. They can see that countless thunder lights condense in one point and turn into a giant thunder light that people dare not look directly at, and directly cuts the Koi.

Without a command, these sea beasts jumped up one after another, and began to fight the thunder with their huge bodies, escorting the koi up.

But this time, the thunder is so powerful that these monsters are often turned into nothing before they come near.

But even so, these monsters did not have the slightest timidity and flinch, but in the posture of moth to fire, facing the punishment of heaven!

But no matter how intrepid they are, their numbers are limited.

When the koi is halfway to the beam of light, there is little left of the beast.

At this time, a pure white strong thunder light suddenly fell, straight to these ocean giants.

As if feeling the tragic fate in front of them, these giant animals who have never even spoken of death uttered a sad cry.

The voice was low, like a complaint against an unjust fate.

But at this time, xue'an, who had been standing on the sideline and looked on coldly, said: "in order to continue the fire, even if the body turns into nothingness, it's not at all at all! You monsters are worthy of admiration

With that, Xue an's figure flashed and disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he had come to the front of the group of ocean monsters and faced the falling thunder.

"My Lord!" Chu Xiaoyun exclaimed.

She never thought that Xue an would help at this time.

When we look at these giant animals, we should not wait for them to harvest quietly?

What's more, it's the thunder of punishment!

Not only Chu Xiaoyun, all the people who witnessed this scene were stupid.

Then many people's eyes will show a glimmer of joy.


If we die, we'll have the divine tattoo!

But before these people's wishful thinking had started, Xue an reached out his hand, and his slender fingers suddenly grasped it. This strong thunder light was firmly grasped in the palm of his hand.

In a burst of hair numbing electric current sound, see a group of thunder light in Xue an's palm struggling to wriggle, want to break away from Xue an's control.

But Xue an's palm is like a cage. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape.

"Hands With thunder in your hand Among all the consternation, someone cried out.

Xue an looked at the light in her hand and lifted her mouth with a faint smile.

But this silk smile, in the light of thunder, seems so unattainable.

"In order to suppress this place, it's really hard for you to use high-level divinity as array eyes."

With that, Xue an suddenly shook it.


After a slight sound.

The thunder was crushed by Xue Ansheng and turned into a wisp of white smoke and disappeared.

There was silence.

As if they were human beings, they all looked at Xue an with grateful eyes.

And in the light column of the koi, also happy to swim up fast.

But the thunder clouds still refused to disperse, and once again began to spin condensation, ready for the next punishment.

Xue an took a look at the group of giant animals and gave a faint smile, "well, I'll help you!"

With that, Xue an stepped out and came directly to the thunderstorm.

There are countless thunder snakes dancing around Xue an's body.

Compared with the thunder sea, Xue an's body looks very small.

But Xue an just sneered at this, and then slowly took a step.


As if it was an illusion, the originally arrogant and domineering thunder cloud, in the face of Xue an's this step, actually together back a long way.

All of them looked up and gaped.

Then someone whispered, "oh my God, I read it right! Did you scare off the thunder

At this time, Xue an slowly raised his hand, pointed to the black cloud that often leaped up in the opposite direction, and said faintly: "goodbye!"

After that, Xue an shook his hands and made a fist, and then he stepped out.

The power of this blow is so powerful that many people even want to vomit blood after just one look.

With one blow, the whole world seems to be motionless.

The thunder clouds all over the sky want to disperse to avoid the blow.

But under the power of xue'an's fist, everything is vain.


After an indescribable sound, the thunder clouds scattered all over the sky, and the thunder light was directly annihilated.

In an instant, the thunder cloud, which was just strong and incomparable, disappeared.

But Xue an's punch, the power is not only here.Under the influence of the fist power, the whole sea of divine punishment was covered with dark clouds for thousands of years, and countless fine patterns of talismans appeared.

And in the center of the grain is a pure crystal stone.

This is the array that sealed this sea area for thousands of years.

But at this moment, these things in Xue an's fist, just like porcelain, showing all kinds of cracks, smashed.

Then the black clouds were torn apart like rags.

During the change of clouds and fog, a ray of light sunlight cast down, shining on the sea area that has never been reached for thousands of years.

All those who saw it were petrified.

If Xue an's strength in the city Lord's banquet war still has a trace to follow.

Now Xue an's strength is so strong that it is almost hopeless.

Just like this blow, it seems to blow out a hole in the sky.

Xue an slowly closed his fist, overlooking the whole scene.

Both human beings and ocean monsters bow their heads and show their humility at this moment.

At this time, the koi has also been flying to the top of the light column.


After a crisp sound, you can see the light column inch by inch broken.

Then the koi's body began to soar.

The scales on the koi gradually condensed from the seal script.

And its eyes also began to become smart, even when looking at Xue an, with a touch of childlike curiosity!

Xue an smiles. "It's said that carp can turn into a dragon by leaping over the dragon's gate. But as a divine pattern transformed by the blood essence of ancient gods, you can change your life against heaven and have your own will. Heaven and earth are created. It's really amazing

When Xue an spoke, the koi looked at Xue an with his head tilted. When Xue an finished, he swam around in the air, touching Xue an with his tail or head from time to time, just like a child playing.

Xue an smile, "forget it, if you meet other people, it is estimated that you will be condensed directly! Just follow me

Say, Xue an light way: "Yan Er, release Fu Bao small building." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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