After that, Xue an raised his eyes, and his eyes were full of light. In an instant, he crossed thousands of miles and looked at the far sky.

Like two beams of light, his eyes wandered around the world. After a moment, Xue an's figure flashed and disappeared in his place.

Left behind a crowd of confused faces.

"What is this Lord Xue going to do?"

"Who knows! It seems to be strange after coming back from the land of God

"He told us to stay away. What is he going to do?"

In these comments, Chu Xiaoyun can not help but look at the distance with a complex look.

She found that she couldn't see through Xue an more and more.

At the beginning, she thought that Xue an was just a strong young man.

But now it seems that things are not as simple as they think.

Just as everyone was talking about it, suddenly someone called out in a voice of great shock: "look at the sky in the distance!"

Looking up, they all stood there.

A towering mountain appeared in the sky.

It's a rare book.

Although the city of curse is surrounded by vast sea, but at most only a thousand miles, you can see the mountains and rivers.

But what's unique about this mountain is that it's coming here at an amazing speed.

The speed is so fast that it even drags out illusions behind him.

"This What's going on? "

People are wondering.

At this time, the mountain has been flying near.

Until then, people were extremely shocked to find that the mountain was actually cut off by people, and even the incision was smooth and incomparable.

The reason why the mountain is so fast is that the mountain is so fast.

That's right!

It was Xue an who returned to the mountain!

I saw him standing in the void, holding the sky with one hand, and his expression was indifferent, as if this huge mountain with ten thousand feet high was just idle.

And this powerful scene made everyone look silly.

Many people ask themselves that with their current strength, it is not difficult to destroy a mountain peak. If we move it to another place, we can barely do it.

But like Xue an, he lifted up a huge mountain with a height of ten thousand feet in the scene of no more than a cup of tea, and flew thousands of miles across the sea to come here.

Many people don't even dare to think about it.

Chu Xiaoyun is also stupid.

Among the people present, her accomplishments and vision were the highest. Naturally, she understood how difficult this seemingly relaxed move was.

But Xue an's performance is like leisurely walk general, obviously did not use the full strength.

And one side of an Yan, at the moment is full of small stars looking at Xue an.

She felt that her husband would be so handsome that she couldn't help shouting.

"Honey, come on

Xue an chuckled at her, then flew to the huge cave and drank softly, "stay away!"

In fact, he didn't have to tell him at all. The crowd had already stepped back more than ten miles in a hurry for fear of being affected again.

Xue an swings one arm and makes a sudden effort.

This huge mountain was thrown out of the air by Xue an and hit the bottom of the sea in a parabola.


After a deafening noise, the whole area of the sea as if there had been a magnitude 9 earthquake, began to shake violently, and the shock wave wanted to spread at a furious speed.

With a wave of his hand, Xue an said faintly, "Zhen!"

A word order, suppress thousands of miles.

The shock wave dissipated in an instant, and the huge wave formed by the huge earthquake was suppressed.

A big disturbance was eliminated by Xue an.

The water wall dissipated, the sea water gushed back to its original place, and everything was calm again. However, on the originally flat sea surface, there was a huge mountain peak standing like a sword.

The crowd was in shock.

With a wave of Xue an's hand, a sword shaped a few large characters on the top of the mountain.

"The tomb of the dead in battle!" The crowd murmured, and they didn't quite understand what it meant.

But no one dares to ask, because people can feel the chill lingering around Xue an's body.

Only an Yan flew forward silently and said in a low voice: "husband, you Are you all right? "

Xue an wakes up from thinking and nods and smiles at an Yan, "it's OK! Just thinking about something

But in the end, she wanted to stop.

At this point, the Shenwen storm is completely over.

And they returned to the city of the curse.

Although Chu Xiaoyun invited again and again, Xue an did not go to the city Lord's house, but returned to Zhuo's house.

When Xue an's body appeared in front of the door, the door of Zhuo's family, which had already been prepared, opened, and all the servants respectfully separated on both sides.Zhuo Yang Yang, dressed in full clothes, is waiting anxiously in front of the door.

After seeing Xue an's arrival, Zhuo Yang Yang looked happy and rushed to meet him.

"My Lord!" Zhuo Yangyang's lapel is full of happiness.

Xue an nodded slightly, but looked at the Zhuo Da housekeeper standing behind Zhuo Yang Yang.

This Zhuo big housekeeper also respectfully came forward, to Xue an deep salute, "Zhuo family, welcome the Lord!"

With his voice, the servants yelled, "Zhuo family, welcome your majesty!"

Xue an shook his head like a smile. "It's a long night, but I don't know whether housekeeper Zhuo can sleep now?"

The housekeeper chuckled bitterly, and then bowed his hand in awe, "my Lord, since the beast has been removed, you can sleep!"

Xue an laughed and walked into Zhuo's house with his head raised.

The next few days.

Xue an's behavior in the sea of punishment was thoroughly spread, and the situation began to further ferment.

No one dares to question Xue an's strength any more.

At the moment, the only thought in people's mind is how to get in touch with this young and powerful man who is newly rising.

As a result, Zhuo's house became lively.

Although we all know that there is no hope, the people of the big families still send people to sit in front of Zhuo's house, hoping to see Xue an.

But all the outside disturbance has nothing to do with Xue an.

At the moment, he is busy dealing with the aftermath.

Many things were acquired this time, especially this divine pattern, which was beyond Xue an's imagination.

Finally, when everything has just been sorted out, Chu Xiaoyun comes to see Xue an in person.

"Time is running out?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"My Lord, in terms of time, there are still ten days to go! But the journey is difficult and dangerous, and we have to delay for a while! So it's time to start. "

Xue an nodded, "OK! In that case, let's go now. "

After the matter has been dealt with, Xue an teaches Zhuo Yangyang several sets of skills, and then lets an Yan and others enter the Fubao building, and Xue an takes them with him.

Then he followed Chu Xiaoyun on the road to Tianzhao divine region. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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