At the moment, the city of curse is full of people and lively.

The powerful people from all over the world gather here. Anyone walking on the street may be the ancestor of a noble family!

In this case, when Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun stepped into the city, they did not attract any attention.

This cursed city is obviously different from the cities on the ground. There are all kinds of shops on the street.

There are many kinds of shops, such as medicine shops selling spirit grass and fairy medicine, weapons shops for magic weapons, and Fujia shops for armor with emblems.

There are even a lot of restaurants and restaurants in it, and the aroma from them is floating all over the street. Moreover, there are a lot of people in it. It is obvious that the business is very good.

This scene full of smoke and fire, let Xue an slightly surprised.

It seems that seeing the doubts in Xue an's heart, Chu Xiaoyun lowered her voice and explained: "my Lord, these shops are specially set up by the goddess of curse, in order to attract powerful people from all over the world to trade here, so that she can earn the Commission difference among them!"

Just as he said that, he saw two drunk men wrestling with each other in a wine shop. However, the brilliance of the two men was faint, and they were all gods condensed with divinity.

Chu Xiaoyun saw this, his face showed a disdain, "many people think that the gods are unattainable, but they do not know that the gods are in fact mortals with powerful power, even more intense than ordinary people's desire! For example, in this restaurant, when you reach a certain level of cultivation, you don't have to eat any more! "

"But how many people can really restrain their desires? These restaurants and restaurants try their best to collect rare food materials from all over the place, just to satisfy the appetite of these gods! "

Xue an smiles, "you seem to despise these guys?"

Chu Xiaoyun shook his head, "I don't look down on them, I look down on all the protoss now!"

"No matter what you are! If the protoss doesn't change, it will die out in the forest of all nations sooner or later

Xue an looked at Chu Xiaoyun in surprise.

It's really extraordinary to say this knowledge from a woman's mouth.

At this time, there are five days to go before the birthday of the goddess of curse. Because the scale of the celebration is unprecedented, so there are many visitors.

In order to entertain the strong people from all sides, the major disciples of the curse goddess gate collectively went out to arrange accommodation for each visitor.

When Chu Xiaoyun and Xue an came to a settlement, several female disciples who were busy just got free.

After seeing Chu Xiaoyun, these female disciples can't help but be one Leng.

"Chu Chuxiaoyun? " A female disciple said with consternation.

As soon as the words were spoken, the female disciple realized that the address was wrong, but she did not hurry to change her way: "elder martial sister Chu, you are back!"

Chu Xiaoyun also seems to have not noticed these, and nodded slightly, "this is an adult who comes to attend the master's birthday. Please prepare a place to stay."

"Oh Good The female disciple looked at Xue an, took out the list and looked at it, "elder martial sister Chu, now there is a set of courtyard of c-brand, you see..."

Chu Xiaoyun face a cold, "you let me bring back the guests, to live in C room?"

There was a slight disdain in the eyes of the female disciple, and then she said in a tone: "elder martial sister Chu, it's not that I don't respect you and your guest. It's really that you came too late. There are no courtyards of a and B! If you don't want to, you can only wait a little longer. "

Chu Xiaoyun was furious. She was not a fool. Of course, she could hear the perfunctory words of the female student in charge of dispatching houses.

But when she was ready to attack, Xue an said faintly: "C-type is C-type! There is no need to argue about these trifles! "

Chuxiaoyun heard the speech and calmed down his anger. He bowed his head and said, "yes!"

The female student's face showed a touch of satisfaction, and then took out a wooden card.

"Elder martial sister Chu, you are familiar with the city, so we don't need to send it. You can take the room card yourself."

Chu Xiaoyun's face was as cold as ice. Knowing that there was no point in arguing again, he took the room card and left.

But as soon as they stepped out of the room, they heard a burst of laughter from behind.

Chu Xiaoyun was furious.

You know, although she could only be regarded as a marginal person under the curse goddess before, she was also a senior sister.

Apart from the fact that disciples like Ruan Jingxiu are qualified to disdain her, such as today's ordinary disciples still have to be respectful when they see her.

But I didn't expect that even such ordinary disciples would dare to put on airs to her when she came back this time.

This naturally makes Chu Xiaoyun full of anger.

At this time, Xue an said faintly, "do you want to revenge completely, or are you going to fight for these trivial things?"This is like a heavy hammer, let Chu Xiaoyun wake up in an instant, full of anger is like ice and snow melt away.

Xue an and Chu Xiaoyun are gone.

The female students in the room began to talk.

"Ha ha, this Chu Xiaoyun really thinks he is the elder martial sister? She was valued by the master before, so we were afraid of her. Now she has been exiled to the abandoned place. She still wants to put on the airs of elder martial sister. She really doesn't know the height of her brow! " The female disciple in charge of handling the matter sneered.

"Well, who is that man?" Said a female disciple.

"Didn't you hear that? That's a noble adult invited by Chu Xiaoyun himself Another female disciple said.

This caused a burst of laughter from several people.

"This young man is a little self-conscious, but as a man, he dare not say hard words, and dare to call himself an adult? How ridiculous The female disciple sneered.

"Ha ha, I think Chu Xiaoyun is in bad luck again this time! It may even take your life! "

"Oh? Why do you say that? "

"Because I can hear that master's breakthrough is imminent, so this holy birthday will be so grand! You think, the reason why Chu Xiaoyun can live to the present is because the master wants to get her talent and blood! Once the master breaks through, she will have no use value. With the master's temper, she will surely die. "

People in the room could not help but realize.

"No wonder! That makes sense! "

"Haha, what can I do when I see Chu Xiaoyun?"

Just when they were talking about it.

After listening to the sound of disorderly steps outside the door, Qi Hongbo, the young leader of the sky fire god clan, and Ruan Jingxiu came in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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