Yucuige is the most luxurious restaurant in the city of curse. It is hundreds of feet high. It is divided into 33 floors. Each floor has its own hole. What can be consumed here is Tianjiao, a strong man whose identity and cultivation are indispensable.

Moreover, I heard that the boss of the jade food pavilion was the most favorite disciple of the goddess of curse, and Pu yanru, known as the small town master.

So the status is more detached.

The lights are on.

The Yucai Pavilion, which was usually bustling at this time, has become very quiet today.

The chief steward of Yuchai Pavilion stood at the door with his staff.

No matter what the status and cultivation of the strong, those who come to eat and consume are politely but firmly refused before they enter the door.

Although most people are dissatisfied, they can see from the current situation that there must be a rich family named Tianjiao, so they have to leave bitterly.

But there are still many people who think that Yuchai Pavilion does not give their face, so they begin to question with arrogance.

"What? Not even me? Are you guys blind and don't even know me? " A gorgeous and powerful man asked in a cold voice.

"Young master Yue, of course we know you, but today it's really a special matter. It's ordered that no one should enter. So I'm really sorry!" The chief executive bowed himself slightly and said very sincerely.

"Idlers? Even I am idle? " Hearing this, Yue Da Shao was even more furious. He was about to walk inside.

The chief official stepped forward gently and blocked the way. Then he respectfully said, "young master Yue, although it's a little ugly, you can't really enter the room, because the identity of the person who is responsible for the Yucai Pavilion is very special."

"Get out of here. I want to see who the big man is today. He has such a great style that he doesn't even give the face of my young master Yue!"

The young master Yue said that he was about to walk in.

There was a look on the face of the chief executive.

Because this young master Yue is a descendant of a high God in Tianzhao divine region. He often came to this cursed city to have fun in the past, and he was not easy to offend him.

But at this time, a streamer flew to the front of the Yucai Pavilion. After standing still, she was a gorgeous woman with exposed clothes and enchanting body.

As soon as the woman appeared, all the people around her were quiet.

Then she saw her eyes flow, a pair of eyes around her, and then gently cover her mouth, a smile of all kinds of amorous feelings, and then walk to the jade food pavilion.

Originally blocked in front of the door of the big steward and other people have given way to the road, standing on both sides.

Yue Dashao, who had just been full of arrogance, stood still on the spot, watching the woman enter the jade food pavilion.

It was not until her figure had disappeared that Yue Da Shao had a cold war with Lingling. Then he swallowed his mouth and trembled.

"This Is this the guest of the evening

The chief executive sighed and nodded, "Yue Dashao, this is just one of them. There will be a few more to come later, and the diner..."

As he said this, the chief executive came forward and leaned over Yue Dashao's ear and said something.

Hearing the speech, the young Yue turned pale. Then he took a deep breath and turned around. He left without looking back.

Because he knows very well that although his identity looks very noble, compared with these people who are here tonight, the gap is just like cloud mud.

For example, the woman who just arrived at the scene looked sexy and enchanting, but actually she was Zhong An'an, the Xuannu of the famous Taiyin deity among the younger generation.

Such existence is not something he can look up to.

When Zhong An'an walked up to the top of the Yucai Pavilion, before he took his seat, he saw Guanghua Road, and another man came to the scene.

This is a man who exudes evil spirits all over his body. His face is like white paper. At first glance, he looks like a ghost.

When he saw Zhong An'an, the man began to laugh bitterly. "It seems that we both came a little earlier. While there is no one here, how about practicing happiness?"

When Zhong An'an heard the speech, he was laughing wildly, but his eyes were cold as ice, "Ji haoqiong, Ji Da Shao, after so many years, you still haven't changed! It's OK to practice, but aren't you afraid to be sucked dry and squeezed by me? "

If there are other people present, it is estimated that they will cry out.

Because it was Ji haoqiong, the young monarch of the five religions.

After hearing this, Ji haoqiong stretched out his tongue like a snake's letter and licked his cracked lips. "If you don't try, how can you know who is squeezing out who?"

Zhong An's smile is becoming more and more restrained.

We should know that Tianjiao, the Xuannu of the Taiyin deity, although she behaves extremely wantonly, a little Xuanyin is absolutely unbreakable. Otherwise, she will reverse the body of Xuanyin and cause great damage to her cultivation.

So she was upset.

At this time, I heard a burst of laughter, and several people came together.

All of them were Tianjiao, a powerful family guarding one side. They were familiar with each other, so they covered up the matter temporarily.The hall becomes lively, these Tianjiao true biographies are full of high spirited and eloquent.

At this time, a man in white unfolded the paper fan in his hand and said with a light smile, "I don't know if we're invited to this party this time, but why?"

"Little white head, you are the ink, have a party and why? Qi Shao has been practicing at home all the time. This time, he is not easy to come out. Naturally, he wants to relax, so he wants to get together with us. " A man with a bronze complexion said with a smile.

"Tut Tut, it's said that Qi Shao's female disciple invited by the goddess of curse has been nearly disabled by Qi Shao. Do you know?" Someone said with a smile.

Mention this, these men's eyes are a bright, only the man in white turned to look at Zhong An'an.

"Miss Zhong..."

Zhong An Qiao smile Qian Xi, "you don't have to worry about me, chat casually! It's funny to me! "

"That's right. Can Xuannu's sister still be indifferent to these things?" The big man grinned.

There was a roar of laughter.

Just at this time, listen to a voice light way: "say what matter, incredibly so happy?"

With the voice, we can see that in the night sky outside the window, there is a group of people stepping on the moon and entering the room in an instant.

The leader is Qi Hongbo, the leader of Tianhuo.

At the dinner, everyone got up.

"See you, Qi Shao!"

"I've met the master of Qi Shao!"

Qi Hongbo nodded with indifference on his face. "I'm late. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

In terms of identity cultivation, Qi Hongbo is the first and foremost existence among all the audience, so they all laugh.

"Thank you very much

Only Ji haoqiong did not say a word. After seeing Ruan Jingxiu beside Qi Hongbo, his eyes lit up slightly and said astringently.

"Qi Shao, this woman is..."

Qi Hongbo nodded, "why, Ji Shao is interested? I don't think the goddess will argue with the Wutong cult because of a female disciple

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