
In the boat.

Ruan Jingxiu's whole body is bored in Qi Hongbo's arms, gently knead his shoulder, and then act coquettishly.

"Qi Shao, you are so good! Their legs are still sour now

Qi Hongbo's face was as cold as ice and did not speak. After a while, he said faintly: "just that woman Who is it? "

Ruan Jingxiu's body was stiff, but he relaxed in an instant. Then he said in a soft voice, "Qi Shao, that woman's name is Chu Xiaoyun. She's my sister-in-law, but my master has other ideas about taking her as an apprentice. After using her, she will be transferred to the lowest abandoned land to be a ridiculous City Lord, so no one takes her seriously."

"Chuxiaoyun, Chu family..." Qi Hongbo whispered to himself.

Ruan Jingxiu giggled and said, "Qi Shao doesn't know. Their Chu family has ceased to exist a hundred years ago. Where else is the Chu family?"

"And who is the man next to him?" Qi Hongbo then asked.

"Who knows! Chu Xiaoyun said that she respected an adult, but Qi Shao also saw that they didn't even have a boat. They crossed the void by their flesh, which is worthy of being called adults? " Ruan Jingxiu said sarcastically.

Hearing Ruan Jingxiu's words, Qi Hongbo's eyes gradually showed a look, slowly way.

"Very well, after the celebration, try to get this woman to my bed!"

Ruan Jingxiu trembled slightly, then lowered his sight and whispered, "yes!"

Qi Hongbo stretched out his hand, caressed Ruan Jingxiu's bright and clean cheek, and said faintly, "are you losing?"

"No No! "

"That's the best way. You should know your own position. As you are, you are only worthy to be my plaything!"

Ruan Jingxiu did not dare to say anything, so he lowered his head and remained silent.

Qi Hongbo went to the porthole of the boat and stood with his hands down, his face full of pride.

As the only direct descendant of Skyfire, he enjoyed the best treatment since he was born.

From small to large, as long as he wants, there is nothing he can't get.

And he did not live up to expectations, but in a hundred years, he had been promoted to banbudaro and became a strong monarch.

This has made his future extremely bright, and the next generation of the sky fire god family must belong to him, and even is expected to become a real big man in the divine world.

This time, he was sent to Tianzhao to participate in the birthday of the curse goddess, which was the first time that he publicly attended a large-scale event as the little Lord of Tianhuo.

If there is no accident, there will be more and more such activities in the future.

This naturally makes Qi Hongbo confident and energetic.

In contrast, a mere Ruan Jingxiu is just a condiment on this trip, which is not enough to care about.

But the woman I just saw was interesting.

When he thought of Chu Xiaoyun's graceful figure like a beautiful snake, he could not help but gradually heavy up his breath, and then said in a cold voice: "kneel down and climb over!"

Ruan Jingxiu, who had a gloomy face, was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he bit his lips and slowly bent down. He knelt down in humiliation and crawled over.

"Is this the Heavenly Kingdom?" After another day of crossing, Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun finally crossed the barriers and appeared on a high mountain.

Xue an looked around, but saw mountains surrounded by huge trees.

And the aura in the air is full-bodied to show a trace of white fog.

Even the space is much more solid.

Xue an understood that this is because the law of heaven in this world is more powerful than the general world, and the upper limit of strength is much higher than that of the general world, so that the space here is consolidated.

"Yes, my Lord. This is where the heavenly kingdom lies." Chu Xiaoyun looks around, and then looks to the northwest.

"My Lord, the real curse city is in this position!"

"Good! Let's go

This realm is indeed worthy of the word "divine realm". Its territory is so vast that it surpasses all the worlds that Xue an had traversed before.

Even at xue'an's speed, it took more than half an hour to fly out of the mountains.

According to Qu Zhi's calculation, the mountains are at least tens of thousands of miles wide.

When the shadow of the city finally appeared, Chu Xiaoyun said in a deep voice: "my Lord, this is the territory of the curse goddess! Those cities are all believers in her religion

Xue an looked down at the city after city passing by. He found that although these cities were very beautiful and huge, they were cold and clean, and there was no trace of human fireworks.

And the residents in the city are muddleheaded, like puppets, without the slightest aura of humanity.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and then his eyes showed anger.

Chu Xiaoyun sighed slightly.

"My Lord, these people you see are the existence of slaves of faith called by the cursed goddess!""And the curse goddess, in order to speed up the accumulation of the power of faith, so as to improve her own divinity level, she did everything possible!"

"The reason why these people look like puppet puppets is that the goddess of curse has put shackles on each of their spirits, making them have no other desires. There is only one thought left in their mind, that is, believing in the goddess of curse!"

"The curse goddess once said that the purpose of these people's existence is only one, that is to provide them with pure power of faith, so they should not have any other ideas!"

Xue an was silent. After a while, he said in a cold voice: "looking for death!"

After another quarter of an hour, the city became more and more dense, but the situation was similar.


In the distance the sky suddenly appeared a brilliant city of sky.

The city was built on a flat Hill suspended in the air.

At this moment, at dusk in this world, a huge light wheel which is dozens of times bigger than the sun is slowly sinking to the West.

The golden light from the back of the city makes the city full of supreme majesty.

People with weaker strength may kneel down and worship after seeing the city.

In fact, there are a lot of people on the ground who are walking on their knees step by step.

"That is the city that the goddess of curse conjures up with her divine power. As long as the mortals who witness this scene will be infinitely devout, and as a result, countless people have died on the pilgrimage road!" Chu Xiaoyun sighed softly.

Xue an quietly looked at the city, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a cold smile.

At the moment, Xue an and his party were not alone in the sky. They saw the glory of a strong man passing through the sky and flying to the city.

Xue an astringed his eyes and said, "let's go! Let's see how the good play starts! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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