If viewed from the outside, the divine world is a kind of structure similar to a thousand layer cake, and it has its own system.

Among the myriad realms of heaven and earth, such a complete and vast world is also known as the great world.

The former curse city is located in the lowest abandoned land in the divine world, so if high-level gods like Lagerstroemia Shenzi want to go, they have to come in flesh.

However, Tianzhao divine region is three ranks higher than the curse City, so Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun have to cross several emptiness before they can reach Tianzhao divine region.

Of course, such a crossing of the void is different from walking through the heavens.

Because it is traversed in the world, the plane barrier is much weaker, so there is no need for daroshio.

Even so, it was a very difficult journey.

After three days, xue'an and Chu Xiaoyun finally came to the level of only one rank away from Tianzhao.

"My Lord, if you cross this barrier in front of you, you will be in the heaven's light." Chuxiaoyun said softly.

Xue an did not comment, but looked down at the whole level.

The environment and aura here are much better than the curse City, but the living creatures are lonely and very lonely.

It seems that seeing Xue an's doubts, Chu Xiaoyun said: "my Lord, it's too close to the Heavenly Kingdom. The gods often come down to play and harvest. Over time, all the creatures here have been slaughtered and can't grow any more!"

Hearing this, Xue an's eyes flashed a cold light.

"My Lord, are you going?" Chu Xiaoyun asked.

Xue an nodded. "Go!"

When Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun are ready to cross the barrier and go to Tianzhao Shenyu.

The void suddenly begins to vibrate violently, and then the space ripples like the disturbed water surface.

Then we saw a magnificent and magnificent flying boat, which was full of publicity and extravagance, directly passed through the space barrier and entered this realm.

At the sight of the star boat, Chu Xiaoyun's face became extremely ugly.

"My Lord, let's go!"

Say, Chu Xiaoyun then wants to lead Xue an to leave here.

But it was just then.

I heard a woman's voice full of sarcasm and banter.

"Who should I be? It's Miss Chu! What a pleasure to meet you

With the voice.

The figure of a woman appeared above the boat.

This is a full-bodied woman. She is pretty good-looking, and can be called gorgeous and moving. However, the sarcasm in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows makes her facial features very mean.

"Miss Chu, long time no see!"

Then she saw Xue an beside Chu Xiaoyun. She was stunned. Then she looked at Xue an with extremely critical eyes, and gradually showed a scornful sneer.

"Well, there's another one

Chu Xiaoyun looked pale, and then took a deep breath, "Ruan Jingxiu, I hope you don't cheat too much!"

Hearing this, Ruan Jingxiu covered his mouth with exaggeration. He pretended to be surprised and said, "Miss Chu, what do you mean by this? I just want to say hello to you. How can I call bullying you? Besides How can you say that you can be regarded as my elder martial sister? Of course, I have to respect this younger martial sister! "

"It's just..." Ruan Jingxiu moved his eyes and looked at Xue an with playful eyes. "I'm curious about this identity. Is it elder martial sister Chu..."

Without waiting for Ruan Jingxiu to finish, Chu Xiaoyun said coldly, "Ruan Jingxiu, this is an adult I respect very much. I hope you can pay attention to the key points!"

"My lord?" Ruan Jingxiu was stunned at first, then covered his mouth and giggled.

"An adult who does not even have his own boat, and who crosses the void by flesh?"

"You..." Chu Xiaoyun was so angry in his heart that he wanted to speak.

At this time, another man appeared beside Ruan Jingxiu.

The man looked like a young man in his twenties. He was handsome and well dressed, but his face was full of pride.

"What's the matter? Is there any trouble? " Man light way.

At the sight of this man, Ruan Jingxiu instantly turned into a delicate little woman, greasy voice.

"Oh, Qi Shao, who dares to make trouble in front of you? I just happened to meet an acquaintance and say a few words! "

Ruan Jingxiu said with a smile, then turned his head and said with a proud chuxiaoyun.

"Elder martial sister Chu, this is Qi Hongbo and Qi Dashao of Tianhuo Shenzu. This time, he also went to the divine realm to celebrate the birthday of his master."

Chuxiaoyun was stunned when he heard the speech, "Tianhuo Shenzu?"

"Yes! The master's birthday is unprecedented! Not only all the adults of this divine region will participate, but also the people of other divine regions! Tut Tut, elder martial sister Chu, but I don't know what your attitude would be if you saw you with such an adult! "

When it comes to the word "adult", Ruan Jingxiu deliberately accentuates his tone, which is full of sarcasm.Chu Xiaoyun's face gradually turned pale, but not because of Ruan Jingxiu's words, but because he was worried that the scale of the festival would add many variables?

You should know that the sky fire god clan is also a well-known party in the divine world.

Even they sent people, and the celebration was obviously extraordinary.

Chu Xiaoyun is in deep meditation.

Qi Hongbo, the youngest of the sky fire god clan, said indifferently: "let's go!"

Then he turned and left.

And from beginning to end, he didn't even look at Chu Xiaoyun and Xue an.

As if in his eyes, these people are mole ants, not worth seeing.

Ruan Jingxiu said in a hurry: "yes!"

Then he deliberately sighed and said, "elder martial sister Chu, I thought I'd give you a ride, but I don't seem to be very happy with you. I can't help it. You'd better go on your way slowly with your body!"

With that, Ruan Jingxiu turned away with a smile.

After a moment, the boat starts again, breaks through the barrier and disappears.

Xue an did not speak, just quietly watching.

It was not until after a long time that Chu Xiaoyun woke up from his meditation, and then said to Xue an with an apologetic face, "my Lord, I'm really sorry, i..."

Xue an waved his hand, stopped Chu Xiaoyun to continue to say, and then light way: "Why say sorry?"

Chuxiaoyun was stunned, "but just..."

Xue an smiles, "will you be angry because of the arrogance of ants?"

Chu Xiaoyun is a little surprised.

Then Xue an said faintly, "OK, hurry up!"

Chu Xiaoyun bit his teeth, "but my Lord, judging from Ruan Jingxiu's words just now, the scale of this God's birthday is unprecedented. We..."

"Are you afraid?"

Chu Xiaoyun shook his head in awe. "I'm not even afraid of death. I'm just worried about..."

"All right Xue an lowered his eyes. "I know what you are worried about, but for me, the bigger the scale of the so-called God's birthday, the happier I am. Understand?"

Chu Xiaoyun Leng for a moment, and then heavily nodded, "understand!"

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