Chu Xiaoyun was stunned.

And one side of an Yan, at the moment also can't help but ask: "husband, who is the person who makes all this?"

"I don't know, but the answer should be in this ancient cave!"

After that, Xue an turned his head and laughed at an Yan, "Yan'er, you wait here, I'll go in and have a look!"

"Good! Husband, be careful

Xue an nodded, then raised his feet and stepped forward. He turned into a streamer and flew into the huge cave under the sea.

After crossing the seal, xue'an felt a sudden darkness in front of him, and the pressure also increased suddenly.

It's like the air around you turns into glue, full of resistance.

Xue an did not stop, but speeded up and rushed directly.


As if he had broken through an invisible barrier, Xue an felt that he was suddenly enlightened, and then he could not help but whisper.

What a world it is.

The sky emits the eternal yellow light.

And the earth is fragmented, barren to the extreme, no green.

No wind, no sound, nothing.

Yes, just above the ground, there is a huge corpse.

I don't know how long it took, some of these bones have become dead bones, but even so, they still have an inherent dignity.

Xue an walked in silence.

As far as the eye can see, these bodies are so dense that they can't see the end. They are just like a forest of skeletons.

And these remains, every one of them may be a powerful man in the world.

But at this moment, they are all buried here.

Xue an stopped, raised his head and quietly looked at a headless corpse that had turned into a dead bone, but still stood still.

The corpse is as high as 100 Zhang, which is the largest in the forest of bones.

And even though he has been dead for so long, the power of the skeleton is still moving.

Based on this, the skeleton was at least a strong one at Zhenxian level or even half step Dalao level.

But it was such a powerful God that even his head was cut off by life.

And Xue an could see that the man who did it took only one blow.

This shows that the person who started the operation cut off the head of the God and smashed his divinity and spirit with one move.

That's how it works.

Moreover, not only this corpse, but other corpses have extremely terrible wounds, which also shows the tragedy of the original war.

Xue an's face became more and more dignified.

He was astonished by the number of gods buried in this place.

And it seems that these gods died in a battle.

Then why, in the end, will make these high-level gods so desperate to fight?

Xue an was wondering.

Just then.

An old and tired voice reached his ears.

"Are you here?"

Xue an Huoran turned around and said in a cold voice, "who?"

The voice chuckled a few times, "don't worry. I don't mean anything. In fact, I've been watching you since you came in!"

Xue an's eyes are getting colder and colder.

After entering this place, xue'an has been on alert all the time, and his mind is constantly searching for this space, but he has not found anything different.

But the voice said that he had been paying attention to himself from the beginning.

Concealment can only show that he or she is really accomplished.

This can not help Xue an not to be vigilant.

The voice seemed to see Xue an's thoughts and couldn't help laughing: "don't be so vigilant. In fact, I'm a very special existence, so it's normal that you can't feel it!"

Then he saw that every skeleton in the forest showed a bit of brilliance, and then gathered in a place, condensed into a virtual image of an old man.

Xue an slightly Zheng, and then some suddenly said: "obsession into shape?"

The old man was even more surprised than Xue an, "young man, do you even know this? Yes, I am indeed transformed by the obsession of countless fallen gods

Xue an's eyes twinkled slightly. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he relaxed his vigilance.

Because this obsession really does not hurt anyone.

Because he can't interfere with anything.

To put it bluntly, he is just influenced by some strong emotions. Without cause and effect, he will not have any influence on the things around him.

And when Xue an removed his mind barrier.

The old man exclaimed, "you Are you Chinese? "Xue an was shocked and nodded, "yes! I am Chinese! "

"Great! I thought it would be vain to wait for thousands of years, but I didn't expect that when the seal was gradually damaged, I met the Chinese people, or such a brilliant young Chinese! It's worth it! It's worth it The old man's excited incoherence.

At the moment, Xue an, though full of doubts in his heart, still did not disturb the old man to vent his inner excitement.

It was not until after a long time that the old man gradually regained his calmness, and then he fell down and said with a very apologetic smile at Xue an.

"I'm really sorry, so many years of lonely waiting, let me really a little difficult to control myself!"

Xue an did not comment, but simply pointed to the boundless corpse, "can you tell me, what's going on?"

The old man laughed and sat down on a long thigh bone. "Young man, even if you don't ask, I'll tell you!"

"Do you know why these bones died?"

Xue an didn't speak, just listened quietly.

The old man sighed, "before ten thousand years, these corpses were all powerful Protoss, but in a great war, they all fell down, and even the corpses were sealed by people, and all the roots came from a difference!"

"Differences..." Xue an whispered a few words.

"Yes! And this difference originates from you Chinese people

Xue an's mind was shocked, and he said eagerly, "you mean it's related to the Chinese catastrophe ten thousand years ago?"

The old man was slightly stunned, and then sighed, "the disaster of the Chinese people Is it inevitable that everything will happen? "

Then the old man nodded solemnly, "yes, it is related to the disaster of the Chinese people."

Xue an's eyes grew cold, but he took a deep breath and said, "younger generation I'd like to hear more about it! "

At this point, Xue an has actively lowered his identity.

But the old man didn't care about it at all. He just said with a wry smile: "before Wanzai, the protoss were incomparable, and they were divided into several camps! Everything was in peace until A command is coming , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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