"Command?" Xue an was slightly stunned.

"Yes, a command! The content of the order is to send out all the protoss to deal with the Chinese together

Xue an's heart became cold, because he thought of the pictures he had seen in the secret of tortoise shell.

The Chinese have been slaughtered by numerous illusory clans. Although many of them can't see clearly, the protoss must be one of them.

It seems that the first piece of puzzle has been put together.

At this time, the old man continued: "this paper order set off a great disturbance in the whole Protoss! Although a small number of people expressed their support for this order, most of the protoss did not agree with it! Differences Here we are

Speaking of this, the old man looked at xue'an and sighed, "do you know why so many Protoss opposed this order?"

At the moment, xue'an was shocked, so he asked subconsciously, "why?"

"Because the protoss at that time had many ancient Chinese gods."

"Hua Ancient Chinese gods Xue an was surprised.

"Yes, and the ancient Chinese gods at that time were still a force that could not be underestimated among the Protoss." The old man said faintly.

"Under the pattern of power at that time, the ancient gods of the Chinese people united with several other closely related ancient deities, and resolutely opposed this order!"

"After all, they can't deal with their own people."

"But just when the opposition voice occupied the majority and the storm was about to pass, the situation suddenly reversed!"

The old man narrated the next thing in a very mechanical, non emotional voice.

"The gods of Tianzhao, who had already been in the camp of ancient Chinese gods, took the lead in fighting back. Without any precautions, they killed more than a dozen ancient Chinese gods and severely damaged several ancient Chinese gods."

"Then, other protoss forces that have been secretly united together also launched an attack."

"For a moment, the whole divine world was shocked by it, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air, and the sound of killing shook the sky."

"What a great war it is! In the face of ten times the number of their opponents, the ancient Chinese gods burst out a terrible fighting capacity! I have seen with my own eyes that a young god with three heads and six arms and a long flame spear has killed more than a dozen King level gods

"And the other youth ancient god who has a certain quota directly destroyed three Dara level gods!"

"This war has turned countless gods into corpses! However, the ancient gods of the Chinese nationality survived with their strong strength. "

" but all the gods who besieged the ancient Chinese gods were frightened and retreated quietly! A flash of white light

The old man was silent.

Xue an raises Mou, "what's wrong with the back?"

The old man shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "the memory will stop suddenly! The next thing I remember is that after this white light, all the ancient Chinese gods were destroyed, and there were countless war dead. Even if they survived, they all disappeared and disappeared again! "

"Then all the gods who followed the ancient Chinese gods were cruelly cleansed, and the gods with great strength became lambs to be slaughtered!"

"Although no one gave up the resistance, in the end, they were slaughtered, and the corpses were sealed here and suppressed with endless punishment!"

When the old man said this, the fatigue in his voice became more and more obvious.

"This is the source of this land of gods and meteors!"


Xue an lowered his head and did not speak until after a long silence.

"Who gave the order?"

The voice is very flat, but under this seemingly calm voice, there is a huge anger that can burn out everything.

The old man laughed bitterly, "I want to tell you, but I'm sorry! I can't make it! Because this memory has been cut off by life, even I can't prove it! "

Xue an had expected this, because this was also the case when he searched for the memory of King Odin.

In the key information, everything is blocked by the fog, as if someone had cut off all the connections.

Xue an sneered in his heart, and then continued to ask, "who is the one who made the move?"

"I can't explore the others, but the gods of Tianzhao are absolutely involved in it, and they are the first to turn against the water!" Said the old man.

"Good! Is there any way other than you to find out the traces of the original war? "

The old man was silent for a moment, and then said, "I was transformed by the obsession of the gods who fell here. But because the gods here have not broken through into the strong ones of daruo, my ability and memory are also very limited. If you really want to explore the truth behind, the great figures in the divine world should know some details!"

Xue an nodded and gave a serious hug. "Thank you very much."

The old man's figure had begun to fade, but his face showed a relieved smile.

"You're welcome! But I have a piece of advice for Chinese teenagers. I want to tell you that this cause and effect involves a wide range of causes and effects, which is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Therefore, you must be more careful! "Xue an drooped his eyes and said faintly, "understand!"

"Ten thousand years of waiting! I have been too tired, before there is a little goldfish here to accompany me, but yesterday, she has also gone out! That's good. It's over at last The old man whispered softly, then bowed his head and laughed at Xue an.

"Young Chinese, after I leave, I hope you can bury our bones!"

Xue quiet silent film engraved, and then solemnly nodded.


The old man smiles a little, and then his body gradually dissipates and finally turns into nothingness.

Xue an knew that he had gone.

After fulfilling the desire of the mind, the obsession will dissipate and disappear.

Thinking of this, Xue an rose up in silence, looked at the skeleton forest under his feet, and said in a soft voice: "this blood debt, I will pay for you!"

After that, Xue an raised his hand and pressed it.


The originally fragmented land has fallen completely, bury these bones thoroughly!

Then Xue an rushed out of this place and came to the outside world.

Is anxiously waiting for an Yan to see the situation, rushed to meet up, "husband..."

And then I swallowed it back.

Because an Yan found Xue an's face very ugly.

Xue anchong nodded her head slightly, and then said faintly: "Yan'er, lead the people away from here!"

An Yan a Zheng, and then nodded, "good!"

Although she didn't understand what Xue an wanted to do, she did it obediently.

There was a low commotion in the crowd, including Chu Xiaoyun, who did not understand what Xue an was going to do.

However, they still honestly quit the distance, and then looked at it with doubt.

Xue an stood in the air, looking at the huge hole under his feet with a complicated expression, and then said faintly, "the heroes who died in battle should not be so silent and nameless! Today, I will set up a monument for you. "

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